Opencart Warehouse Inventory Management is the most simplified way to manage the stock of goods. In an e-Commerce industry, this feature is most critical and complex due to heavy inventory.
This mobile app is perfect and accessible for the systemization of warehouse inventory. Thus, with the help of an Android or iOS application of WMS order management is made much easy.
The store owner can introduce staff agents to manage the warehouses. The store agent can define the structure of the warehouse by defining the number of rows, columns, shelves, racks, and totes.
Thus, the admin can now easily assign the product to the racks. This will allow easy fetching of the product in the warehouse.
Moreover, the app follows the latest technology of Flutter wherein one can use Dart to build mobile apps.
Watch below video tutorials to understand the extension workflow:
Initial configuration and setup –
Staff Order Management | Android App – Part – 2
Order Management on iOS mobile app –
Features of Opencart Warehouse Inventory Management
- Admin can create multiple warehouses from the backend.
- Warehouse configuration can be done as per requirement likewise stating the number of rows, columns, shelves, racks, and totes.
- The admin can even assign the inventory to the warehouse wherein the position of the product is also stated.
- Additionally, the admin can register and assign a staff member to the warehouse for systemized management.
- The sales agent will manage the assigned order with the help of the applications downloadable from the App and Play store.
- Admin can assign the orders to the staff member.
- The order verification is done by staff members by scanning the tote barcode.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. Hence, the folder contains – admin, barcode, catalog, system, and wms_barcode folders.
Thus, one needs to transfer the admin, barcode, catalog, system, and wms_barcode folders into the Opencart root directory on the server as shown below:
After this, you will navigate to -> Extension Installer. You will find two xml files in ocmod folder “wms.ocmod.xml” and “wms_application(API).ocmod.xml“.
You need to upload the file wms.ocmod.xml and “wms_application(API).ocmod.xml“.
Then, navigate to ->Extensions->Modifications and click refresh on the top right-hand side as shown below.
After the above step, the admin needs to navigate to System->Users->User Groups->Administrator(Click the edit button).
Now, select all for “Access Permission” and “Modify Permission” and then tap the save button.
Now, go to Extensions-> Modules->Warehouse Management System and click the install button to install the module as shown below.
However, for the application, part one needs to navigate to Extensions-> Modules->Warehouse Management System Application. Henceforth click the install button to install the module as shown below.
The admin can easily set the module as per the business requirement. Hence, to do this the admin needs to navigate via- Extension>Extensions>Module>Warehouse Management System.
- Module Status – Here the admin needs to only enable or disable the module as per requirement.
- Barcode Width– In this section admin defines the size of the barcode as per the product requirement.
- Barcode Print Option- The admin can select from multiple options like- Only Barcode, Barcode with barcode number, Barcode with product name, or barcode with both barcode number and product name.
- Generate Barcode with- However, in this section, the admin can select the perimeter on which barcode is generated- Product Id, SKU, EAN, or UPC.
- Columns Per Page Warehouse – Admin needs to put value for columns per page.
- Warehouse Rows Per Page – Enter the value for rows per page.
Warehouse Management System Application-Configuration
Additionally, the admin can configure the WMS application by navigating through- Extension>Extensions>Module>Warehouse Management System Application.
- Status-The admin can Enable the mobile application from this section.
- Api_key- This key will connect the module on web end to the application.
- Api_Password- This will be the secret key to connect the application with website.
Warehouse Inventory Management
The admin can navigate through Warehouse management System>Warehouse, to manage the warehouses by editing the existing ones or adding new ones.
Here, the admin can search a warehouse among a long list. The admin can even take in bulk action to delete the warehouse.
Herein, the admin will enable the Warehouse, additionally will enter the following details-
- Warehouse Title- The admin can enter the name of the warehouse for identification.
- Number of–
- Rows– Here, the store owner specifies the count of rows in the warehouse.
- Columns- The admin can specify total verticle divisions in the warehouse.
- Shelves- The total shelves present in the warehouse where the products are present.
- Racks- Here, the admin mentions the number of racks in the warehouse.
- Totes- The admin mentions here the total number of totes for the orders as present in the warehouse.
Product Assignment
Henceforth post creation of the warehouse the store owner will easily assign the product. For this, the admin needs to go to Manage Products>Click on the Warehouse Management System page.
The admin gets redirected to the Manage Product page wherein the admin can Assign the product to the warehouse.
However, from here the admin can remove the product from this section.
Herein, the barcode will auto-generate on clicking the Generate Barcode button, post select the product.
The admin can even Print the Barcode to attach it to a product. For this, the admin will select the Print Barcode button.
On clicking the assign button the admin can check the status of the product quantity already present in shelve.
The admin can click on any shelves to assign the product. Hence, allow a pop-up to open wherein the admin can assign products as per available quantity.
Herein, if all the racks are having products then the Shelve is full.
However, it might be having a semi, half, and empty status depending on the quantity of the products in racks of a shelf.
Staff Management with Opencart Warehouse Inventory Management
Post warehouse creation the store owner now will create staff for the management of the warehouses.
For this, the admin needs to navigate the Warehouse Management System> Staff. Herein, the admin can either add new staff members or edit the existing ones.
The admin now will define the following details to register the staff member-
- Status- The admin can set the status of the staff member as enable.
- Select Warehouse- The staff agent is assigned a warehouse for the management.
- Enter Firstname and Lastname, email, telephone number, password and residential address details of staff. Here the mail id and password are used by staff to log in to the WMS application.
Totes For Warehouse Inventory Management
The admin then can manage the totes for the order processing. For this, the admin needs to navigate via Warehouse Management System> Totes.
Here, there is a list of totes displayed along with the respective Warehouse and its barcode. However, from here the admin can even print the barcode or save it in the form of pdf.
The filter will allow the admin to fetch out a tote from a list of multiple totes associated with the warehouse.
Order Management- Admin End
Once the customer places the order then the admin can navigate to Sales>Orders. Henceforth, in the Order detail page, the admin can assign it to a staff member.
Now the admin will navigate to the Warehouse Management System>Orders.
Here in the admin can filter the orders or take action on the orders.
Staff Order Management-Opencart WMS
Now the staff agent can use the application to manage the order. This application will help them to quickly find assign orders.
The staff agent can log in the application to take advantage of the application functionalities. Here the username and password will be the same as the admin enters at the time of registration.
Once the staff members log in, they can take utilize two options Order List and Verify.
Order List and Filters
The staff member can click on the Order List section to view the list of orders.
Hence, allowing them to view and manage the assigned orders.
Here in this section, the staff member can filter the orders on the basis of various stages-
- None– All the orders will appear if this filter is chosen.
- Initiated– Whenever the order is assigned to a staff member and no activities have been taken on the order then this will be the status of the order.
- Started– This status of the order states that the staff member is working on the order.
- Picked– When the staff member adds all the products in the tote the order status will be this.
- Packed– Once the verification of order is done this will be the status.
The staff members can even see the name and mail id in the Profile section. From here the Staff agents can even log out the application.
Additionally here the admin can even Search the order on the basis of Order id.
Order and Tote Assignment
The sales agent will click on the order to associate the tote with it. For this order, the staff will go to the order id.
Wherein, the ‘Add Tote to Being‘ will give the option to Add. On clicking it the staff member will have the facility to scan the tote barcode.
Hence allowing the addition of totes to the order with products. Here, we have used one tote for the whole order.
However, the staff member can assign multiple totes to an order.
Then the staff agent will fetch the product and scan the code to add the product to the tote.
Finally, once all the products are added to the tote(s).
After scanning the product barcode it shows a green tick.
Hence, the staff members will receive the following message on the application as all the products are submitted.
This will add the product completely to the tote for further processing.
Then the staff member can verify the order to check if all the products are in tote. For this, the staff member will go to the homepage of the application and click on the Verify Button.
Here, the staff agent can scan the barcode of the tote again.
Now, the staff members will see a list of products in the tote.
The staff member will click on the tick to verify the products. Hence, allowing the display of a verification popup.
This will make the order as Packed and proceed with it for the next procedure. Hence allowing perfect Warehouse Inventory Management.
That was all about the Opencart Warehouse Management System. Moreover, if you have any doubts or queries regarding the extension get back to us at [email protected] or create a ticket at our HelpDesk system.
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
This plugin works well with the Opencart default website. No need for any additional connectors for this.
Thanks and Regards.
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For now, default Opencart manages the quantity of the product. Right now we don’t have quantity manager in the module. You can view the name of the assigned product in the warehouse location section. However, if you would like to have a quantity manager kindly mail us on [email protected].