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Store Pickup: Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify

Updated 29 October 2024

If you are running an online store, isn’t it a great idea to provide a streamlined pick up process to your customers so that they can pick up their orders on their own and avoid shipping rates.

Also, the Store Owner will steer clear of trouble in managing Returns & Exchanges.

Considering these traits, Webkul is here with a new feature app called Store Pick up.

Using the Multivendor Marketplace Store Pick-up feature app, the admin can allow his sellers to provide an order pickup option to the customers.

Thus, customers can pick up their orders from the seller’s store and get rid of the shipping rates.

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Once the admin activates this feature on his/her end, the seller can enable the store pickup option which will be applicable to all the products of that seller.

Seller will provide his store address as the “Store Pickup Address”.

This feature app is at the monthly charge of $10 USD per month in addition to your current Multivendor plan.

Important Note:- In order to make this feature work please make sure that you are using the Shipping feature of the Multivendor app.

Additional Features

  • Admin can allow his sellers to provide order pick-up option to the customers.
  • Once the admin enables this feature, the seller will get an option to configure store pickup details.
  • You can allow your sellers to provide both pick-up and delivery option to the customers.
  • The store pickup option will be shown to the customers on the product description page.
  • Sellers can add their store address as the “Store Pick-up Address”.
  • Your Sellers can configure the labels on their own.
  • You can allow customers to avoid shipping rates through this app.
  • Admin can minimize the return and exchange of orders.
  • You can provide a profitable shopping experience for your customers.
  • Multi-location+Store Pickup option available.
  • Store Pickup feature app is now compatible with the Postcode shipping feature app.

How to Activate?

In order to make this feature app work on your Marketplace, first, you need to enable this feature from the “Featured Apps” section.


Visit the Feature Apps section and scroll to the bottom to get the Store Pickup feature app.

store pickup

Click the “Enable” button to activate this feature app.

Once you find this feature app, click on the Enable button to proceed. Now, you need to agree with the charge of $10 per month for this feature app.

Approve Charges

Once you agree with this charge proceed further to approve the charge and finally get this feature app activated on your marketplace.

In this way, you can enable this featured app. Let’s see how to configure the app.

Admin Panel

Once you activate this featured app on your store, a new menu gets added to the Configuration.
Multi-vendor Admin panel>>Go to Configurations>>Click “Store Pickup Configuration” menu.


Here, you can enable the pickup option and configure the label that will be visible to all the sellers on their respective seller panels.

Also, enable the tab to show the store pickup location name to the customers.


The settings configured here will appear by default to all the registered sellers while adding the store pickup option.

Notification Email After Capture Payment

In case you want to let customers notified via email for pickup products after the payment is captured for the paid orders,

You can enable this option in the Store Pickup Configuration.


Once the Store Pickup feature app is enabled, a ” Store Pickup” Column will be visible on the Sellers >> Locations page.


Seller End Configuration

The sellers will get the option to enable the Store Pick up from their seller panel.

For this, the seller needs to visit the Configuration section of the seller panel where they can configure the store pickup details.

Take a glance at the procedure:

Visit Multivendor Seller Panel>>Go to the Configuration menu>>Get the Store Pickup Configuration from drop-down menu>>Configure the details>>Save.

Enable store pick-up

The seller can create multiple store pickup locations.


Location created.


The seller can edit, disable, delete the locations added. Moreover, they can add more locations. Go to Seller End>>Configurations>>Locations.


Now, once the seller visits the Store Pickup Configuration section, he/she can enable the Store Pickup button to make it visible for the customers on the frontend of every product page.

Once the seller enables the Store Pickup tab, he/she can select whether he/she wants to enable this feature on all products or on some specific products of his/her store.

Now, there will be two options and the seller will choose either (Delivery + Store Pickup) or Only Store Pickup option to display for the customers on the product page.

The seller can also select a default option for the customers either Store Pickup or Delivery.

NOTE: If the seller/admin enables the “USE LOCATION FOR PRODUCT” option,

And disable store pickup for a particular location from the Locations section, inventory management will still be applicable for that location.

Store pick up
  • In case the seller wants to enable the store pickup option for all the products, the store pickup option will be available for all the products.
  • If the seller wants to set the store pickup option on some specific products then, he can simply choose the option as “Specific Product” from the drop-down menu.
store pickup-specific products

While adding/editing products

Once the seller selects the “Specific Product” option, he/she will get the option to choose (Delivery + Store Pick-up) or Only Store Pick-up or Only Delivery while adding or editing any product.

Thus, the seller can set different options for his/her customers on each product.

choose store pickup option
Seller AddressLabel Configuration

Moreover, sellers can configure the labels within the app.

Now once the seller configures the store pickup details on his/her panel, admin now needs to make this functionality visible on the frontend on every product page.

This can be possible only when the admin will configure the settings on his/her panel.

Configure FrontEnd

In order to show the store pickup option on product description page, admin needs to paste the given code into its respective template file.


To do this, admin needs to visit the “Instruction for Marketplace” section of the multivendor app.

Code Pasting

Here in this section, you can scroll down to get the code and paste it into its respective template file as suggested.

To display the store pickup option on product page, You can copy the below given code and paste it into product.liquid (or product-template, if exist):

<div id="wk_store_pickup_div" data-productid="{{ }}"></div>

Once you pasted the code, your customers can get the store pickup options on frontend.

Let’s see how it will be visible on frontend.

Visibility on Front End

By default, there will be two options visible to the customers on frontend if the seller has not selected the pickup option as “Store Pick-up Only”.

If the customer selects the “Delivery” option, by default the same order process will be applied as per the marketplace app (i.e. Shipping is applied as per the rule).

Coffee Mug
Front end

But if the customer selects the option as “Store Pick-up”, there will not be any Shipping applied on that product i.e. there will be Free Shipping.

And the customer can visit the seller’s store on the given Store Pickup address to collect the ordered product.

If the seller has set the option as “Store Pick-up Only” on his/her panel then the frontend view will be like this as shown in below screenshot.

Now Once the order is placed by the customer and the customer has selected the option to pick up the order then both admin and seller can view the details in Order Listing section of their panel.

Admin Panel

Admin end

Seller Panel

Order Listing

In this way, you can provide the option to pickup the ordered product to your customers using this feature app.

This is all about the Store Pickup feature of the Multivendor Marketplace app for Shopify.

Allow Store Pick Up on Cart


The Split Cart feature app is now compatible with the Store Pickup feature app.

You can use this feature with the split cart. This means that you can now display the store pickup & delivery option on the cart page(split vendor-wise).

Just enable the Store Pickup on cart and let customers choose an address to pick up the item on the cart page.


MARK:- In case you enable this option “Allow Store Pickup on Cart” for your sellers, your sellers need to configure the store pickup option for “ALL PRODUCTS” 

from the Split cart configuration menu of their seller panel as shown in the below screenshot:

all products

Once you enable this feature for the first time, you will be asked to back up your files to avoid any data loss.


Note:- Make sure both the feature apps (Store Pickup & Split Cart) are enabled.

Front End: Cart Page


Thus, the inventory will be managed from the selected location.

In case the quantity is not available on the customer’s selected location then, he/she will not be able to proceed to checkout. And this will show an error something like this:


This is all about the Split Cart+ Store Pickup feature.


Store Pick Up & Address Detail for Customer

As the sellers can see the Store Pick up status & address details on their order detail page, the customers can also view the status & store pick up address on their respective “My Account” section.

To make this option visible for the customers, you need to visit the Instruction for Marketplace section of the app and get the codes.

Adding codes

Copy the codes from their & add them to their respective template files (here: customer/order.liquid )

My Account

The Get Direction arrow will redirect the customer to the Google Map to view the store pick up location.

Google Map

This way, the customer can check the direction of the store pickup location.

Store Pickup Compatible with Hyperlocal Marketplace

The Hyperlocal Marketplace feature app allows you to restrict the seller’s service area to a particular geographical reason.

Now, the customers will get the location based on the address & radius configured by the sellers.

With the Store Pickup & Hyperlocal feature app integration, you can allow sellers to use various inventory locations to let customers pick up their orders.

The seller can now manage multiple shops from the same account with several inventory locations.

The seller will add multiple store pickup addresses with a delivery radius for each shop location. Thus, customers will choose the location to pick up the order.

Note:- Product Inventory of existing products will be transferred to the first pickup location. In case you add new products, inventory will be managed on store pickup location.

The seller needs to enable the option from the “Store Pickup Configuration” menu of the app.


Once the seller enables this option, he/she will be able to add locations based with Google Map.


Now, the customers will have the option to search the location via hyperlocal to pickup the order.

front end

Seller’s location:

location search

Customer will select a location for store pickup:

customer end

Filter Option on Seller Listing Page

The customers can now filter the sellers based of the store pickup service provided by them.

In the seller listing page, the customer can filter if a seller is offering store pickup+delivery of their products or only the store pickup option.


Display Location Name

You can now choose whether you want to show the name of the store pickup location name on the cart page as well as on the order detail page or not.

Once you enable this option, the location name will be visible to the customers on the cart page while placing an order.

Additionally, the same will be visible to the seller on the order detail page.

To activate this feature, you need to enable this option from the “Store Pickup Configuration” menu of the app.

display location

This is how it appears on the cart page and is visible to the customers while placing an order.

cart page

Both you can your sellers can view the location details from the order detail section of their respective panels.

order detail

Store Pick up with Multiple Shipping

In case you are using the Multiple Shipping feature, you can allow sellers to add more than 1 shipping option for a product.

Thus, the customers can choose shipping rates on the product page or cart page in case the “Delivery” option configured with the Store Pickup Feature App.


With this option, you can add multiple shipping methods in the app and select more than one shipping method for a product.


Now, while selecting the delivery option on the product page, the customer will select a shipping method and choose the shipping charge that he/she is willing to pay.


Clicking the Calculate button and get the shipping charges to choose from.


Moreover, you can display the shipping methods on the checkout page as shown in the below screenshot.


Compatibility with “Product auction app”:

Now, the store pickup app is compatible with product auction app for shopify.

This will allow customers to choose their delivery preference while placing bid if the seller has applied storepickup on their products.


Demo Details

Follow the below links and credentials to use the demo of the Multivendor Marketplace-Store Pickup Feature app:

Need Help?

Furthermore, if you have any questions/issues or need any kind of support then please raise a ticket at or drop a mail at [email protected].

Thank You for reading this blog!

. . .

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