Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify: Commissions, this feature allows admin to set commission.
A commission is a very important aspect as it is the earning of a merchant from his/her seller product purchase. So let’s understand the Commissions.
What is the commission?
The commission is the earning of merchant/admin from the seller/vendors’ product purchase.
Let’s see an example:
Let’s suppose, there are a seller X and the price of Product ‘A’of the seller X is 100 $. If the global commission set by the admin is 10%, then after the sale of the product:
-Admin will get 10 $ commission & Seller will get 90 $ commission.
Either one of the commission will be applied in this way: global commission < Seller wise Commission < Category commission < product commission
Check the below video of the commission set up in the multivendor marketplace app for Shopify:
How to set the global commissions
The global commission is applicable for all vendors, their products and for all the collections.
To set the Global Commission, go to the ‘Global Commission Setting’ menu from the commission menu of the app.

Set Percentage(%) + Fixed Commission
Let the commission be 10% percentage+ $20 fixed , there is two seller 1 and seller 2.
Seller 1: Product A : $300 & Product B: $200
Seller 2: Product C: $400 and Product D : $500
Now. suppose the total order is of 1400 in a cart.
Then, seller A gets total amount $500
Seller B gets total amount of $900
So seller A commission will be $50+$20 = 70 so the seller earning will be 430.
Seller B commission will be $90+$20= 110 so seller earning will be 790.
How to set Seller wise commission?
Now, to set seller wise commission, go to the ‘Sellers Commission Settings’ page from Commission menu of the app.

How to set product wise commission?
To set Product Wise Commission, you have enabled product wise commission from the configuration menu of the app.

To set product wise commission, go to the product listing page from ‘Products Menu’ of the App and then click on three dots (…) below action and then click on Edit.

Then Choose the commission type and commission value and click submit to set product wise commission.

Note:- In order to set the Product-wise commission, please make sure that You have disabled the “Display Sales Price on Products” Tab from the Product Configuration menu of the app.
how to set category (collection) wise commission
To set Category wise commission, at first step you have to enable ‘Restrict Collection’ from Restrictions configuration page from the Configuration menu.

Now go to Collections page from products menu of the app and click on Sync as shown in the screenshot below:

To set commission on collection go-to collection commission settings page from the commission menu of the App.

Now click on three dots (…) and then click on edit

Now choose commission type and enter commission and save.

Commission Listing: Seller End
Lastly, the sellers can view the list of all the Commissions charged per product from each order.
For this, go to Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Seller Panel > Orders > Commission Listing:

How to add variant commission?
You can also add commission on the product variants. All you need to do is just visit the Products>>Product Listing section of the app. And edit the product>>edit variant to add commission to it.

In the edit product section, scroll down to the bottom & choose a variant to add commission to it.

Click the edit button & set commission to the product variant.

This is all about the commission, to know more about the commission type in the multivendor app refer to the guide for Commission Type.
In case of any kind of support/consultancy then please raise a ticket at or drop a mail at [email protected]
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