This Guide is dedicated to letting you aware of all the new updates of the Seller menu of the Multi-Vendor Marketplace App for Shopify. Please keep following and tracking the Seller Updates to know about all the updates in the app.
Have a look at the newly introduced and updated features of the Seller menu of Multi vendor Marketplace app for Shopify:
Update Seller Handle
When a new seller gets registered to your marketplace, it creates a seller handle for the particular seller profile page that is same as the seller name. Suppose your seller name is “Test Vendor”, a seller profile page link will be created for that seller with seller handle “test-vendor”.
By default, the seller name will be added as seller handle for respective seller. But, we have provided an option in the app through which you can update the seller handle for your seller profile page.
To do this, visit the Multi-vendor admin panel>>Configuration>>Seller Configuration>>Enable the Update Seller Handle tab>>Save.

Now, visit the Sellers menu>>Seller Listing sub-menu>>Edit seller>>Enable the Update Seller Handle tab and edit the handle>>Save changes.

This is how you can update seller handle in the app.
Restrict Seller To Disable Feedback
In the Multi-vendor Marketplace app, the customers will have the option to provide feedback to a seller from the seller profile page. Now, by default, the seller feedback won’t be visible until it is enabled by the seller. Once enabled, the seller feedback will appear on the seller profile page. It can later be disabled from the seller panel.
Now, you can restrict your sellers to disable the “Feedbacks received from the customers” i.e Hide the “Disable” option on the seller end.
Visiting the Configuration>>Seller Configuration menu, disable the tab “Restrict Seller To Disable Feedback”. And disallow sellers to disable the seller feedbacks.

As soon as you disable the above configuration, the sellers won’t get the option to disable the feedback from their respective seller panels.
TAB DISABLED i.e. Restricted sellers to hide the feedbacks received from the customers.


Seller Zip code on Seller profile page
You can now display the seller zipcode with the seller’s address on the seller profile page of your store.

You can check the seller zipcode variable in the “Edit Theme” section in the app. Go to Sellers>>Seller Profile Page Settings>>Themes>>Learn More

You can check the variables here:-

Note:- The seller profile page theme code is editable only in Theme 1 & Theme 4.
Know More
The Admin can now decide whether he wants the seller profile of an individual seller to show up on the frontend or not.
For this, visit Multivendor Admin Panel > Sellers > Seller Listing > Edit Seller. On the following page, you’ll this option. Refer:

Informative Seller Dashboard
Much more informative dashboard showing Total Seller, Recent Orders and their fulfillment status and details of Total sales.

Restrict Seller Signup
If you want to restrict new members to signup on your marketplace, you can enable the Restrict Seller Signup from the Seller Configuration page. After enabling this feature, the Join Now button will be hidden from the seller login page. Refer:

Visit: Multivendor Admin Panel > Configuration > Seller Configuration.
Here, you can enable the following functionality. Refer:

NOTE: The admin can still add new sellers from his own marketplace admin panel.
Seller Email Verification
If a seller registered to your marketplace is somehow not verified or missed the email verification email can now be verified via the app.
Visit: Multivendor Admin Panel > Configuration > Seller Configuration.
By enabling this option, the seller whose email is not verified after registration will get an email verification link on the seller dashboard.

After enabling this option, if a seller’s email is not verified, that seller will have the “Email Verification Link” on his/her seller dashboard. Clicking on it, the seller will get redirected to another page and get their emails verified.

With this feature, you can check if your newly registered seller is verified or not.
Go to the Seller Listing section and check the same.

Seller Profile Page BANNER
Now, the Seller profile page on the front end will have the banner for his shop. Both admin and seller can upload the banner from their respective panels.
Click here for a detailed blog on the new seller profile page.
You can upload a default banner for the sellers to be displayed on the “Seller Profile Page Settings” section of the app.
Admin Panel>>Sellers>>Seller Profile Page Settings>>Upload Banner (either Image or Video)>>Save Changes.

The banner showing on the seller profile page:-

In case you require this newly changed version of the seller profile page, do let us know as we are not updating it on every shop by default.
Video on the Seller Profile page
If you thought it was amazing to have banners on the seller profile page, then our new upgrade will make you feel extremely good. Yes, now you and your sellers can add the video on the place of the banner on the seller’s profile page.

Let’s know more about Multivendor Marketplace Seller Profile Video Feature.
Click here for details.
Seller Profile Page showing Video Banner:-

Seller Rating Star Color
You can now select the color of the rating star given to your sellers in the Multivendor app from the “Seller Profile Page Settings” menu. Once the rating is given by the customers to your seller, the seller can view it on his profile page.

You as an admin can select the color of the rating star and view it on the Seller profile page.
Follow the procedure to set the rating star color:
Admin panel >> Sellers >> Sellers Profile Page Settings (from the drop-down menu) >> “Seller Rating Star Color” >> Select the “Start color” and “End color” of the star >> Click on “Save” button.

Default “Sort By” for Seller Profiles
This upgraded feature of the Multivendor app will help the admin to select the by default “Sort By” for the seller profile pages.

Once you set this from the “Seller Profile Page Settings” submenu, you can view it on the profile pages of your sellers.

Login As Seller
You as an admin will now have the access to login seller dashboards directly from your admin panel.
Firstly, you need to enable the option from the General Configuration menu of the app.
Multi-vendor admin panel>>Configuration>>General Configuration>>Enable Option>>Save Changes.

Once enabled, visit the Seller Listing section and click the “Login as Seller” from the Action menu.
Multi-vendor Admin Panel>>Sellers>>Seller Listing>>Click Login as Seller (Action menu).

Clicking this button, the seller will be redirected to the respective seller panel.
Note that the sellers will be notified every time you’ll log in to their account using this option.
Display Seller’s Store Logo Carousel on Homepage
You can now get an option to add a logo carousel to the home page of your store. For this, you need to follow the below-given steps:-
Go to the admin panel of the Multi-vendor app.
- Visit the Configuration.
- Click Instruction for Marketplace.
- Get the option to display the seller’s store logo carousel.
- Click the “Generate” button to generate liquid files on the Shopify end.

This will create a Seller Listing section in the theme editor of your Shopify store. So, add it to the homepage and drag & drop the carousel anywhere on the home page.
Shopify backend>>Online Stores>>Theme>>Customize Theme>>Add Section>>Seller Listing appears (Sellers)>>Add it to the Homepage.

Now, the logos of all your seller’s store will get displayed on the logo carousel of your home page.

That’s all!
Mandatory Configurations for Sellers
You can now restrict sellers to add products if the required details are not entered by the seller. These mandatory details include shipping details, payment details & seller’s account details.
So, to enable these restrictions in the app, you need to visit the Multi-vendor admin panel>>Configurations>>Seller Mandatory Steps.

From here, You can set the options mandatory for your sellers:-

From this option, you can restrict sellers to set at least one shipping method before they proceed to add the products.
You can restrict sellers to add at least 1 shipping method as default and add at least one shipping range.

Also, make the option mandatory for sellers to configure at least one payment method from the seller panel to receive their earnings.
Now, once you enable this option, the seller will be able to add products only after configuring a payment method from their panel.
From here, You can set mandatory “My Account” fields for the sellers.
Please Note:- Before enabling these fields here, make sure that these fields are enabled from the “Seller Policy” (normal & advanced) and from the “Seller Form Customization” section of the app.

Thus, the sellers will be able to add products from their seller panels only after completing the above procedures (in case the admin has enabled these tabs & make these options mandatory).
Customize Seller Login/Sign Up Page
You can now edit the theme code of the seller login/sign up page. You can easily edit the theme template provided in the app and make the changes as per your requirements.
For this, Go to the Multi-vendor admin panel>>Visit Sellers menu>>Click “Customize Seller Page” sub-menu>>Select the Custom Page (Login Page or Sign up page)>>Get the template to edit the codes.

Now, select the custom page and click login or sign up page to edit the theme code provided.

This way, you can edit the theme codes to make the changes in the seller login & sign up page.
Re-approve Seller’s Products
You can now re-approve the seller’s products in case the seller has done any changes in the products from his/her seller panel. So, once a seller edits a product, the admin needs to approve the updates before they become live on the storefront.
For this, firstly you need to enable the tab from the Product Configuration menu in the app as shown in the screenshot:-

Once the seller edits the product (except for the price, quantity, delivery days).
Then you as an admin, will get an option to Re-approve the product from the product listing section.
You can either accept or deny the product re-approval request.

Keep following this blog of ours to know about all the recent updates.
Advance Seller Feedback
Now, the admin can define the points on which customers will give ratings to sellers on the seller profile page.
For example – if a customer gives a rating to the seller on the basis of product quality, product service, and product delivery.
then the admin will create all 3 points in the admin panel and it will appear on the seller profile page, so that the customer can give star rating on basis of these 3 points.
For this, the first admin will go to configuration >> seller configuration >> enable “ADVANCE SELLER FEEDBACK” and click the “save changes” button below.

Now, the admin will go to seller >> seller feedback option >> Click on “Add feedback option” button to add points for star rating given by customer.

And on the seller profile page, it will be shown like the below image.

The admin can create maximum 5 options or points for the star rating.
This feature is available for theme 1 and theme 4 only.
Seller’s “Created Date” and “Last Login” dates on the Seller Edit Page
Now, the Admin can see the Seller’s “Created Date” and “Last Login” date on the Seller Edit Page.

Furthermore, if you have any questions/issue then please raise a ticket at or drop a mail at [email protected]
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Can you please specify which background color you are referring to? Accordingly, we will assist you. Please feel free to drop a mail to [email protected] in case of further assistance.
Thanks & Regards,
Team Webkul
Greetings from Webkul!
Thank You for showing interest in the app.
In case of any query regarding the app, please raise a ticket here or you can mail us at [email protected]. We would be very happy to assist you.
Best Regards,