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Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace

Updated 3 October 2024


Shopware Multi-Seller (Multi-Vendor) Marketplace for Shopware 6 will completely transform your Shopware 6 store into the marketplace. With this module, any customer can become a seller and sell their products. If the customer is already registered at the store then he/she can apply for the seller ship.

The seller can manage the seller profile, seller products, and seller orders. The seller can see the other seller’s products and information. The seller can also add products and product variants. Using this plugin the seller can view and edit his profile information. He can view his product list and search, edit or delete products from it.

Admin can also manage the product list, seller list, commissions, and settings. Admin can edit or delete products, approve, disapprove, set separate commission rates for different sellers. The admin can also view the sellers transitions.

Basic Requirements –

  • Our Shopware multi-vendor marketplace module is compatible with Shopware 6.5.x.



  • The admin can set the option to auto-approve the seller.
  • The admin can set the option to auto-approve the seller’s products.
  • Admin can approve or disapprove a seller or seller’s products.
  • The admin can check the seller’s product information.
  • The admin can allow sellers to manage the status of their orders.
  • Low stock notification can be enable or disbale by the admin.
  • For low stock notifications, admin may also set the product quantity.
  • Admin can set the commission percentage.
  • Admin has the ability to assign products to the seller.
  • The admin can create template-based emails for Marketplace which will be used, according to Admin selection.
  • The admin can track the seller’s income, total order, total buyers, and the latest order using the dashboard field under the edit sellers page.


  • Multiple sellers can register and as well as upload their products.
  • Separate Seller Profile, Shop Logo, and Seller Collection Page with Banner Image.
  • Customer can become a seller.
  • A seller can edit their profile information.
  • The seller can add the minimum and maximum purchase quantity while creating the product
  • Seller’s products can be edited or deleted by the seller as well as the admin.
  • Seller info on the product page
  • The seller can add their social link icons, which will be visible on their profile page.
  • Seller can check their earnings on behalf of daily, monthly and yearly basis.
  • Public seller profile having all the information about the seller
  • The seller can manage the seller profile, seller products, seller orders.
  • The seller can update the status of the orders.
  • Advanced Prices feature for seller product as like admin.
  • With this module, The seller can create simple and variant products.
  • The seller can check other seller’s details.
  • The code is open-source so it can be easily customized.

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Webkul Shopware Connector

Installation Process

Please find here the installation process with terminal:

1) Extract the zip file of the Shopware multi-seller plugin.

2) Upload the folder WebkulMVMarketplace to custom/plugins directory of your Shopware 6.


3) Now open the Shopware 6 application in the Terminal.

4) Run the following commands in the Terminal

./bin/console plugin:refresh (Insert and list the plugins)
./bin/console plugin:install --activate WebkulMarketplace (Installing and activating the plugin)
./bin/console c:c (Clearing the cache)
./psh.phar administration:build (Building the application)

5) Now refresh the administration.

Please find here the manual installation process:

1) Extract the zip file of the plugin.

2) Goto your Shopware 6 installation backend panel and navigate to Extensions -> My extensions-> Apps after that you can find all the installed plugin in it.

For installing the plugin, the user can click on the Upload Extension button. The user can upload the plugin zip(WebkulMVMarketplace) here.

3) After uploading the plugin zip, the user can see the plugin in the list.

4) Now the user can click on the install icon to install the Shopware multi-seller plugin.

5) After the installation of the plugin, the user can click to activate the plugin.

While in the process the admin can see the success message ‘Plugin has been activated‘.

After the installation process and plugin configuration of the Shopware multi-seller plugin icon option is not visible then run this command to clear the cache:

/bin/console c:c

Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace Configuration

After installing the Shopware multi-seller plugin, the user can navigate to Extensions -> My extensions-> Apps.

After clicking on the plugin, the user can see all the installed plugin in the Shopware. The user can click on the “…” icon for the configuration option of the plugin.

After clicking on the Config icon, the user can see these options:

  • Marketplace Status – Here admin can enable or disbale the status of marketplace.
  • Auto Approve Sellers – The admin can enable the option to auto-approve the sellers.
  • Auto Approve Profile – The admin can enable the option to auto approve profiles.
  • Allow to sellers to change their product status -This feature may be turned on by the admin to allow sellers to modify the status of their products.
  • Auto Approve Products – The admin can enable this option to auto-approve the seller’s products.
  • Low Stock Notification – By enabling this option a low stock mail will send to the seller when the customer order the product.
  • Low Stock Quantity – The admin can set the low stock quantity.
  • Commission – Here the admin can set the commission percentage.
  • Calculate commission on tax – Enable this option to calculate the admin’s commission on the product’s unit price.
  • Seller Product Delete Option – Enable this option so that the seller can delete the seller product.

Afterward, the admin can click on the Save button.

Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace Admin Panel

For the Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace admin option, the admin will navigate to Settings>>Plugins.

Landing page

Under the Landing page configuration, the admin will manage the Marketplace landing page by adding the following details.

  • Marketplace Landing Page Head Title – Here, the admin needs to enter the title for Marketplace landing page.
  • Display Banner – By enabling this tab the admin will be able to display banner image at Marketplace landing page.
  • Banner Image – Here the admin needs to upload the image of the banner image.
  • Banner Content – The admin can enter the content for banner in this section.
  • Marketplace Landing Page label – Here the admin will enter the label for marketplace.
  • Display Icon – Here the admin will enable or disable the display icon.
  • Feature Icon – After enabling the display icon tab, the admin will upload the image of feature icon.
  • Icon Label – Here, the admin needs to enter the label for above icon.
  • About Marketplace – The admin needs to enter the content about Marketplace in this section.
  • Seller listing top heading – Here the admin needs to enter the heading for seller listing.
  • Order Status for Sellers – Admin allow sellers with the options to manage their order status such as open, cancelled, done and in progress.


Under the seller menu option, the admin can manage all the sellers like – Approve/Disapprove them. Admin can see all the sellers register at the Marketplace. However, the admin can see these details in the seller’s grid such as Name, Email, is Apply, Is Approved, total orders, commission, created at, and seller type.

The admin can select particular and also select mass to approve or disapprove sellers on the Marketplace.

In this below image, you can see that the admin selects mass sellers to approve or disapprove on the marketplace.

To add a new seller the admin needs to click on Add Seller button.

Afterward, the admin needs to select the customer and click on the Save button as seen in the screenshot given below.

The admin can click on the edit (…) button. Here admin can config the seller information.

Commission Percentage– Admin can define the Commission Percentage for the seller. The admin can set the commission for all the sellers. However, when the product will be purchased, the admin can earn the profit as a commission.

Store Logo – Admin can see the seller store logo, and can delete it also.

Banner logo – Admin can see the seller store Banner logo, and can delete it also.

Owner logo – Admin can see the seller store Banner logo. and can delete also.

Store logo, Banner logo, and Owner logo can upload anyone in the seller end.

Profile Status – The admin can enable or disable seller profiles on the Marketplace.


In the products, the admin can select delete, approve, and disapprove the status of the product and also select mass products at one time.

In the seller’s product grid, the admin can see the details such as Product Title, Sellers’s Name, Sellers’s E-mail, Price, Stock, Status, and as well as Product View.

Here, you can see that the admin has selected mass product to Approve, Disapprove or as well as delete the product.

The admin can add a product by clicking on Add Product button as seen in the screenshot given below.

Afterward, the admin needs to enter the following details:

  • Select Products – Here the admin needs to select the products.
  • Select Seller – Here the admin needs to select seller to assign the products.

After adding the following details the admin needs to click on the Save Settings button and the product is added to the list as seen in the screenshot given below.


Under this section, the admin can see the orders made for marketplace products. From here, the admin can view orders, change order status for each product. Furthermore, can click on the View button, the admin will be able to see the order details of a particular order and can make changes to order as well.

The admin can see these details in the seller’s product order grid such as Order Number, Marketplace Product, Quantity, Total Amount, Commission Amount, Sellers Earning, Marketplace order status, Created at and as well as Status.

However, If a customer has placed any two products order after that customer canceled one product, so order status in the admin end, one order status will show canceled.

The price of canceled products will get decreased from the total order after the cancellation of the product.


Forthwith, Under the transactions section, the admin will be able to check the transactions of all the marketplace sellers to maintain a record. When admin and seller will be done the order status, then the transaction will show in this part.

Here you can also see the details of the seller’s Manage Transaction such as Customer Name, Total Amount, Admin Income, Seller Income, Paid to Seller, and Remaining Amount.

The admin can click on the edit (…) button on any customer. On this page, the admin can see the customer details such as Order number, Marketplace Product, Quantity, total Amount, Commission Amount, Seller’s Earnings, Created at, and status.

In the payment status, the admin can filter to select paid or unpaid. The admin can select one or multiple transitions for pay to the seller. In the below image, you can see the paid.

Here you can see the unpaid transitions.

When the admin will pay the seller, then the admin can write a note for the seller, after that click on the submit button.

Transaction History

In the Transaction history, the admin sees the seller’s translation details such as Customer name, Transaction ID, Comment, Transaction Amount, and Date.

Mail Template

Under the mail section, the admin can create/delete the Mail messages for the default conditions of the Marketplace, the admin can set the mail for different conditions that will occur in the marketplace.

This mail will come only when anyone installs the plugin, it can be edited by admin and can be saved. Also when a customer will become a seller, then a mail has sent to the admin and seller.

When a seller changes the order status, then a mail is automatically sent to the customers.

A low stock mail notification will automatically be sent to the seller when the product is at low stock as seen in the screenshot given below.


Admin can click on the edit (…) button on any mail. On this page, the admin can change the mail templates.


Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace Front-end

After the installation of the Shopware6 multi-seller module, there will be an icon “Sell” on the right side of the screen.

The customer can click on the Sell icon under the Marketplace. After that, the customer will be able to see the banner image.

By clicking on Marketplace Shop the customer will be redirected to the sign-up page and registered himself as a seller as seen in the screenshot given below.

The customers will also be able to see all the sellers registered at the marketplace.

The customer can see the list of all sellers by clicking on View All button as seen in the screenshot given below.

The customer can see the details of the seller after clicking on the seller profile.


Here the customer can see the seller details like:

Social Icons – The customer can check the seller on various social media platforms by clicking on the social icons added by the seller.

About – Here the customer can check about the seller.


Products – Here the customer can see the seller’s products and details.


Reviews – Here the customer can check the seller reviews.


The customer can also log in to review the seller. The customer can enter these details:

  • Ratings – The customer can rate the seller in the marketplace.
  • Summary – The customer can also add a summary of the review.
  • Review – The customer can add a review of the seller.

The customer can also make a contact with the seller by navigating under the contact tab and entering the following details.


The customer can also redirect himself to sign up as a seller form by clicking on the Open a Marketplace Shop button given below.

Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace Seller Login

The customer can register himself/herself at the Shopware multi-seller marketplace after clicking on the Register button at the front-end. If the customer already registered at the Marketplace then he/she can click on the login button.

After clicking on the “Register” Button the customer can see the registration page. Here the customer can enter his/her details.

The customer can become the seller after selecting the “Yes” option in the “Select “Yes” if you want to become a seller and sell your products on the store.“.

After the registration, the seller can log in to the Shopware multi-seller Marketplace.


After the login, the seller can see these seller’s options such as Overview, Your Profile, Addresses, Payment Methods, Orders, Marketplace Dashboard, Add Product, Your Profile, Your Product, Earnings, and Marketplace sellers.

Marketplace Dashboard

 After login, the Marketplace dashboard will appear as shown in the below snapshot.

After clicking on the dashboard, the seller can see the complete statistics for his store account. The seller can see the details such as Pending orders quantity, number of orders in process, complete order quantity, and number of orders canceled.

However, the seller can also see the following details like The total number of orders that have been placed by the customers, the total number of turnover, the total number of logged-in buyers, and low stocks.

  • The total number of orders that have been placed by the customers.
  • The total number of Turnover
  • Total number of logged-in Buyers,
  • Low Stocks

The seller will be able to see the graph view as well as seen in the screenshot given below.

Your Profile

The seller profile displays critical information about the seller. After the registration, the seller needs to complete the seller profile. The seller can manage the profile under “Seller Profile”. The seller has to enter these details.

Once the seller enters all the details in the profile, the user can access it from the product page.

The sellers need to upload the image of the Store logo, Store Banner, and Store Owner.
  • Social Links – the seller needs to add their social links in this section.
  • Store Slug – Here the seller needs to enter the Store Slug.
  • Owner Name – The name of the owner will be entered here.
  • Store Title – In this section the seller adds the title for the store.
  • Email- In this seller need to enter the mail i’d.
  • Phone – Need to add a contact number.
  • Address – Here seller need to enter the adress for the store
  • Store Description – Here the sellers needs to add description for the store.

However, the seller profile and as well as rest of the pages will be displayed on the front-end as below images:


Add Products –

The seller can add the product to the Marketplace. Furthermore, the seller has to enter these details to create the products.

  • Product name – In this you need to add the product details.
  • Price – In this section, you can add the price of the product.
  • Product Number – Add the product number or identification number.
  • Product Stock – Add the number of products available.
  • Description – In this, you can add the product description.
  • Minimum/Max. order quantity – Also, the admin can set the maximum product quantity that can be purchased by each customer for each product.
  • Product Tax – Here, enter the Tax rate Likewise, select the type of tax rate to reduce the rate or standard rates.
  • Product Manufacturer – Select the product manufacturer.
  • Media Files – Add the product images.
  • Product categories – Select the product category.

After saving the products, the seller can see the products in the marketplace seller’s products grid.

Your Products

Taping the Add Products menu option brings up the section to add the products. Here the seller can easily add in his products. Furthermore, the seller can see all the products created by him/her.


The seller can disable the product status by clicking on Disable button under the Action as seen in the screenshot given below.


At the seller product list, there is an autocomplete option for product names in the filter search product box.


To delete the product, the seller can click on the particular product and delete it.


The seller can add a new product here and also edit the product.

The seller will be redirected to the product page if they click on the product name.


To edit the product, the seller has to click on the “Edit” button. Here the seller can see the options.


Update Product – Using this option, the seller can update the created products.

View Product – The seller can click on the “View Product” to check the product on the product page. On the product page, the seller can also see his/her details.

Variant Generator

The seller can add/generate the variant of the product here.

For creating the variant, the seller can select the “Product Groups” after that the seller can see the seller group option for creating the product variant.

For example: If the seller will select the “Colour” product group then he/she will be able to see the “Group Options” like “Green”, “White”, “Blue”.

After that, the seller can click on the “Update Variant” to generate the variant products.


Here the seller can edit the details of the variant products –

Price – The seller can change the price of each variant product.

Stock – The seller can change the stock of each variant product.

Advanced Price

Under the Advanced tab, in this, you can add the pricing rules–

Select Customer Group– In this, you need to select the customer group according to that group you can select the different rules for the different customer groups.

  • Quantity Restriction
  • Price Restriction


Here the seller can specify the product’s dimensions and weight here.
This data can be displayed on the product detail page and used to determine delivery costs.


Afterward, the seller can click on the Update button.

Your Orders –

Now, clicking the Orders menu option will bring up the section to view all the orders that have been placed for this Sellers products. The seller can see these order details:

  • Date – The seller can see the product order date by the customer.
  • Order Number – The seller can check the order number.
  • Order Status – The seller can check the order status.
  • Payment Status – Ther seller can check the payment status like open/closed.
  • Action – The seller can perform the action View and Hide the order details.

Clicking the “Order” link under the column View will allow the seller to view the complete order details such as Customer name, customer email, Payment Method, Shipping Method, Commission Amount, Seller earnings, and as well as the total amount.

The seller can able to see the following details as Customer name, Customer email, Payment Method, Shipping Method, Commission Amount, Seller Earnings, and Total Amount.

Update Order Status – The seller can update the order status as open, cancelled, Done and In progress as seen in the screenshot given below and click on the UPDATE button.



Here the sellers could check his earnings on a daily, monthly, and as well as yearly basis or for specific dates as seen in the screenshot given below.

Marketplace Sellers –

With this option, the seller can check all the registered sellers and his/her details in the marketplace.

If you are looking for the multi-vendor module for Shopware 5 then please check this link –


That’s all about our Shopware multi-seller marketplace module. If you have still any query, please create a support ticket at-

You can also explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions .

Current Product Version - 1.3.0

Supported Framework Version - 6.5.x, 6.4.x, 6.3.x, 6.2.x

. . .

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