ChatWhizz Live Chat: Connecting with your buyers right away is the need of the hour. Every business has to get engaged with their customers in real-time to up their customer service & satisfaction. The customers want the answer right there, right now!
For this, ChatWhizz is here with a Live Chat Support add-on to help you out. So, let’s quickly jump into the installation & configuration part of this add-on.
To install the add-on, visit the Admin Panel of the ChatWhizz. From here, click on the Add-ons menu from the left navigation bar. On this redirected page, you’ll have the add-on listed.
Clicking on the Install button will list down all the Live Chat Support Plans. You can opt for a plan that is suitable for your business needs.
Now, you need to register your shop domain on the ChatWhizz. From the left navigation panel, click on Installed Add-ons > Live Chat Support > Domains. On the following page, click on Add New.
This action will give you a pop-up, where you need to enter domain name & primary email ID.
Once added, you can edit the domain, delete it, view operators & clients (if added). Now, as soon as the domain is registered, click on the view icon to get the code.
On this page, you get the code that needs to be pasted on the store where you want to add the widget.
When you’ll scroll down on this page, you will have various configurations. Let’s dive into them one by one.
General Configuration
Enable or disable the following options as per your need:
Show operator name on widget chatbot | |
Can the operator see the user’s email? | |
Can the operator also end conversion? | |
The client will be able to send mail when the conversion ends | |
Domain admin can able to set all operators offline | |
The individual operator can able to set the offline status | |
Can the operator and client send file attachments during the chat? | |
Need registration of the user to chat | |
Send email when all operator is offline | |
Custom input options |
Enable Auto Response
With the Auto Response feature, you can set up away messages and auto-replies for your chatwhizz account.
You can add questions and related answers that will appear automatically with a click.
Now, by clicking the view button, you can add the child’s questions, and answers to the questions that will appear on the front.
Later, you can edit, disable or delete the questions added.
Further, you have these configurations. Enter the Widget Information that includes heading & welcome text. You can also add a custom email & name that will be shown to the end-users while they initiate the chat.
UV Desk Config
Create a Ticket when all operators are offline:
By enabling this tab, the ticket will create for the client if all the operators are offline in a particular department, selected by the client.
Create Ticket on client leave the chat and operator is assigned:
This feature will create a ticket automatically for the client if the client ends the chat in between the conversation.
Create Ticket on client leave the chat and operator is online:
A ticket will create if client ends the chat and no operator accepted that chat but still, operators are online
Enable UV desk widget when all operators are offline:
By enabling this tab, if all the operators are offline of all the departments then the UV desk widget will open and the client will be able to create a ticket. As shown in the below image.
Also need to enter the Uv Desk Form id from the UV desk account, to get the ID follow the path Uv desk > apps > form button > chatWhizz integration > edit > copy the form id.
Enable this configuration for an auto-assigning ticket to the corresponding operator:
Enable this tab if the admin wants to assign the ticket to the same operator who accepted the client chat.
Enable department registration or search and select departments for your domain to get client registration on a department basis.
Admin can rearrange the department listing in just one click as shown in the above and below images.
Operators– You can add the operators who will monitor the customer queries by clicking on the Assign Operators button.
- Admin can easily export the list of assigned operators by clicking on the file logo.
- Admin can easily disable the operator for the particular domain from the activity section as shown in the above image.
Two ways of adding operators
- Add from addon
- Add from domain
Once added, they will be listed as shown below. You can delete them anytime, make them admin and also, change their online status.
Widget theming & position
Customise the live chat widget that is going to display on the storefront.
- Icon
- Theme Color
- Position
- Title
Custom Message
Under Online Operator, you can set custom messages that will be sent to the end-user when they choose live support:
For Offline operators, set the custom message that will be sent to end-user if they connect via live support but operators are offline:
Lastly, set a custom message that will be sent to the end-user when the operator created a ticket for the user’s query:
You can also create custom input fields for information that you want to fetch from your end-users while live chat:
Custom Inputs
Notification sound
To enable the notification sound admin need to enable the tab from
- Client-side sound
- Operator side sound
Storefront: Live Chat Support Widget
Whenever a customer visits your storefront, this is how the widget will display:
Clicking on the Live chat icon (Right-hand side bottom), a tiny form will display.
After clicking, the customer needs to enter his name & email to get connected with a support executive. In case you have added custom fields, they will also be displayed here to fetch extra information.
As soon as the customer enters these details, he will be connected to the operator.
Clicking on the End Chat button on the top right of the widget, the customer can end the conversation.
Clicking on ‘confirm and send mail’, the conversation will be sent via email to the customer.
Executive End
As soon as the customer messages through the live chat support, the executive on the other end will receive the message. The executive needs to accept the chat to move ahead.
This is how the chat will look like:
Clicking on the three dots on the top right corner, operator will have these three options: End Chat, Send Mail & Create Ticket
Send mail: You can send this conversation to domain administrator using this option.
Create Ticket: Edit the content if you want and directly create a ticket on behalf of the client:
Need help?
For support, please leave your query at [email protected] or create a ticket at Webkul UVdesk.
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