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WooCommerce & POS Loyalty Management

Updated 24 May 2024

WooCommerce POS Loyalty Management module helps the store owner to provide loyalty or reward points to their customers. The customer gets loyalty points when they shop from the WooCommerce website as well as the POS store. The customers can see their loyalty points in their accounts.

The admin can set up rules based on the cart total and product categories for earning and redeeming the loyalty points in the WooCommerce store or POS. The admin can also credit or debit loyalty points to the customer accounts.

Also, if you want partial payment or EMI facilities available for the customer at your POS Store, you can check WooCommerce POS Partial Payment.

Note I –

  • To use this module for the WooCommerce POS, you must have installed the WooCommerce POS System plugin
  • POS add-on supports the Dark Theme feature.

Check the plugin workflow-

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Feature List

  • The admin can set up the loyalty program for the WooCommerce POS and WooCommerce store for the customers.
  • Admin can perform manual transactions for the loyalty points.
  • The admin can view all the credit and debit loyalty point transactions.
  • Filter option for the transactions based on transaction type, date, and customer.
  • The admin can create multiple rules for the loyalty points for the customers.
  • Rules can be created based on the cart total, or product categories.
  • Select the redemption type for the loyalty points as full or partial.
  • The admin can enter multiple redemption rules for the loyalty points.
  • The admin can decide loyalty points on every purchase of the customers by entering the purchase amount.
  • Enable or disable the existing rules as per the requirement.
  • The customers get awarded loyalty points on their orders.
  • The customer can check their loyalty points under the account section.
  • The POS agent can check the customer’s loyalty points under the customer section.
  • The POS agent can also redeem loyalty points on customer purchases.
  • After returning the item of the order, the loyalty points get revoked.
  • POS add-on supports the Dark Theme feature.
  • The customer will get loyalty points even if the product is purchased from POS.
  • Enable/Disable functionality in bulk action under the rules section.
  • Admin can create advanced rules for the customer loyalty points.
  • This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.


The user gets a zip file that he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

For this, login to the WordPress Admin Panel, and then Under the Dashboard, hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu, and then select the “Add New” option.

installation -1

After this, you see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, Now clicks the option to upload the zip file.

upload plugin

By clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below you see a button “Choose File” Click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

choose file

After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.


Now when the plugin gets installed correctly, then you see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Henceforth now, click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.


Module Translation

To learn how to translate the module, you can click here.

Module Configuration – Loyalty Points

After the successful installation of the module, the admin can configure the module from the back-end.

For that, they need to navigate through Loyalty Management > Configuration as per the below image:


Configuration Setting:

Enable/Disable – The admin can enable or disable the module from here.

Applicable For – From here, the store owner can select for which they want the plugin features. Such as for WooCommerce Store, for Point Of Sale, or both WooCommerce Store and Point Of Sale.

Title – Enter the title of the loyalty point which the customer can see during the checkout.

Redeem Button text – Enter the text for the redeem button which the user can see during the checkout.

My Account Menu Endpoint: The admin can set the endpoint that is used for the My Account loyalty menu. If not entered, wkwc-loyalty will be used.

Rule type – Select the rule type as a basic rule or advanced rule.

After entering all the details, the admin can click on the Save Changes button.


The admin can view all the customer’s loyalty points by navigating through, Loyalty Management > Users as per the below image:


The admin can click on View Orders to see the orders of the particular customer. For reference, check the below snapshot:



The admin can see all the loyalty transactions by navigating through Loyalty Management > Transactions as per the below image:


Here the admin can see all the credit or debit transaction types along with all the details such as Customer Loyalty Points, Customer Email, Date, and Type.

Also, the admin can filter the transaction as per transaction type, date, and customer.

Create Transaction

The admin also generates manual transactions from the back end. For that, they need to click on the Transaction > Create Transaction button on the transaction list page.


Under Create Transaction:

Select User – Select the existing user for manual transactions.

Loyalty Point(s) Enter the loyalty points here, which want to credit or debit from the user’s accounts

Action Select the action as “Credit” or “Debit”

Transaction Note – Enter the note for the particular transaction.

After entering all the details, the admin can click on the Submit button.


The admin can create several rules for loyalty points.


For that, the admin needs to navigate through Loyalty Management > Rules and then click on the Create Rule button.

For reference, please check the below snapshot:


After that, the admin has to fill in several details to create a rule such as:

Enable/Disable – The admin can decide whether to enable the status of the current rule or not.

Redeem Type – Select the type to redeem the current rule for the customer. There are types by which the customer can redeem their loyalty points such as: Full or Partial.

  • In the Full redemption type, the customer can redeem their whole loyalty points at once.
  • In the Partial redemption type, the customer can only redeem some of their loyalty points.

Start Date – Select the start date of the current rule, it must be smaller than the end date.

End Date – Select the end date of the current rule, it must be greater than the start date.

Points Calculation:

Rule Base – Select the rule base for the current rule i.e, Cart Total, or Product categories.

  • If the rule base is set as Cart Total, then the rule is applied based on the cart total.
  • If the rule base is set as Product Categories, then the rule is applied to that product in the cart that belongs to the selected category.

Minimum Purchase – Enter the minimum purchase amount which the customer needs to purchase to get awarded for the current rule.

Customer will be awarded – The customer will be awarded the entered points for every purchase of the entered amount.

For example – If the admin enters 100 points for a purchase of every $500, then the admin will be awarded the 100 loyalty points on their purchase value of $100.

Redemption calculation:


The admin can create several redemption calculation rules under a single rule.

Rule Name Enter any redemption rule name.

Points From From this points range, respective points weight are applied.

Points To To this point’s range, respective points weight applied.

Weight of Points This point weight is used between the respective point ranges.

Status Select the redemption rule status.

In the case of Rule-based Product categories:


The admin can create multiple rule bases as per product categories.

Category – Select the category on which the customer is awarded respective loyalty points.

Loyalty Points – Enter the loyalty points, which gets awarded to the customers who purchase the products of the respective category.

After entering all the details, the admin can click on the Save button to save the rule.

The admin can view all the rules under a list as per the below image:


From here, the admin can bulk delete the created rules. It also can filter the rules as per the status of the rules.

Manage Advance Rule

The admin can change the rule type from a normal rule to an advanced rule type. When they choose the advanced option points weight tab will also open to add the product advance loyalty point.


Add Advance Rule

The admin clicks on the advance rule tab a page will open with the advance rule list.


Here, the admin can check the created rule or create a new one.


Moreover, the admin also needs to add the points calculation rule. It will be based on cart total, product category, or products as per admin choice.

Rule Type – Cart Total – Add price range and award points.


Rule Type – Product Categories – Add product categories, and loyalty points, and type as fixed or percentage.


Type – Product – Select various products to apply the advanced rule.


WooCommerce Front-View

The customer can earn or redeem the loyalty points on their purchase on the checkout page as per the below image:


In case of partial redemption:

As the admin has set the redemption type of the applied rule as partial, So here the customer is getting an option to enter the points that they want to redeem on this particular order.

Also, the customer will get to know how many loyalty points they’ll be awarded on the current purchase.

And how many loyalty points they are having along with their weightage.

Once the customer enters the loyalty points and clicks on the Redeem Now button, the points get redeemed and reflected in that particular order.


In case of full redemption:

If the admin has set the redeem type of the applied rule as full, then the customer will get an option to redeem the full points as per the below image:


Now, the customer can click on Redeem Now button, to redeem the whole loyalty points.


Customer – Loyalty Points

The customer can check their loyalty points by navigating through My Account > Loyalty Points.


Here the customer can see their total loyalty balance. Also, they can check transaction details on which they have gained loyalty points.

Note –

  • If the customer returns the purchased item, then the loyalty points that they have gained on that particular order will be revoked automatically.
  • For the online purchase, the customer will get loyalty points when that particular order is shipped and the order status is complete.

POS Loyalty Points

The POS agents can also apply the loyalty points of the customers on their purchases. The POS agent has to add the product to the cart and select the user as per the below image:


Once, the POS agent selects the customer, then they can click on the Pay button.



After that, they can see how many loyalty points the particular customer will be awarded. Also, they can redeem the points.

They can also check how many loyalty points they are having along with their weightage.

In the above snapshot, partial redemption is applicable on the order, so the POS agent needs to enter the points that the customer wants to redeem on the purchase.

Once the POS agent enters the loyalty points and clicks on the Redeem Now button, the points get redeemed and reflect in that particular order.


In case of full redemption:

In the case of full redemption type for the loyalty points, the POS agent just needs to click on the Redeem Now button.


Once, they click on the Redeem Now button, the loyalty points get applied to that particular order as per the below image:


Note –

On purchasing from the POS outlet, the customer will be awarded loyalty points as soon as the order got placed.

POS – Customer Loyalty Points

The POS agents can also check the available loyalty points for the customers under the customer section of the POS. For reference, please check the below snapshot:


Loyalty Points on POS Checkout

The loyalty point will be added to the customer account once they are done with product checkout from Point of Sale. The loyalty points will be reflected in their account.


POS Loyalty points – Advance Rule condition

If the admin sets the rule type as an advance rule for loyalty points then customers can see the awarded loyalty points for their purchase, balance, point weightage, and redeem points.

Partial Redemption


When customers redeem some partial points the remaining amount they have to pay to complete the order.


Once the order is placed customer can print the invoice or check the details in the order section.


Full Redemption – Customers can redeem the full amount with loyalty points.


They can check their remaining balance in the customer section.


Thus, that’s all for the WooCommerce & POS Loyalty Management. If you face any issues, feel free to add a ticket to our HelpDesk system.

Current Product Version - 2.1.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.4.2 WooCommerce:8.4.0 Point of Sale: 5.1.0

Blog Version - WordPress: 6.4.2 WooCommerce:8.4.0 Point of Sale: 5.1.0
  • Version Wordpress - 6.0.3 WooCommerce - 7.0 WooCommerce Point Of Sale - 4.1.0
  • Version WordPress: 6.4.2 WooCommerce:8.4.0 Point of Sale: 5.1.0
  • Version WooCommerce version:5.8* Wordpress Version: 5.8*
  • Version WooCommerce version:4.0* Wordpress Version: 5.8*
  • Version WooCommerce version:4.0* Wordpress Version: 5.3*
. . .

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