We have introduced a new feature in Webkul Wallet management app named as Store credit. Now, the cashback received by the user will be added to the store credit.
Also the Admin can now set the validity for that cashback i.e. Admin can set a time period after which the unused cashback amount will be lapsed or deducted from the store credit balance. User can now decide that if they want to use Store credit amount or wallet amount for product purchase.
For this admin have to enable the Store Credit Configuration. To enable it the admin have to visit the Home Page of Webkul Wallet Management app >> Configuration >> Store Credit >> Enable it >>Save. After enabling it once, you can’t disable it.

Note- If you once enabled the Store Credit setting then in future you cannot disable it. And the cashback amount will be managed under the store credit.
Store credit priority when wallet is used as payment method.
After enabling the store credit, we reached to the store credit priority page. From here we can decide on the store credit priority.
We have provided two options here:
- Admin
- Customer

Store Credit Priority set to Admin
From the options if we select the Admin , then Admin can decide that while placing the order, the priority will be given to Wallet Balance or Store Credit.

Priority set to Customer
If from the priority decision section we choose Customer. Then the customer can select the priority to use the wallet from the front end.

Note– From the “Select a Method for Your Customers to Use the Wallet” if we select the “Discount Type” as the method to use wallet. Then in this case on the cart page a checkbox appeared. On ticking that checkbox the available store credit amount/balance will be used for the product purchase.
If the price of the product is equal to or less than store credit balance then money will be deducted from store credit.
But if store credit balance is less than the product price then complete store credit balance will be deducted and then left amount will be charged from wallet.
For example- Let the store credit balance is $10 and Product sales price is $100, then $10 will be deducted from the store credit and rest $90 will be deducted from wallet.

Set validity on the store credit amount
Moreover Admin can now decide the time period for which the cashback will be valid. It means that the store credit balance will lapse after a fixed period of time.
For this admin have to set the cashback validity from the cashback rule configuration.

Front end View

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