Multi Supplier Wholesale Extension for Magento 2 plugin helps the store owner to extend the capabilities of a marketplace store by adding a wholesaler to it. In this wholesaler can allow the seller to quote for the desired product.
It is a B2B model-based extension, that helps in the interaction of two business owners on a platform. It gives the facility to the seller to send the required quote to the wholesaler exclusively.
On the other hand, the wholesaler can manage these quotations. The wholesalers can specify the price rule as per requirement and associate them with the products. The wholesaler can send a reminder mail to the customer whose leads are pending.
Thus, multi-supplier wholesale extension module allows a systemized structure of the marketplace that involves wholesaler and seller interaction.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow :
- The admin can configure the module, approve the wholesaler, and add new wholesaler.
- The Wholesaler can set Price Rule for each product according to which seller can quote.
- The module allows communication between the Wholesaler and Seller for the easy negotiation of the quote.
- The seller can quote for the product as per their choice.
- The Wholesale can mail the quotes on the registered mail ID as Leads.
- Notification Email is sent on a performing particular action like Wholesaler login, Quotation approval, and many others.
- Sellers can add attachments in the quote for the wholesalers.
- MSI functionality added in the Multi Supplier Wholesale Extension for Magento 2.
- This Extension is now fully compatible with the Hvya Theme.
Note- This module is an add-on of the Magento 2 Marketplace module. To use this module, you must have installed the first Magento 2 Marketplace Module.
Multi-Supplier Wholesale Extension Installation
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory.
First command-
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command –
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command –
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
So, after running the commands, you have to flush the cache from Magento admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.
Multi Supplier Wholesale Extension Configuration
After the successful installation of the module, the store owner or admin can configure the module by following the path as Stores>Configuartion>Marketplace Wholesaler.
Here, the admin needs to enter the following details-
General Settings-.
- Status- This can be set as Enable to activate the module on the website.
- Name- Here, the admin can specify the name of the Marketplace store or the organization name.
- Admin Email-id- The admin needs to enter the mail id via which the wholesaler and admin communication can take place.
- Wholesaler Approval Required- The admin can choose here if the wholesalers will approve automatically or an admin needs to do the same manually.
- Wholesaler Product Approval Required- The admin can select if Wholesalers products get an automatic approval or admin needs to do that manually.
- Wholesaler Product Update Approval Required – The admin can enable this option if the admin wants to set the product approval on product update by wholesaler else select this as disabled.
Privacy Policy-
- Heading– The admin can specify the title of the privacy policy.
- Description- The admin can state the privacy policy in detail in this section.
Wholesaler Transaction Email-
The admin can define in this section multiple email templates on various action-
- New Wholesale Account Template
- New Quote Email to Wholesaler
- Quote Message Email
- Wholesaler Custom Email to Seller
- Quote Status Email
- New Product Email
- Product Approval Email
- Product Unapproval Email
- Approval Email(Wholesaler)
- Wholesaler Inactive Email.
- Wholesaler Request Template
The Wholesaler will receive such mail when New Wholesale Account Template as shown below-
Wholesaler End
How To Become Wholesaler?
The wholesalers can go to the frontend of the website wherein footer section they can click on Create a Wholesaler Account.
So, this will open up a registration form that needs to be filled by the wholesalers in order to be part of the marketplace.
Admin Approval
Wholesaler Dashboard
The wholesaler once approved can manage the quotes from the backend of Magento 2 by login through the registered credentials.
Hence, the wholesaler here can accomplish tasks like-
- Unit Creation
- Price Rule Creation
- Seller Quotation approval
- Leads Management
- Product List Creation.
The Wholesalers can create the units for the product that is used while creation of price rule. Therefore, these units will be as per the products on the store.
For the creation of units, the Wholesaler needs to click on ‘Add New Unit‘.
So, here, the admin can enter the-
- Unit Name-The name of the unit in which the product will be measured.
- Sort Order- This will be the order in which the unit will appear.
- Status- This states if the unit is enabled or disabled.
Price Rule
These are the rule set by the wholesaler according to which the seller can quote for the products. The wholesalers can specify the rule in- Wholesale Management > Price Rule.
The wholesaler can click on the Add Price Rule to create a new price rule. However, they can click on Edit to change the existing Price Rule.
The Wholesaler needs to enter the Rule details-
- Rule Name– The name of the rule could be specified here that represent the rule set.
- Status- The rule must be set to enable to make the rule visible to sellers.
- Manage Units– The units created previously can be selected here in accordance to which the rule can be created. Apart from the Unit, the wholesaler needs to specify the quantity and price per quantity.
Product List
The Product list will only be displayed for those products to which the Price Rule is attached. The wholesaler can click on Add New Product to attach the product to the Price rule.
The Wholesaler here can enter the Product details here by specifying –
- The minimum and maximum quote quantity of the product,
- the production capacity of the product in a specific duration of time, it can be Per Day, Week, Month or Year,
- mention the price rule for the product.
After entering the product details the wholesaler can set the status as Enabled to make the functionality visible.
Then the wholesaler needs to assign the product to the price rule.
Admin Approval Of Product List
Note- Now before understanding the Leads and Product Quotation section we need to understand the seller front.
Seller Front
The seller can now easily quote for the products that require re-ordering. So, now the seller can login and navigate to the Wholesale.
Wholesale Product In Seller Front
The Seller can view the products of wholesalers in the form of a list by following the navigation as Wholesale>Wholesale Product.
So, here the seller can view the details related to the products-
- The name of the Product and image of the product under Product Name.
- The product type to which the product belongs under Type.
- Under Wholesaler information, the list of name of the wholesalers is visible to which the product quote could be sent.
- The seller can click on the Action-View Wholesaler to place the quote, after comparing the quote rules of multiple wholesalers.
Here, the seller can view-
- The list of wholesalers dealing with the product.
- The Minimum and Maximum Quote Quantity which the seller can quote for the product.
- The Production Capacity that is the product will be manufactured in these many days.
- The Action section will have two option one from where the seller can quote for the product- Quotation and second from where the seller can view Price List.
Price List
How To Quote?
The seller can share their Quotation Request by clicking on Quotation Button. Therefore, this will open up a popup window asking the details of the quote for the product.
Now, here, the seller can enter the-
- Product Name– The name of the product will remain autofill.
- Quantity– The seller will specify here the units of the product. This will be having a limit.
- Price Per Item– Here the seller will specify the quotation price for the product.
- Message– The seller can mention a note for the wholesaler with regard to quotation.
Further, after filling in all the details, the customer needs to click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Wholesaler- Product Quotation
After the seller raises the quote for the product the wholesaler can view the Product in Wholesaler Management>Product Quotation.
Here the wholesaler can view the quotation of the products in a list.
The wholesaler can click on Edit to change the status of the quotation or communicate with the wholesaler about the quote.
Thus, as per the requirement, the wholesaler can apply the action to the quotation or write a message for the seller.
The wholesaler can even view the conversation history by clicking on Quote Conversation.
The wholesaler can even view the Seller Adress and name detail in the Seller Details section.
Wholesaler- Leads
Note- Once the Quote is approved the Seller can accomplish the rest of the process manually.
So that’s all for the Multi Supplier Wholesale Extension for Magento 2, if you have any issue, please feel free to add a ticket at our HelpDesk System and let us know your views. You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons and our quality Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.0.4
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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