Multi-Vendor Marketplace for Shopify is here with another feature app called Hyperlocal Marketplace.
Defining Hyperlocal Marketplace:
In a hyperlocal marketplace, the merchant can restrict their service area to a particular geographical region. Since the hyperlocal ecosystem is based on the ‘near me’ concept, this makes the delivery of services/goods in a very short span of time.
The hyperlocal marketplace uses the geographical location detector for detecting the current location of the customer. It further scans the nearest registered service providers (vendors). Therefore, making the services a faster solution in terms of delivery! Know More.
Enable the following app by visiting:
- Multi-Vendor Admin Panel
- From the Dashboard, hover over the three dots on the top-right of the page
- Click on Feature Apps
- Search for ‘Hyperlocal Marketplace‘ & click on ‘Enable‘
- After accepting the charges, you’ll be good to configure the app!
The video tutorials is available now please check below:
Configuration: Admin Panel
The admin needs to configure the app by visiting:
- Multi-Vendor Admin Panel
- From the dashboard, go to Configuration
- Click on Hyperlocal Configuration from the drop-down menus.
On the following page, you’ll find these options:
You can change the following details as per your need:
- Tagline 1
- Tagline 2
- Search Placeholder Text
- Button Text for ‘Searching Results’
(Refer to the frontend image given above to get a reference for the following taglines.)
Furthermore, add the Google Map Access Token. You’ll find instructions for this on the same page.
Important Note: The API key must be activated before using it on the app.
Once the Hyperlocal feature app is enabled, a “Hyperlocal” column will be visible on the Sellers >> Locations page.
Instruction to get Google Map Access Token:
To get an API key:
To get step-by-step instructions with images, visit: How to get Google API Key
- Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
- Click the project drop-down and select or create the project for which you want to add an API key.
- Click the menu button and select APIs & Services > Credentials.
- On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key.
The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. - Click Close.
The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.
(Remember to restrict the API key before using it in production.)
Steps to restriction:
- Visit the Credentials page, click on the created API key.
- Now, under the heading Application restrictions, select HTTP referrers (websites).
- Furthermore, under Website restrictions, click on Add an item & add the following referrers:
- Your ‘myshopify’ domain. Example:*
- Your custom Shopify domain, if any. Example:*
- Lastly,*
NOTE: It is mandatory to use a wildcard asterisk (*) at the end of each URL as shown in the above example URLs.
Next, you’ll have the option to upload a Background Banner.
(Refer to the frontend image given above to get a reference for the following Background Banner.)
Lastly, you can customize the labels of the ‘Nearby Service’ section page.
NOTE: The number of sellers available at your location will be replaced by the #COUNT#.
Hyperlocal Global Selling
The admin can choose whether he wants his sellers to sell their products without location restriction or not.
For this, enable the following tab under Hyperlocal Configuration:
Once enabled, the sellers will get this option under their account configuration. Sellers can enable this and sell globally. Note that those sellers who have opted this options doesn’t need to enter their location or delivery radius.
Important Point: The global sellers will appear on every search result on the storefront. Moreover, they will be listed after the sellers with defined locations.
Redirect to Seller Listing Page
The admin can choose whether he wants his customers to redirect to the seller listing page after searching results for their location or to the by-default home search result page.
Code-Pasting: Admin Panel
For displaying the app’s related widgets on the storefront, the admin needs paste some codes. Find the codes by visiting:
- Multi-Vendor Admin Panel
- From the dashboard, go to Configuration
- Click on Instructions for Marketplace from the drop-down menus.
On the following page, under the heading HYPERLOCAL MARKETPLACE, you’ll have three different codes that need to be pasted in their individual template files. All the instructions regarding code pasting will be given on the same page.
You can also check out the following documentation: Instructions for Hyperlocal Marketplace.
If you are having trouble while updating the codes, let us know by emailing at [email protected] or creating a ticket for the same at Webkul UV Desk. We’ll do it for you!
Vendor Location
The next important aspect that comes under the Hyperlocal Marketplace concept is the Vendor Location.
Each vendor needs to update his location as well as the range for his delivery service. Mind that, in Multivendor Marketplace, the admin can also configure/edit the following details from his panel.
Vendor Location Update from Admin Panel:
If the admin wants to update the Vendor’s Location, he needs to visit:
- Multi-Vendor Admin Panel
- From the Dashboard, go to Sellers > Seller Listing
- Edit the seller whose location you want to modify by click on the three dots under Action Menu > Edit
On this page, under the heading Hyperlocal Configuration, the admin can Enable or Disable the location.
To modify the address, click on View On Map. A pop-up will open where you can change the Address, Lattitude & Longitudes. Moreover, Maximum Delivery Distance can also be updated.
(Maximum Delivery Distance limit is 200 km)
Multiple Locations
A seller can have multiple locations. The admin can add multiple locations for the sellers. For that, the admin needs to visit Multivendor Admin Panel > Sellers > Locations > Add Location:
Next, the admin can add location:
Vendor Location Update from Seller Panel:
Similarly, the sellers can also update their service location & Maximum delivery Distance by visiting:
- Multi-Vendor Seller Panel
- From the Dashboard, go to Profile > My Account
On this page, the seller can change the status of the location as Enable or Disable.
Likewise, to modify the address, click on View On Map. A pop-up will open where you can change the Address, Lattitude & Longitudes + Maximum Delivery Distance.
(Maximum Delivery Distance limit is 200 km)
This was all regarding the backend settings.
Frontend: Hyperlocal Marketplace
As soon as the customer visits the storefront, he will be asked to enter the delivery location. He can also continue by using the current location Refer:
Once the customer clicks on ‘Find Food’, all the sellers delivering in that particular location will be listed like so:
Further, customers can click on any seller they want which will take them to the seller’s profile. All the products they are selling will be listed there & orders can be placed by adding the products to the cart!
Clicking on the ‘Direction’ button under the seller profile will give you the distance between your location & the seller’s location. Refer:
Your seller profile page will also be filtered according to the location.
In case the customer doesn’t enter any location or no seller is available at the location entered by the customer:
The ‘Add to Cart‘ & ‘Buy Now‘ button on the product description page will get automatically disabled.
The unavailable products will be highlighted in the collection section. Refer:
Hyperlocal with Multiple Shipping
In case you are using the Multiple Shipping feature then you will have the following two options while adding shipping methods:
- Radius Restriction: To restrict the radius for the shipping method.
- Datepicker: If you want your customer to add a date on the product page.
When you restrict the radius & enable the datepicker:
If you disable the date picker, it will not display. Also, in case you didn’t restrict the radius, it will show global shipping methods:
Search Bar Compatibility with Hyperlocal Feature using Multiple Shipping
By default, when a customer lands on your website & enters his/her location, filtered sellers will be listed based on the geolocation. But if you want to restrict the customer’s Shopify search for products based on the same radius, you can use this feature.
To make the Shopify search bar compatible with hyperlocal, you need to use the Multiple Shipping feature. Further, under Hyperlocal Configuration, enable this option:
Note: You need to add a code which you will get under Instructions for Marketplace section:
In case you are using Shopify Online Store 2.0, follow the detailed user guide & follow instructions to add the codes:
Now, when you will add/edit product, you will get the following shipping options to choose from:
- Hyperlocal- Global Shipping: In the case of this, when a search is made, products that are available globally will be listed.
- Hyperlocal- Local Shipping: In this case, when a search is made, products with restricted shipping in regards to the location entered by the customer will be displayed. Only products under that range will be displayed.
This is how the frontend product search bar will look like:
This is how the search results will look like:
Want To Filter Products Instead Of Sellers?
As we have been receiving multiple requests from merchants for filtering products instead of sellers on the basis of geolocation of the customer. So,this most awaited feature is now live in the app.
All you have to do is, Simply Visit the “Hyperlocal Configuration” from Admin portal of Multivendor app & Select “Product Listing” instead of “Seller Listing”.
Refer to the below screenshots:
Now, Select “Product Listing” from “Select Listing Type” & Save the configuration:
After that, On frontend, The products will starts filtering instead of sellers based on customer’s location.
Frontend View:
Filter products using various filters:
Now, the customers can filter the products using various filters i.e, filter by vendor, category, product type, and product tag.
Also, if you are using the “store pickup” or “Seller time-slot management” feature app on your marketplace, customers can filter the products as per store pickup availability and open or closed store.
Even, the customer can now search and sort product on the basis of distance and price.
After the customer has entered his location, a page will appear in which there will be four following sorting options under dropdown named “sort by”
1. Nearest first – If the customer selects this option from the dropdown, then the customer will see the products list which is nearest to his location.
2. Farest first – If the customer selects this option from the dropdown, then the customer will see the products list which is farest to his location.
3. Price (lower first)- If the customer selects this option from the dropdown, then the customer will see the products list in which first lower price products will be shown then the higher price product.
4. Price (higher first) – If the customer selects this option from the dropdown, then the customer will see the products list in which first higher price products will be shown then the lower priced products.
Now, you can implement the changes done in the hyperlocal configuration to the specific theme as earlier all the configurational changes were used to populate to the live theme only.
Please note: You will only be able to see the changes if required hyperlocal codes are pasted in the selected theme.
Note :-
As per our latest update, for Multivendor API addon, we have added three new APIs for the hyperlocal marketplace i.e. seller-near-me API – Get sellers by latitude and longitude witihin their range, product-near-me API – Get products by latitude and longitude witihin their range and location detail API – Get hyperlocal location details by location id .
You can find this API detail in our Multivendor API listing
Need Help?
Meanwhile, you can drop your query/suggestion at [email protected] or create your ticket at Webkul UV Desk
Greetings from Webkul!
Currently, the Hyperlocal add-on doesn’t have this functionality but you can check out this inbuilt feature: Delivery Days which will let you add delivery information for your marketplace products.
Refer to know more about this feature:
Mansi | Team Webkul
In case of any other issue, kindly put it under my consideration.
This feature will have an additional charge of USD 20 per month over & above your current Multivendor Marketplace plan.
In case of any other issue, kindly put it under my consideration. Thank you!
Do you have Hyperlocal for Bigcommerce?
Currently, Webkul has the hyperlocal extensions for Shopify, Magento, Odoo, PrestaShop, OpenCart, and WooCommerce to build your hyperlocal store with ease.
You can check out the available BigCommerce Extensions here.
In case of any other issue, kindly put it under my consideration.
Thank you!
We have replied you over the ticket (#168029), kindly get back to us there so that we can resolve your query.
Thank you!
I’ve made a seller test account for my shop to try this out, but when I want to add my location on the seller page id doesn’t let me make any changes and the “Enable” button is not there. It seems it only lets me do it from the admin panel. Is there something I’m missing?
Thank you!!
Both the admin & the seller can make changes to the location entered from their respective panels. We need to check the configuration at your end. Kindly can drop your query at [email protected] or create your ticket at Webkul UV Desk, the team will get back to you with a solution.
Thank you!
Currently, the scenario only works according to the range and not the zip code. In case you want to discuss more about it, you can drop your query/suggestion at [email protected] or create your ticket at Webkul UV Desk.
Thank you!
Is it possible to get a store locator like this without the limiting of people. We would work with shops as sellers and we were wondering if we could implement a store locator at the front. We would like to promote local shopping with it.
If you are looking to have a store locator on your Shopify storefront then please check out:
Locate Your Pickup Store App for Shopify
In case you have some other requirements, drop your query/suggestion at [email protected] or create your ticket at Webkul UV Desk.
Thank you!
In case of any issue, do let us know.