As Magento 2.3 is out, its Beta version is available for installation. Installing the current Magento version to 2.3* is quite simple through CLI.
Magento in its doc provides the script to upgrade Magento to 2.3 but it doesn’t work out of the box as of now.
You may also streamline your upgrade process by utilizing professional Magento 2 upgrade services.
Please follow all the steps in Magento documentation to upgrade through CLI, use the following script install.
Initially, PHP errors occurred during the Magento 2.3.0-beta8 installation script, which is designed for stable versions.
After making the required adjustments, the script successfully installed the beta version without issues.
Change pre_composer_update_2.3.php script to:
#!/usr/bin/php <?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ declare(strict_types=1); $_scriptName = basename(__FILE__); define( 'SYNOPSIS', <<<SYNOPSIS Updates Magento with 2.3 requirements that can't be done by `composer update` or `bin/magento setup:upgrade`. Run this script after upgrading to PHP 7.1/7.2 and before running `composer update` or `bin/magento setup:upgrade`. Steps included: - Require new version of the metapackage - Update "require-dev" section - Add "Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\": "setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/" to composer.json "autoload":"psr-4" section - Update Magento/Updater if it's installed - Update name, version, and description fields in the root composer.json Usage: php -f $_scriptName -- --root='</path/to/magento/root/>' [--composer='</path/to/composer/executable>'] [--edition='<community|enterprise>'] [--repo='<composer_repo_url>'] [--version='<version_constraint>'] [--help] Required: --root='</path/to/magento/root/>' Path to the Magento installation root directory Optional: --composer='</path/to/composer/executable>' Path to the composer executable - Default: The composer found in the system PATH --edition='<community|enterprise>' Target Magento edition for the update. Open Source = 'community', Commerce = 'enterprise' - Default: The edition currently required in composer.json --repo='<composer_repo_url>' The Magento repository url to use to pull the new packages - Default: The Magento repository configured in composer.json --version='<version_constraint>' A composer version constraint for allowable 2.3 packages. Versions other than 2.3 are not handled by this script See for more information. - Default: The latest 2.3 version available in the Magento repository --help Display this message SYNOPSIS ); $opts = getopt('', [ 'root:', 'composer:', 'edition:', 'repo:', 'version:', 'help' ]); // Log levels available for use with output() function define('INFO', 0); define('WARN', 1); define('ERROR', 2); if (isset($opts['help'])) { output(SYNOPSIS); exit(0); } try { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '<') || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '>=')) { preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/',PHP_VERSION, $matches); $phpVersion = $matches[0]; throw new Exception("Invalid PHP version '$phpVersion'. Magento 2.3 requires PHP 7.1 or 7.2"); } /**** Populate and Validate Settings ****/ if (empty($opts['root']) || !is_dir($opts['root'])) { throw new BadMethodCallException('Existing Magento root directory must be supplied with --root'); } $rootDir = $opts['root']; $composerFile = "$rootDir/composer.json"; if (!file_exists($composerFile)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Supplied Magento root directory '$rootDir' does not contain composer.json"); } $composerData = json_decode(file_get_contents($composerFile), true); $metapackageMatcher = '/^magento\/product\-(?<edition>community|enterprise)\-edition$/'; foreach (array_keys($composerData['require']) as $requiredPackage) { if (preg_match($metapackageMatcher, $requiredPackage, $matches)) { $edition = $matches['edition']; break; } } if (empty($edition)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No Magento metapackage found in $composerFile"); } // Override composer.json edition if one is passed to the script if (!empty($opts['edition'])) { $edition = $opts['edition']; } $edition = strtolower($edition); if ($edition !== 'community' && $edition !== 'enterprise') { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Only 'community' and 'enterprise' editions allowed; '$edition' given"); } $composerExec = (!empty($opts['composer']) ? $opts['composer'] : 'composer'); if (basename($composerExec, '.phar') != 'composer') { throw new InvalidArgumentException("'$composerExec' is not a composer executable"); } // Use 'command -v' to check if composer is executable exec("command -v $composerExec", $out, $composerFailed); if ($composerFailed) { if ($composerExec == 'composer') { $message = 'Composer executable is not available in the system PATH'; } else { $message = "Invalid composer executable '$composerExec'"; } throw new InvalidArgumentException($message); } // The composer command uses the Magento root as the working directory so this script can be run from anywhere $composerExec = "$composerExec --working-dir='$rootDir'"; // Set the version constraint to any 2.3 package if not specified $constraint = !empty($opts['version']) ? $opts['version'] : '2.3.0-beta8'; // Composer package names $project = "magento/project-$edition-edition"; $metapackage = "magento/product-$edition-edition"; // Get the list of potential Magento repositories to search for the update package $mageUrls = []; $authFailed = []; if (!empty($opts['repo'])) { $mageUrls[] = $opts['repo']; } else { print_r($composerData['repositories']); foreach ($composerData['repositories'] as $label => $repo) { output($label); output(strpos($repo['url'], '.mage')); if (strpos(strtolower((string)$label), 'mage') !== false || strpos($repo['url'], '.mage') !== false) { $mageUrls[] = $repo['url']; } } if (count($mageUrls) == 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No Magento repository urls found in composer.json'); } } $tempDir = findUnusedFilename($rootDir, 'temp_project'); $projectConstraint = "$project='$constraint'"; $version = null; $description = null; output("**** Searching for a matching version of $project ****"); // Try to retrieve a 2.3 package from each Magento repository until one is found foreach ($mageUrls as $repoUrl) { try { output("\\nChecking $repoUrl"); deleteFilepath($tempDir); output("create-project --repository=$repoUrl $projectConstraint $tempDir --no-install"); runComposer("create-project --repository=$repoUrl $projectConstraint $tempDir --no-install"); // Make sure the downloaded package is 2.3 $newComposer = json_decode(file_get_contents("$tempDir/composer.json"), true); $version = $newComposer['version']; $description = $newComposer['description']; if (strpos($version, '2.3.') !== 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad 2.3 version constraint '$constraint'; version $version found"); } // If no errors occurred, set this as the correct repo, forget errors from previous repos, and move forward output("\\n**** Found compatible $project version: $version ****"); $repo = $repoUrl; unset($exception); break; } catch (Exception $e) { // If this repository doesn't have a valid package, save the error but continue checking any others output("Failed to find a valid 2.3 $project package on $repoUrl", WARN); $exception = $e; } } // If a valid project package hasn't been found, throw the last error if (isset($exception)) { throw $exception; } output("\\n**** Executing Updates ****"); $composerBackup = findUnusedFilename($rootDir, 'composer.json.bak'); output("\\nBacking up $composerFile to $composerBackup"); copy($composerFile, $composerBackup); // Add the repository to composer.json if needed without overwriting any existing ones $repoUrls = array_map(function ($r) { return $r['url']; }, $composerData['repositories']); if (!in_array($repo, $repoUrls)) { $repoLabels = array_map('strtolower',array_keys($composerData['repositories'])); $newLabel = 'magento'; if (in_array($newLabel, $repoLabels)) { $count = count($repoLabels); for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { if (!in_array("$newLabel-$i", $repoLabels)) { $newLabel = "$newLabel-$i"; break; } } } output("\\nAdding $repo to composer repositories under label '$newLabel'"); runComposer("config repositories.$newLabel composer $repo"); } output("\\nUpdating Magento metapackage requirement to $metapackage=$version"); if ($edition == 'enterprise') { // Community -> Enterprise upgrades need to remove the community edition metapackage runComposer('remove magento/product-community-edition --no-update'); output(''); } runComposer("require $metapackage=$version --no-update"); output('\nUpdating "require-dev" section of composer.json'); runComposer('require --dev ' . 'phpunit/phpunit:~6.2.0 ' . 'friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer:~2.10.1 ' . 'lusitanian/oauth:~0.8.10 ' . 'pdepend/pdepend:2.5.2 ' . 'sebastian/phpcpd:~3.0.0 ' . 'squizlabs/php_codesniffer:3.2.2 --no-update'); output(''); runComposer('remove --dev sjparkinson/static-review fabpot/php-cs-fixer --no-update'); output('\nAdding "Zend\\\\Mvc\\\\Controller\\\\": "setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/" to "autoload": "psr-4"'); $composerData['autoload']['psr-4']['Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\'] = 'setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/'; if (preg_match('/^magento\/project\-(community|enterprise)\-edition$/', $composerData['name'])) { output('\nUpdating project name, version, and description'); $composerData['name'] = $project; $composerData['version'] = $version; $composerData['description'] = $description; } file_put_contents($composerFile, json_encode($composerData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); // Update Magento/Updater if it's installed $updateDir = "$rootDir/update"; if (file_exists($updateDir)) { $updateBackup = findUnusedFilename($rootDir, 'update.bak'); output("\\nBacking up Magento/Updater directory $updateDir to $updateBackup"); rename($updateDir, $updateBackup); output('\nUpdating Magento/Updater'); rename("$tempDir/update", $updateDir); } // Remove temp project directory that was used for repo/version validation and new source for Magento/Updater deleteFilepath($tempDir); output("\\n**** Script Complete! $composerFile updated to Magento version $version ****"); if (count($authFailed) > 0) { output('Repository authentication failures occurred!', WARN); output(' * Failed authentication could result in incorrect package versions', WARN); output(' * To resolve, add credentials for the repositories to auth.json', WARN); output(' * URL(s) failing authentication: ' . join(', ', array_keys($authFailed)), WARN); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getPrevious()) { $e = $e->getPrevious(); } try { output($e->getMessage(), ERROR, get_class($e)); output('Script failed! See usage information with --help', ERROR); if (isset($composerBackup) && file_exists($composerBackup)) { output("Resetting $composerFile backup"); deleteFilepath($composerFile); rename($composerBackup, $composerFile); } if (isset($updateBackup) && file_exists($updateBackup)) { output("Resetting $updateDir backup"); deleteFilepath($updateDir); rename($updateBackup, $updateDir); } if (isset($tempDir) && file_exists($tempDir)) { output('Removing temporary project directory'); deleteFilepath($tempDir); } } catch (Exception $e2) { output($e2->getMessage(), ERROR, get_class($e2)); output('Backup restoration or directory cleanup failed', ERROR); } exit($e->getCode() == 0 ? 1 : $e->getCode()); } /** * Gets a variant of a filename that doesn't already exist so we don't overwrite anything * * @param string $dir * @param string $filename * @return string */ function findUnusedFilename($dir, $filename) { $unique = "$dir/$filename"; if (file_exists($unique)) { $unique = tempnam($dir, "$filename."); unlink($unique); } return $unique; } /** * Execute a composer command, reload $composerData afterwards, and check for repo authentication warnings * * @param string $command * @return array Command output split by lines * @throws RuntimeException */ function runComposer($command) { global $composerExec, $composerData, $composerFile, $authFailed; $command = "$composerExec $command --no-interaction"; output(" Running command:\\n $command"); exec("$command 2>&1", $lines, $exitCode); $output = ' ' . join('\n ', $lines); // Reload composer object from the updated composer.json $composerData = json_decode(file_get_contents($composerFile), true); if (0 !== $exitCode) { $output = "Error encountered running command:\\n $command\\n$output"; throw new RuntimeException($output, $exitCode); } output($output); if (strpos($output, 'URL required authentication.') !== false) { preg_match("/'(https?:\/\/)?(?<url>[^\/']+)(\/[^']*)?' URL required authentication/", $output, $matches); $authUrl = $matches['url']; $authFailed[$authUrl] = 1; output("Repository authentication failed; make sure '$authUrl' exists in auth.json", WARN); } return $lines; } /** * Deletes a file or a directory and all its contents * * @param string $path * @throws Exception */ function deleteFilepath($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return; } if (is_dir($path)) { $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('..', '.')); foreach ($files as $file) { deleteFilepath("$path/$file"); } rmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } if (file_exists($path)) { throw new Exception("Failed to delete $path"); } } /** * Logs the given text with \n newline replacement and log level formatting * * @param string $string Text to log * @param int $level One of INFO, WARN, or ERROR * @param string $label Optional message label; defaults to WARNING for $level = WARN and ERROR for $level = ERROR */ function output($string, $level = INFO, $label = '') { $string = str_replace('\n', PHP_EOL, $string); if (!empty($label)) { $label = "$label: "; } else if ($level == WARN) { $label = 'WARNING: '; } else if ($level == ERROR) { $label = 'ERROR: '; } $string = "$label$string"; if ($level == WARN) { error_log($string); } elseif ($level == ERROR) { error_log(PHP_EOL . $string); } else { echo $string . PHP_EOL; } }
In the script, please make sure the Magento Beta version is entered directly, as it was not found.
Also, update the composer.json file to install the Beta version, as the minimum stability was previously set to stable.
My composer file in Magento root directory:
{ "name": "magento/project-community-edition", "description": "eCommerce Platform for Growth (Community Edition)", "type": "project", "version": "2.3.0-beta8", "license": [ "OSL-3.0", "AFL-3.0" ], "require": { "magento/product-community-edition": "2.3.0-beta8", "composer/composer": "@alpha" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "~6.2.0", "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "3.2.2", "phpmd/phpmd": "@stable", "pdepend/pdepend": "2.5.2", "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "~2.10.1", "lusitanian/oauth": "~0.8.10", "sebastian/phpcpd": "~3.0.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Magento\\Framework\\": "lib/internal/Magento/Framework/", "Magento\\Setup\\": "setup/src/Magento/Setup/", "Magento\\": "app/code/Magento/", "Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\": "setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/" }, "psr-0": { "": [ "app/code/", "generated/code/" ] }, "files": [ "app/etc/NonComposerComponentRegistration.php" ], "exclude-from-classmap": [ "**/dev/**", "**/update/**", "**/Test/**" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Magento\\Sniffs\\": "dev/tests/static/framework/Magento/Sniffs/", "Magento\\Tools\\": "dev/tools/Magento/Tools/", "Magento\\Tools\\Sanity\\": "dev/build/publication/sanity/Magento/Tools/Sanity/", "Magento\\TestFramework\\Inspection\\": "dev/tests/static/framework/Magento/TestFramework/Inspection/", "Magento\\TestFramework\\Utility\\": "dev/tests/static/framework/Magento/TestFramework/Utility/" } }, "minimum-stability": "beta", "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "" } ], "extra": { "magento-force": "override" } }
That’s all for this post. If you get any error during installation share with us in the comments below, will be happy to help you.
You can also explore more about Magento 2 Upgrade Services to update your e-commerce website with the latest Magento version or migrate from another e-commerce platform.
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