Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Price Comparison enables sellers to add the same product that already exists in the marketplace.
Using this, sellers can assign a new price, quantity, and condition. Such as – New or Used to existed products that belong to other sellers.
Marketplace Seller Price Comparison For Adobe Commerce allows the sellers to update their assigned products and also delete them.
- Seller Price Comparison is an add-on to Webkul’s Magento 2 Marketplace Module. To use this module you must install the Marketplace module first.
- Custom Options will not work with the Seller Price Comparison module.
If you would also like to integrate a one time commission payment option for the marketplace sellers, then you can look at Magento 2 Vendor One Time Pay Commission.
Check the plugin workflow and configuration in the video mentioned below –
- Marketplace Seller Price Comparison For Adobe Commerce works with Simple, Virtual, and Configurable products.
- Sellers can assign new price, quantity, and conditions to products of other sellers and the admin.
- The admin can check the assigned product information.
- The admin can approve or disapprove the assigned product.
- A seller can add multiple images while adding an assign product.
- Sellers can update their assigned products and also delete them.
- Multiple sellers can assign a single product with different price and quantity.
- Display different seller in product page with their price.
- Customers can add minimum price products to cart from category or product page.
- The product is visible with the minimum price at category and product page.
- The admin can configure to show the minimum price product on the product page.
- Multi-Lingual support / All language working including RTL.
- The code is fully open & you can customize it according to your need.
- Compatible with the Multi-Store.
- Support Marketplace Per Country Per Product Shipping Module
- Assign products have own per Country/Continent wise shipping price.
- A seller can create multiple assign products
- Admin products can assign.
- Assign product information added in the admin product page.
- Galley view added for assign product on product page.
- Seller can mass assigned product upload.
- The extension is fully compatible with the Hyva Theme.
- The extension is compatible with GraphQL.
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
You need to transfer this app folder into the Adobe Commerce root directory on the server as shown below:
After the successful installation, you have to run the command on Adobe Commerce root directory-“php bin/magento setup:upgrade”
First Command –
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command –
Now, run this command in the Magento 2 Root -“php bin/magento setup:di:compile”.
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command –
Also, run this command into the Magento 2 Root- “php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy” .
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Adobe Commerce admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.
Multilingual Support
For the multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options and select the locale as English (the language into which admin want to translate his store content).
If the user wants to translate their module from English to German.
They need to follow the path app/code/Webkul/MpAssignProduct/i18n in their unzipped Adobe Commerce MpAssignProduct folder and will get a CSV file with name “en_US.csv”.
Now they will rename that CSV as “de_DE.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the German language.
After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/MpAssignProduct/i18n where they have installed Adobe Commerce on the server.
The module will gets translated into the German Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.
The user can edit the CSV like the image below.
Module Configuration
After the module installation, the admin will configure the module by following the path Stores > Configuration > Assign Product > Assign Product Settings.
Here, the admin will –
- Enable: Here the admin can enable or disable the module.
- Set the option “Show minimum price on the product page” as “Yes” to display the minimum price on the product page.
- Set the “Product Approval Required” to “Yes” to manually approve it, else select No for auto-approval.
- Configure the “Product Edit Approval Required” to “Yes” to approve any assigned product update else select “No“.
- Assign Product To Seller On Deletion: This setting will be used when the seller deletes the product then the product should be assigned to the other seller or not.
- Show Out of Stock Assign Product: Here the admin can enable or disable to show out of stock assign products.
- The Option “Assign Product to Seller With” – has four options to choose from. Let’s explain this below.
- Admin Name – Add the name of the store admin.
- Admin Email – Enter the email of the store admin for sending the emails.
- Set the “Add Product Message For Email” (If product approval is “Yes”, then the admin will receive an email requesting the approval of that product).
- Set the “Edit Product Message For Email” (If product edit approval is “Yes”, then the admin will receive an email requesting the approval of the editing assigned product).
If there is any product called “TEST“, from Seller A which is assigned to three different sellers – Seller B (50.00 USD and quantity as 100), Seller C (60.00 USD and quantity as 200) and Seller D (70.00 USD and quantity as 300). Now if the original product is deleted by the main seller then the condition will follow:
- In “With Minimum Price”, then “TEST” product will become the main product for Seller B and for the rest sellers, it will be an assigned product.
- In “With Maximum Price”, then “TEST” product will become the main product for Seller D and for the rest sellers, it will be an assigned product.
- If “With Minimum Quantity” is selected then “TEST” product will become the main product for Seller B and for the best sellers, it will assign the product.
- If “With Maximum Quantity” is selected then “TEST” product will become the main product for Seller D and for the rest sellers, it will be an assigned product.
Transactional Emails
- Assign Product Notification to Seller: Here the admin can select to send a notification to the seller on assigned products.
- Product Delete Notification to Seller: If a seller deletes their product, the subsequent assignee of that product will receive a notification.
Seller Management
After the successful installation of the Marketplace Seller Price Comparison For Magento 2 module, Seller will be able to see “Assign Product” and “Assign Product List” in the marketplace panel as per the below image:
The seller can assign a product using the “Assign Product” tab. After clicking on Assign Product, a new page opens where the seller can search any simple, virtual, and configurable product.
Assign Simple Product
If the searched product exists in the Marketplace, then it will be displayed in the list with the “Sell Yours” option on the right side of it.
Now the seller can select Product condition, enter price, quantity, description, and upload the image like the snapshot below.
Marketplace Assigned Products List
The seller can find the list of all assigned products. The seller can update their assigned product and also delete them.
After clicking on the Edit option below page will open. Here, the seller can update the product.
Assign Configurable Product
The seller can assign a product using the “Assign Product” tab. After clicking on Assign Product, a new page opens where the seller can search for the configurable product that belongs to any other seller or the admin.
If the searched product exists in the Marketplace, then it will be displayed in the list with the “Sell Yours” option on the right side of it.
Now, the seller will –
- Select the Product Condition as New or Used.
- Enter the Description for the product.
- Select the Associated Products(enter the quantity and price for each of the associated products).
- Select an image for the product.
- Lastly, click the Save button to save the product.
Update Assigned Product
The seller can find a list of all assigned products under the menu option “Assign Product List“. The seller can update their assigned products and also delete them as per need.
To update the product click the edit button which brings up the update product page as per the snapshot below.
Mass Assigned Product Upload
- Upload CSV/XLS File – Now sellers can quickly upload the product details using CSV or XLS file.
- Images Zip Upload – convert the images into a zip file and then upload the images zip after updating or entering the image name into the CSV or XLS file. A profile gets created after uploading it.
- A profile is created after uploading the CSV/XLS File and Images Zip.
Run Profile
- Select Profile – Now Seller will select that profile and then click on the “Run Profile” button.
- Search For Products – In the end, the seller can search the assigned product from the “Search For Product” field.
For Configurable Product
For configurable products, the configurable product variant SKU and the configurable product Parent Product SKU fields both have to be filled in the SKU and Parent Product SKU fields respectively, to successfully mass assign them.
Customer Storefront View
Simple Product
In the Admin Configuration, if “Show minimum price of Product page” is set to “No“, then the original price of the product will display on the product page.
If “Show minimum price of Product page” is set “Yes“.
CASE 1:- If a new condition product offers the minimum price.
The minimum price of the new product will display on the product page and the other seller products will be shown below. Please check the below image for a better understanding.
The customer can now add the minimum price product to the cart.
CASE 2:- If the used condition product offers a minimum price.
If the product with the minimum price is of “used” condition, then the product price visible will be of the minimum price product of new condition as shown below.
when the product is added to cart, following page appears.
Configurable Product
On the product page for the configurable product, you have to select a variation to show the availability (In Stock or Out Of Stock), price and the add to cart button.
Admin Management
The admin can manage assigned products by navigating through Marketplace Management-> “Manage Assign Product” as shown below in the snapshot.
Add Assign Products
The admin needs to click on “Add Assign Products” tab will bring up the section where the admin will search for products and assign them to the sellers by clicking on the “Assign” button.
After clicking on “Assign”, here the admin can select the seller name for assigning products then needs to add other product information and save it.
Assign Product List
In the “Assign Products list” admin can view the assigned products list and seller list and also the admin can edit the assigned products of any particular seller by clicking on “view”.
After clicking on “View” the admin can edit the assigned product and save it.
Mass Assigned Product Upload
In the “Mass Assigned Product Upload” section, the admin has the capability to upload multiple products via CSV and XLS files, as well as image ZIP files. Subsequently, they can designate specific sellers to whom these products will be assigned.
That’s all for the Marketplace Seller Price Comparison for Magento 2 still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better. You may also browse both Adobe Commercemarketplace addons and our quality Adobe Commerce extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.1.1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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