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Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify- SMTP Configuration

Updated 6 September 2024

so please head over to the provided link to get the updated blog:
Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify-SMTP Configuration (New Theme)

As we have updated the theme of our
Multi Vendor Marketplace app for Shopify,

With Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify, you would have converted to your Shopify Store to a fully functional  Marketplace.

Now, you can have all the emails sent from your end.

You can now have your own email in the “from” and “reply-to” section of the email sent to the sellers/vendors for the order notification, product approval etc.

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Admin/Store Owner need to have an account on any mail server like MailChimp, sendgrid etc.

SMTP Setting

You need to set up the SMTP in the app. Open “Mail SMTP Setting” menu in the multivendor app to manage the same.

for Shopify

This way you can configure and manage the emails to be sent to the sellers/vendors.

Now the “from”, “reply-to”, “from name” sections in all the emails will be as per your requirement.

Once you have filled in the details, you can test the same by sending the test mail once you have filled in the information.

SMTP Configuration Demo

Find the below link to use the demo of the Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify:


For any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket at and for any doubt contact us at [email protected]

. . .

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