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User Guide for Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification

Updated 4 July 2022


Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification to let customers know of stock replenish!

Out-of-stock products stop customers from proceeding further with their purchase, especially when the product is what customers want. So, how to appeal to customers and ensure that customers buy the product from your website.

A notification on customers’ mail can help ensure that they will buy the product from your website on product restock.

Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification allows you to send a stock replenishment update to customers so they can make the purchase. The module shows a notify me tab on the website, in which customers have to enter their email and click the ‘Notify’ button to get an update on stock availability.

NOTE: Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification Module works in conjunction with the following module:

Multi Vendor Marketplace

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Odoo Website Stock Notify

Odoo Website Product Stock

First, you must install these modules in your system for the Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification module to work correctly.


  1. Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification lets customers know about the restock of out-of-stock products.
  2. Sellers can also notify the customers of their product replenishment.
  3. Customers have to provide their email to get notifications of stock availability.
  4. Send notification to customers automatically on stock availability.
  5. Also, sellers can send mail notifications manually to the customers in Odoo.
  6. Moreover, send mail to a single user or multiple users in bulk.
  7. Automatic send mail notifications via the set cron scheduler.
  8. Admin and seller both can configure the cron scheduler according to requirements.
  9. From the Odoo backend, set a mail template for sending stock availability mail.


  1. Once you purchase the App from Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.
  2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘wk_website_appointment.’
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
  5. Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List.’
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘wk_website_appointment.’
  7. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.



1. Firstly, log in to Odoo backend, locate ’Seller Dashbaord> Inventory> Inventory Requests,’ and click on the ‘Create’ button.

Creating inventory requests in Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification 1.

2. On the new page, fill in the details, click the ‘Save’ button, and then click ‘Request.’

Creating inventory requests in Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification 2.

3. Once you click the ‘Request’ button, it will be replaced by the ‘Approved and Reject’ button.

3.1 On Approving the request, the status will change to ‘Approved.’

3.2 While, on Rejecting the request, the status will be ‘Rejected.’

Creating inventory requests in Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification 3.

4. Firstly, log in to the Odoo backend and follow the path, ‘Seller Dashboard> Configuration> Marketplace Stock Notify.’

Viewign and approving Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification requests 1.

5. On the next page, you can view all the requests for stock replenishment notifications. Click and open any ‘Draft’ request.

Viewign and approving Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification requests 2.

6. Now, you can view the details and ‘Cancel’ the request or click ‘Send Email Notification’ to manually send the notification.

Viewign and approving Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification requests 3.

7. After that, a popup will appear on the screen in the defined template with the product link.

Viewign and approving Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification requests 4.


8. Sellers can also create inventory requests from the backend using their credentials. However, they can only raise an inventory request. Only the admin can approve or reject the inventory request.

9. For creating an inventory request, go to ‘Seller Dashbaord> Inventory> Inventory Requests’ and click ‘Create.’

Seller Creating inventory requests in Odoo Marketplace Stock Notification 1.

10. After that, on the next page, fill in the details and click the ‘Save’ button.

Seller creating inventory requests in Odoo backend 2.

11. Once done, click the ‘Request’ button to raise an inventory request.

Seller creating inventory requests in Odoo backend 3.

12. Follow the path, ‘Configuration> Marketplace Stock Notify,’ on this page, sellers can view all the stock notification requests. Click and open any of them to view their details.

NOTE: Seller will only see stock notification requests for their products only.

Seller viewing all their notification request 1.

13. Next, click any request to view the details. If the request is pending (not sent), they will see the ‘Cancel and Send Email Manually’ button.

Seller viewing all their notification request  2.


14. On the marketplace website, click on any out-of-stock product.

Creating stock notification request 1.

15. On the product page, below the price, you will see the ‘Notify’ tab with your email address already filled. Click on the ‘Notify’ to generate a stock notification request.

Creating stock notification request 2.

16.  On creating a request successfully, the user will see a message about request creation.

Viewing successful request creation message.



Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

If you still have any issues/queries regarding the module, please raise a ticket at

Also, please explore our Odoo development services & an extensive range of quality Odoo Apps.

For any doubt, contact us at [email protected].

Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - V15

. . .

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