This guide describes the configuration and workflow for Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi Language. To know how to set up the configurations of Odoo and Prestashop, please refer to the User Guide for Prestashop Odoo Bridge.
Managing Products in different languages on a website helps the Seller to cater to the customers of different languages. Customers tend to be more comfortable with the brands that offer information about the product in their language. Getting product information in their language helps the customers to understand the product in a better way which in turn increases the sales of the company.
If you are already managing Odoo and Prestashop in multiple languages and already using ‘Prestashop Odoo Bridge’ and want to export Product between Odoo and Prestashop in multiple languages. Then, Webkul offers you ‘Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi Langauge’.
1:- ‘Prestashop Multi-Language Support POB’ allows bidirectionally Sync translations of products in Odoo as well as in Prestashop.
Note:- The category translation is only available till Odoo v12. In Odoo v13, the category name field is no more translated.
After downloading, you will get a zip file consisting of two modules. The one with the name “pob-extension-mulitlang” will be installed at Odoo end and the other will be a zip file named “prestaerpmultilang” which is the Prestashop Module and needs to be installed at Prestashop end.
Installation at Prestashop end.
Go to menu ‘modules’ and click on ‘add module’, upload the zip file of “prestaerpmultilang” module and install it.
Installation at Odoo end.
Place the Module inside Odoo Addons which are available in ‘Odoo Module’ folder.
Now, open the odoo and click on the setting menu. Here, click on the ‘Activate the Developer Mode ‘. One can also activate the developer mode by typing ‘Debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL.
Then, open on Apps menu and click on ‘Update Apps List’. In the search bar, remove all the filter and search ‘Prestashop Multi Language Support POB’. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
1:- Language Mapping at Odoo end
Go to the ‘Ecomm Odoo Bridge’ and then navigate to the ‘Language Mapping’ under the ‘Mapping tab’.

2:- Language Mapping at Prestashop end
To view the language mapping at Prestashop end. Open ‘Odoo Mapping’ and then select ‘Language’.

3:- Product Translation
Product translation from Prestashop end.
After the installation of ‘Prestashop Multi Language Support POB’, you will find an addition of a new field named ‘translation_state’ in the ‘Product Mapping’ table under Odoo Mapping.
It will show ‘to_translate’ if the products are synchronized with Odoo but their translations have not been exported to Odoo. It will show ‘translated’ once the translations will be exported to Odoo.

To export the translation of Product from Prestashop to Odoo. Go to Odoo Mapping and the select ‘Language Mapping’. You will find an ‘Export Translation’ button. Click on this button to export translation from Prestashop to Odoo.

Product Translation from Odoo end.
1:- Individual Product translation export
In order to export the translation of individual products from Odoo to Prestashop, Go to the product catalog and then click on the ‘Action’ button. Select ‘Synchronise to Ecommerce’ button to export the translation along with the synchronization of product to Prestashop.

2:- Bulk Product translation export
In order to export the translation of the all products available in Odoo at the same time. Open ‘Ecomm Odoo Bridge’ and then select ‘Bulk Synchronisation’. Click on ‘Synchronise Products’ to export the translations of all the products along with the synchronization of all products with Prestashop.

Hope you find the guide of Prestashop Odoo Bridge Multi Language helpful! Feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.
If you have any issues/queries regarding the module, please raise a ticket at
For any doubt contact us at [email protected]
Thanks for paying attention!!
Current Product Version - 1.5
Supported Framework Version - Odoo V13, V12, V11, V10, V9, V8, V7 & Prestashop 1.7, 1.6, & 1.5
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