You might have installed the Booking App by Webkul that allows customers to book scheduled appointments & later on, it extended to offer concert type bookings as well. In addition to these booking types, we come up with the concept of Online Rental Bookings in which You as an admin can add rent type bookings & let the customers rent your products from your website.
With the Booking App, you can add a rent type booking simply by adding a date range & the time taken for each slot (per booking timing). The customer will select the start date-time & end date-time to rent the product for that particular duration. You can add the rental booking to products irrespective of the time as well i.e. customer will simply select a start date & an end date and rent the Product of their choice.
Important Note:-While adding “Rent Type” or “Rent type with time” bookings to any product please make sure that the inventory policy of that product is set to “Don’t track inventory” from the Shopify end.
Allow multiple users in the rent type & rent type with time bookings, in case of unlimited guests.
Let’s Proceed to understand this booking type in detail.
If you have not yet installed the app, just visit the Shopify App Store & Get the app. The installation of this app will take just a few minutes of yours. Once done, you can visit the Configuration section of the app and configure all the details related to your rental booking business.
Visiting the Configuration section, You can configure all the details related to the bookings one by one.
- General Configuration: From here, you can configure the general details of your store such as your organization name, your business email, select your timezone as well as your store currency.
2. Booking Configuration: You can configure all the details related to your bookings from here. You can enable the Auto-approval booking option to let the customer’s bookings approved automatically once requested from the customer end.
Also, you can allow customers to request for booking cancellation as well as reschedule bookings.
3. Email Template: You can configure the template of the emails sent to your customers & received from the customers.
4. Booking Widget: You can enable the timezone selector option for your customers. Once enabled, your customers will get the option to select their timezone while renting any product.
This way the timezone selector option will be shown to the customers on website frontend:
5. Front Labels: From here, you can configure the labels of your store frontend related to bookings.
How to Create Rental Bookings
You as a merchant needs to follow below-mentioned steps to create Rental Bookings:
Go to the Products section of Your store.
Select the Product that You want to rent and click the booking product button in the “More Action” menu.
Now, you need to select a variant from the drop-down menu for which you want to create slots for rental service.
Clicking a variant, you will be redirected to the “Edit Booking Product” section from where you need to enter all the details related to your rental product.
Product Information: In this section, you can view the title, profile image and slot price of your booking product. And you can select whether you want a single customer to book a slot at a time or you want multiple customers to book a slot at the same time.
Location: You can select your location preferences such if you want to offer the service to the customer’s location or to your specific location. It is not mandatory to specify location preferences.
Availability: This is the section from where you can add a date range when you want your rental products to be available for the customers.
Here, you can add products for rental bookings in two ways: Rent Type or Rent Type with time. It’s up to you if you want to create slots with time or irrespective of time intervals.
Rent Type Booking
Add a date range when your booking product is available for rent. Customers will select a start and end date from the added date-range and rent the product i.e. let the customers select a start date & an end date and rent the product of their choice.
Restrict Customers To Rent For A Fixed No Of Days
You can allow customers to select group days as you can restrict customers to rent products for a fixed number of days.
Once selected, enter the Minimum No of Days for which you want customers to select a continuous date in the calendar to rent the product.
Enter the Maximum No of Days for which you want customers to select a continuous date in the calendar to rent the product. For unlimited days enter the maximum days as ‘0’ and the slot price will be calculated on basis of the highest group day rule.
Example- Suppose you want to restrict the customers to book a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of 8 days, then enter 3 in the minimum no of days and 8 in the maximum number of days.
GROUP DAYS RULES- You can set multiple rules for slot pricing between the minimum and maximum days. Suppose the minimum number of days is 3 and the maximum number of days is 8, then you can create rules like ‘3-5 = 1 unit’, and ‘6-8 = 2 units’, so if a customer books a slot for 3 to 5 days, the slot price will be calculated on the basis of 1 quantity, and for 6 to 8 days, it will be based on 2 quantities.
Add a Date-range when Your service is available for rent. Now, fix per slot timing that will be applicable for all the added dates in the range. Let the customers rent the product by choosing their preferable Date-Time Slot i.e. Select a Start Date & Time as well as an End Date & Time to rent the product.
Overwrite Specific Days: With this feature, admin can now create slots on some specific days or time duration. These slots will overwrite the previous slots created for any booking product. In other words, if you want to close bookings on some specific dates, you can easily add back-out dates using this feature. Thus, the booking will be closed on the added dates & time.
Thus, the admin can now have more flexibility to close booking for some specific date/time.
Custom Information: You can add additional information about your rental products from this section that will be visible to your customers on the product description page while booking any product for rent.
Custom Fields: In order to get additional information from your customers, you can add custom fields that will be visible to your customers on the store’s product description page.
This way, you can add all the information related to your rental products. Now, just click the Save button and proceed to configure your store’s frontend.
Security Deposit
It is very important for merchants to add a security amount to their rented products that they can recover in case of any loss/damage.
Now, you can set a security deposit on your Rent type and Rent type with time products.
This is how it will be visible to the customers. The security deposit will be added as a product on the cart page.
This is how it will look on the cart page
NOTE– This Booking App Security Product is added as a separate product on Shopify. So do not delete it & we manage it through inventory.
This is how it will look on the merchant end. Also, from here you can initiate a full refund or partial refund.
This is how it will look on the customer end
How to Configure Front End?
In order to visualize the effect of rent-type bookings on your store, you just need to configure its frontend. For this, you need to add the codes to their respective files.
- For Booking Widget
To display the “Timezone Selector” button on the frontend, just copy the given code and add it below the product-template.liquid file.
{% if product.tags contains "wk_booking" %} {% include 'bc-widget' %} {% endif %}
2. For Customer’s Booking Details
Now, to display customer’s booking detail options on the frontend, just copy the given code and add it below the customers/order.liquid file.
{% if %} <p><u><a href="https://{{ shop.domain }}/pages/booking-information/{{ }}?handle={{ line_item.variant_id }}">View Booking Details</a></u></p> {% endif %}
In this way, you can configure your frontend in the booking app.
Customer View
After adding the codes to their respective liquid files, this is how the rental products will be available on your store’s front end.
That’s how you can add rent type bookings to your Shopify store’s products.
Check the Demo
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Greetings from Webkul!
If you want a customer to rent more than one chair at a time then, this can easily be done using the app. The customer needs to add chairs multiple times into the cart and place an order to rent them. On the admin panel, You will have separate bookings for all the chairs rented by the customer.
For more detail, please refer to the User Guide:-
In case of any query regarding the app, please raise a ticket here or you can mail us at [email protected].
We would be very happy to assist you.
Best Regards,