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    Understanding currying in javascript

    Updated 9 June 2017

    Simply speaking, currying in javascript enhances the reusability of functional code with multiple arguments. It is used to transform your function to one or more arguments. Let us understand with one simple example first.

    Normal javascript (not using currying):

     * Webkul Software.
     * @category Webkul
     * @package JavaScript Concepts
     * @author Webkul
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Webkul Software Private Limited (
     * @license
    var set = function (header, site) {
      console.log(header + ' ' + site);
    set('visit', ''); // visit
    set('visit', ''); // visit

    Now using currying:

     * Webkul Software.
     * @category Webkul
     * @package JavaScript Concepts
     * @author Webkul
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Webkul Software Private Limited (
     * @license
    var set = function (header) {
      return function (site) {
        console.log(header + ' ' + site);
    var visit = set('visit');
    visit(''); // visit
    visit(''); // visit

    Here, in this example, we have passed an argument first and using that variable for passing the further argument.

    Now, I’m providing a better example in which currying is used to a bit more extent and it will also help you understand it better. Here, I’m providing an example for the formatting of currency.

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    First, I’m providing an example without using currying.

     * Webkul Software.
     * @category Webkul
     * @package JavaScript Concepts
     * @author Webkul
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Webkul Software Private Limited (
     * @license
    var format = function (symbol_place, currency, decimal, value) {
      if (!decimal) {
        decimal = 2; // if decimal in not provided
      if (symbol_place == 'left') {
        return currency + parseFloat(value).toFixed(decimal);
      } else {
        return parseFloat(value).toFixed(decimal) + currency;
    var currency_format1 = format('left', '$', 2, '50.4343');
    console.log(currency_format1); // $50.43
    var currency_format2 = format('left', '$', 4, '50.4343');
    console.log(currency_format2); // $50.4343
    var currency_format3 = format('left', '£', 2, '50.4343');
    console.log(currency_format3); // £50.43
    var currency_format4 = format('right', '€', 2, '50.4343');
    console.log(currency_format4); // 50.43€

    Now, the same has been done after applying currying.

     * Webkul Software.
     * @category Webkul
     * @package JavaScript Concepts
     * @author Webkul
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Webkul Software Private Limited (
     * @license
    var format = function (symbol_place) {
      return function (currency) {
        return function (decimal) {
          return function (value) {
            if (!decimal) {
              decimal = 2; // if decimal is not provided
            if (symbol_place == 'left') {
              return currency + parseFloat(value).toFixed(decimal);
            } else {
              return parseFloat(value).toFixed(decimal) + currency;
    var currency_left = format('left');
    var currency_right = format('right');
    var usd = currency_left('$');
    var pound = currency_left('£');
    var usd_decimal2 = usd(2);
    var usd_decimal4 = usd(4);
    var pound_decimal2 = pound(2);
    console.log(usd_decimal2('50.4343')); // $50.43
    console.log(usd_decimal4('50.4343')); // $50.4343
    console.log(pound_decimal2('50.4343')); // £50.43
    var currency_format = format('right')('€')()('50.4343');// we can pass empty arguments as well
    console.log(currency_format); // 50.43€

    Here, you have noted that we have made a better use of functional code by using it for multiple cases. You can do a lot more with the currying. Hope, this blog helps you to learn something about currying.

    . . .

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