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Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi-Warehouse Extension

Updated 29 May 2020


Managing Multiple Warehouses helps in widening inventory grasp which allows you to manage and fulfill customer orders faster by cutting down on shipping time. Having Multiple Warehouse also spreads out the risk. If one warehouse becomes inefficient then, the inventory can be managed from other possible warehouses. Managing Multiple warehouses also helps in saving money by reducing shipping distance and also make the availability of products to more locations.

If you are managing multiple warehouses in Odoo and managing your store with Prestashop. If you have already integrated your Prestashop store with Odoo with the help of Prestashop Odoo Bridge and managing stock from Multiple Warehouses. Hence, if you want to update the sum of stock of all Odoo warehouses to Prestashop. Then Webkul offers Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi-Warehouse Extension.


1:- Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi-Warehouse Extension facilitates the management of stock updates from Odoo to Prestashop from a specific warehouse or the stock sum of all Odoo warehouses.


After downloading from the link, you will get a file which consists of a module named ‘pob_multi_warehouse’. The ‘pob_multi_warehouse’ module needs to be installed at Odoo end and it supports basic installation procedure.

Place the Module inside Odoo Addons which are available in the ‘Odoo Module’ folder.

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Now, open the Odoo and click on the setting menu. Here, click on the ‘Activate the Developer Mode’. Also, one can activate the developer mode by typing ‘Debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL.

Then, open on the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Apps List’. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi-Warehouse Extension’. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


After the successful installation of the module, the configuration of the module needs to be done for using a specific warehouse or all warehouses for stock updates from Odoo to Prestashop.

To configure the module, Navigate to ‘Ecomm Odoo Bridge’ and then select ‘Connection Instance’. You will find the addition of a new tab ‘POB Multi Warehouse’ and Select ‘POB Multi Warehouse’ to select the settings accordingly.

1:- Select ‘ALL’ in  ‘Odoo’s warehouse used with POB’ to update the sum of stock of all Odoo warehouses from Odoo to Prestashop.

Configuration setting at Odoo end to update the sum of stock from all warehouses in Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi-Warehouse Extension

2:- Firstly, select ‘SPECIFIC’ in ‘Odoo`s Warehouse(s) used with POB’ field if you want the stock update from a specific warehouse from Odoo to Prestashop. In the case of Specific warehouse selection, you also need to select the specific warehouse in the ‘Select Warehouse’ tab.

Configuration setting to update the stock from Specific Warehouse in Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi-Warehouse Extension

Also Read The User Guides For The Other Modules

POB: Stock Handling

Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi Language

Need help?

Hope you find the guide for helpful! Feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

However, If you have any issues/queries regarding the module, please raise a ticket at

For any doubt contact us at [email protected]

Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - Prestashop V 1.5.x.x,​ 1.6.x.x,​ 1.7.x.x & Odoo V8 , V9, V10, V11, V12, V13

. . .

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