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    Adding NPM package to the Administration or Storefront in Shopware6

    Updated 31 December 2021


    In this blog, we will discuss how to add a custom NPM package to the Administration or Storefront. If you are working on a plugin and you need to write a custom Javascript plugin. For this approach, we can add a custom NPM package to our plugin directory.

    Adding a npm package to the Administration or the Storefront

    Now we add a custom NPM package to the Administration or Storefront. assume you have installed NPM, run npm init -y it in the plugin directory <plugin root>src/Resources/app/administration/ or the <plugin root>src/Resources/app/storefront/ directory. This commands creates a package.json file in the respective folder. To add a package to the package.json file simply run the npm install command and your desired package will be installed in your node_module folder. In this example, we will be installing missionlog package in our plugin.

    Registering a package in the build system

    Shopware’s Storefront, as well as Administration, is based on the build system Webpack. Webpack is a source file bundler: In essence, it bundles all the source files into a single bundle.js to be shipped to a browser. To make Webpack know of the new dependency. We have to register it and give it an alias so that the package can be bundled correctly.

    To do this we create a new folder called “build” under either Resources/app/storefront or Resources/app/administration. In this build folder, we create a new file with the name webpack.config.js. We thereby make it possible to extend the Webpack configuration of Shopware.

    const { join, resolve } = require('path'); 
    module.exports = () => { 
        return { 
            resolve: { 
               alias: { 
                   '@missionlog': resolve( 
                        join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', 'missionlog') 

    Using the dependency

    Once we have installed all the dependencies and registered the package in the build system with an alias, we can use the package in our own code.

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    import Plugin from 'src/plugin-system/plugin.class';
    // Import logger
    import { log } from '@missionlog';
    // Initializing the logger
    log.init({ initializer: 'INFO' }, (level, tag, msg, params) => {
        console.log(`${level}: [${tag}] `, msg, ...params);
    // The plugin skeleton
    export default class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
        init() {
            // Use logger
  'initializer', 'example plugin got started', this);

    Now you can see the log info in the browser console of the custom Javascript plugin in your Storefront.

    Multi-Seller Marketplace Plugin

    Thanks for reading this blog, I hope it will help you. Happy coding 🙂

    . . .

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