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Opencart Auction Version2

Updated 2 August 2024

Opencart Auction Version2 module will enable the auction feature for your shop by which admin can add auction in their product and the buyer can bid on their product.

With the use of this module, the admin can place auction products. Customers can place three types of auctions which are incremental, automatic, and reserve auction.

It also allows customers to make an online payment from their Wallet System. The opencart wallet system module is integrated with this module

Moreover, If you want to remove the background from the images check the OpenCart AI Image Background Remover module.

Opencart Auction is also available as Marketplace Auction.

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  • The admin can add automatic auction.
  • The admin can add reserved auction.
  • An increment auction can be added by admin.
  • All types of action will apply to a single product.
  • The admin has the option to show the current bid.
  • The admin has the option to show all the bidders and their price.
  • The customers can place automatic auction.
  • The admin has the option to show bidder name, bid, and details under automatic bidding.
  • The admin/customers can see the auction bid list and automatic auction bid list.
  • The customers can place an incremental auction.
  • The admin can see the winner name for the auction.
  • The admin can add enable wallet for bidding on the auction products.
  • The customers can place reserved auction.
  • The admin can set the minimum/maximum recharge limit for the wallet.
  • The admin can set the minimum amount in the wallet to place the bid for the auction.
  • The customers can easily add wallet amount using the bank transfer.
  • The admin can configure the wallet amount deduction – fixed amount or Percentage of the bid amount.
  • The admin can enable/disabled the return of wallet amount deduction.
  • The customer can bid on an auction product and the admin set amount will deduct from the wallet.
  • The admin can set the wallet amount to expire after a time period.
  • The admin can set the wallet expiry type as – Complete Wallet Amount or Transaction-Based Amount.
  • The customer can bid using their wallet amount.
  • The admin can configure the time in days before which the customer will be notified of wallet expiry.
  • The admin can configure the Order status for the order completed using the wallet system.
  • If a customer wins the bid then the wallet amount deduction bid amount can return back to the customer if enabled by the admin.
  • The admin can set to use the wallet system for all the products or only the auction products.


Within the Opencart Auction Version2  module zip file, there are folders admin, catalog, image, ocmod, themepatch and auction_cron.php. you just need to upload the admin, catalog, image, and auction_crone.php folders into the root directory of the website.


Once you have uploaded the file then log in to admin then go to Extensions –> Extension Installer then upload the XML/ZIP file. The XML file can be found within the ocmod folder.


After uploading the XML/ZIP file go to the Extensions-> Modification then clicks on the refresh field.


Now in the Admin panel go to System -> Users -> User Group then editAdministrator’ then select all for both ‘Access and Modify‘ Permission then Save it.


After that under Extension ->Extension -> Modules install the Opencart Auction Version2 module like this.


Create & Set Layout For The Module

Under this Opencart Auction Version2 module, admin can create product auction modules then place them on specific pages. For this admin can navigate to Extensions->Extensions->Modules then click on add button of Product Auction Multi-Layout.


From here, admin can enter the auction name, select the products for the module then enter the size.


After saving the module admin can see the created module under the extension list. From here admin can also edit or delete the module.


Now admin can navigate to Design-> Layout and then select the page to set the layout. After that admin can set the layout like this.


After setting the layout the auction products will be visible on the homepage like this.


Module Translation

As this Opencart Auction module supports multiple languages so this section will describe how to make the module work in different languages. Please check this link for language translation

Setting Cron Job

After the module installation, the store owner or the admin will set up the Cron Job. Just log in to the c panel Account then click on Cron Job.


To find PHP directory path go the terminal and login with your ssh account using command ‘ ssh user@ip/host‘. After that find the PHP path by running this command ‘whereis php‘.


Now copy the usr/bin/php and write it in the command section followed by the Opencart Auction Version2 file path like this.


Module Configuration Settings

After installation of the Opencart Auction Version2 module, the admin will navigate through the Extensions->Extensions->Modules->Product Auction then tap the edit button.

This brings up the module configuration settings for the Opencart Auction Version2 module with 2 menu options

  • Configuration
  • Auction Wallet System



From here, the admin can

  • Enable/disable the Opencart Auction Version2 module by choosing the Status.

Let’s go through the different auction options –

Standard Auction Options

Here the admin will –

  • Select the default store time zone for the auction products.
  • Enable/Disable the option to – Transfer the win to the next highest bidder when the winner does not purchase the product within the given time.
  • Set the Winner level for Transfer – To which highest bid the winning product will transfer.
  • Set the Add to Cart button as Enabled or Disabled.
  • Show Bidder Name – If Enabled the bidder name will show in bid list panel at the frontend.
  • Product Status After Auction Complete – After the product auction is completed, the product status will be sent according to this option.
  • Product Price – Enable this option to show the product price on the product page else select it as disabled.
  • Show Bid Price – Enable this option to show the Bid Price on the product page else select this option as disabled.
  • Show Auction Bid Details – Enable this option to show the bid list panel at the frontend.

Increment Auction

Now admin can click on ‘Increment Auction Options‘ to enable the incremental auction and set the price range rule.

Here admin can click on ‘Fill Price Range‘ button to enter the price range and increment price.


The Increment bid is the amount by which a bid will be incremented each time the current bid is outdone. Increment bid amount set will be done by the admin.

Note: The incremented price will be 1 if product price does not come in the price range set by the admin.

Set increment bid as-

Current High Bid Increment
$0.01-$99.99 $10
$100.00-$199.99 $15
$200.00-$599.99 $20
$600.00-$999.999 $50
$1000 and up $200


You’re the first bidder on a listing where the starting price is $20 then you place a maximum bid of $40. Now the current bid is automatically incremented by $10 and then the current bid is $50. No one can place a bid of less than $50.

When a second bidder places a maximum bid of $110, the bid will automatically be raised to $15 and the minimum bid amount is $125.

Automatic Auction

Now admin can click on automated options to enable/disable it then make other changes.


Admin can also enable or disable the Automatic Auction option with automatic bidder details, price, bidders, outbid messages. Let’s explain Automatic Auction using example and winning cases.

About Automatic Auction

1. When you(buyer) place an automatic bid with the maximum amount that you want to pay for the product.

2. The other bidders place bids based on the current high bid. The bid will place until the bid meets the reserve price or until it expires.

3. If another bidder places the same maximum automatic bid or higher, then you will be notified by mail, so that you can place another bid.

If both the bidder places the equal automaic bid then the bidder placing the bid first will win the bidding but both the bidder will be notified via mail regarding their automatic bid being outbidden.

4. If Your maximum bid is not exceeded by another automatic bidder or current bid, then you will win the bid at the current bid.

Let me take a scenario, suppose you have a customer C1 current bid 100 $ and C2 current bid 150 USD. If C1 places an automatic bid of 200 $ then the C1 will win the bid at price 150$ + incremented amount.


1. When buyer-A place an automatic bid with the maximum amount $100 that you want to pay for the product-X (reserve price-$60 and current bid price-$10).

2. The other bidders don’t know about other’s bidder automatic bid if disable by admin.

3. The other bidder B place bids of amount $12 on based on the current high bid. The bid will be placed until the bid meets the reserve price or until it expires.

Now if many bidders placed the bid and now the current bid amount is $62.

Now winning the case for bidder

Case A

If at this position bid expires then buyer A will win the bid at $62 amount because he placed the highest amount bid and no one exceeded this amount.

Case B

If another buyer C places the maximum amount $110 as automatic bid, then buyer will notify by mail, so that he can place another bid and if buyer A doesn’t place any maximum bid then buyer C will win the bid at cost $62.

Case C

If another buyer D places maximum amount $115 as normal bid then buyer C will be exceeded by current bid and he will be notified and if buyer C doesn’t place any maximum bid then buyer D will win the bid at cost $115.

Reserve Auction Options

After that, the admin can enable reserve auction option and enter a global reserve price for it.


Global Reserve Price: This price will be the default reserve price if no reserve price is mentioned under the product while adding the auction.

Reserve Auction

Under this auction, the admin can set a price. If the auction does not reach that price then no one will win the auction. For example, if the reserve price on an auction is set as 500 and bid is made till 499 then no one will win the auction.

Notification Settings

Now admin can enable the notification email for winning mail to admin, winning mail to customers, outbid notification email to buyers, and auto bid outbid notification.


After configuration of the Opencart Auction Version2 module, the admin needs to set the Opencart Auction module on the product page.

So that customers can see the auction option on the product. For this, the admin can navigate to Design-> Layout and select the page to set the layout. After that admin can set the layout like this.


Auction Wallet System Configuration

To bring up the configuration settings tap the Auction Wallet System option.


Under here,  the admin will –

  • Auction Wallet SystemEnable the auction module by selecting the Status as Enabled.
  • Allow Method Choose the preferred payment method which allows for the auction wallet recharge.
  • Wallet Payment Method Order Status – Select the required wallet recharge status from the drop-down. The amount will not credit into the customer’s wallet until the wallet recharge status not met on the selected status.
  • Minimum Recharge Amount – Specify the minimum recharge amount that will add to the wallet by the customer.
  • Maximum Recharge Amount – Specify the maximum recharge amount that will add to the wallet by the customer.
  • Minimum Wallet Amount to Bid – Set the minimum wallet amount to be present in order to place a bid.
  • Wallet Amount Deduction on Each Bid – Set this option as – Fixed Amount or Percentage of Bid amount and enter the amount to deduct on each bid.
  • Refund Deducted Amount – If this option is enabled then the deducted amount will be returned to the bidders after the auction gets completed.
  • Wallet Amount Expires – If this option is enabled then the wallet amount will expire after a time period.

Wallet Expiry Type –

Choose this as Transaction-Based Amount or Complete Wallet Amount.

    • Transaction-Based Amount – If the customer added $500 to his wallet on the 1st of the month and if the expiry is set to the end of the month then the wallet amount will expire at the end of the month.
    • Complete Wallet Amount –  If the customer added $500 to his wallet on the 1st of the month and if the expiry is set to the end of the month, in this case, if the customer again adds any amount to his wallet then the expiry will be assessed starting the latest recharge date and then extending up to 30 days.
  • Wallet Amount Expires- Set a number that denotes the number of days when the wallet amount expires.
  • Notification to Customer Before the Wallet Expires – Set the number of days before which the customer must be notified of the wallet expiration.
  • Wallet Payment Method Order Status – Set the order status of the order completed using the wallet amount.
  • Wallet System Works on All Products – If this option is enabled then the wallet can be used with all the products else if this option is disabled then the wallet system can be used with auction-enabled products only.

Lastly, tap the save button to save the configuration.

Add Auction to the Products

After enabling the Opencart Auction Version2 module admin can see the ‘Auction Manager‘ in the admin menu. From here admin can check the auction product list and add, delete, and edit the auction products.


After clicking on the add button admin can enable/disable the auction status, choose the product for auction, enter the auction start price, reserve price, etc.


Admin can also see the bid list after clicking on the ‘Auction bid list’ tab. From here admin can also delete the bid.


Afterward, the admin can click on the automatic bid list to see the automatic bid details.


Auction Wallet Credit

Under Auction Manager, the admin will get the Auction Wallet Credit tab. Here the admin can view the complete history of the credited amount along with the details such as customer name, email, credit amount, credit date, and description.


The admin can approve credit amount requests manually if the auction wallet recharge order status differs from the payment method status by clicking on the Approve(Green) button.

Pending approval credit amount requests will be visible in the dark Green icon. Once the admin click on the Approve button, the wallet auction amount will be credited into the customer wallet.

Moreover, to view the complete credit amount history, the admin needs to click on the view icon. An order history page will display once will click on that icon as shown below:


Auction wallet Debit

Under the auction wallet debit tab, the admin will get all the debit history of customers along with their names, email, credit amount, credit date, and description.


Front End – Workflow

Customers can see the auction link at the header of the website. Customers can click here to go to the auction collection page.


From here customers can click on the bid now button to go to the product’s auction page.


Here customers can enter the bid amount and then click on the bid now button to make the bid.


Customers can click on the ‘Auction Details’ button to see the auction details.


Customers can click on ‘ Bid list’ to see the list of the bidders and their bid amount.


In order to make an automatic bid customers need to first check the ‘Place Bid as Automatic’ checkbox. After that, they can enter the amount and then make the bid.


Furthermore, customers can click on the automatic bid button to check the automatic bid placed for the product. After clicking on the link, a new page will show the normal bid list.


Furthermore, if you click on Show/Hide automatic bid then a new page will open with automatic bid details.


Checkout Process With Auction Wallet Enabled

When the wallet will enable by the admin, then the customers will find the Auction Wallet at the top as shown below in the snapshot.


Adding Amount to Wallet

To add the amount to the wallet tap the ‘Auction Wallet‘ link. This brings up the section where the customers can add the amount to their auction wallet.


The customers also have this Auction Wallet menu option under their account panel. The customers can reach the wallet from that link as well.

auction_wallet_customer_menu_option =

Afterward, enter the amount to add and tap the ‘Add Money To Wallet‘ button.


To view the order details the customer can click on the view button. Tapping on the view button will bring the customer to the order history page as shown below:


The amount($ 500) that is to be added gets added to the cart as shown below in the snapshot.


The customer can tap the checkout button to add the amount to his wallet. After this, select the billing details and then choose the Bank Transfer for adding the amount to your wallet then tap the Continue button.


This brings the checkout section for confirming the order. Tap the Confirm Order button to confirm the order.


This adds the amount to your wallet and the updated balance can also be seen thereafter.


Using Wallet For Bid

On the auction page, the customers can find the auction product. Here, the customer can see the countdown timer on the product.


Hovering the mouse button brings up the Bid Now button and other details.


Tap the Bid Now button to bid for the product. This opens the bidding page for the product.

Here, the customer can start bidding for the product. Whenever a customer bids an amount, for example, $80 only a fixed amount(whichever is set by the admin) is deducted from the customer’s wallet.  Also, the deducted amount gets refunded after the auction ends.


Moreover, the customers can not place a bid that is lower or equal to the current bid price, and a message for the same is also displayed to the customer for the same.


After entering a bid amount the customer can see a success message for the same.


If the customer wins a bid a message for the same will be displayed to the customer on the product page


Now, the customer can purchase the product for the set number of units as displayed and for the Auction Winning Amount. Tap the checkout button to proceed further.


The customer can select his wallet amount to pay for the auction product.


Lastly, the customer can confirm the payment by tapping the Confirm Order button.


Furthermore, the customer can check the details of debit by navigating to the menu option Auction Wallet.



This was all for the Opencart Auction Module. Furthermore, if there are any doubts then please feel free to email us at [email protected] or create a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

Also, please explore our OpenCart services and an extensive range of quality OpenCart extensions.

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x,4.x.x.x

Blog Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x,4.x.x.x
  • Version 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
  • Version 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x,4.x.x.x
. . .

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