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Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) for Shopware 6

Updated 6 October 2023


Shopware 6 Product Return RMA,  the store owners will be able to manage product returns, exchange, order cancellation easily. Return Merchandise Authorization is one of the important components of your success in the online market. In this, the customers can request to return an order or a product as well as admin or store owner can place returns for the customers that’s why it is important for both merchants as well as customers.

Shopware 6 RMA Extension, the customers, as well as the guest users, can create an RMA request for returning the products or canceling the order delivery.

Check a brief overview of the plugin –



  • Customer and Admin can communicate at Store end.
  • The customer can upload Return images.
  • The admin can set Order status for Return.
  • Admin can manage Return status as well as Reasons.
  • The admin can generate returns on behalf of customers.
  • Dynamic order selection with various options.
  • Customer and admin have the option to select pick up address.
  • Admin can define which type of return applies (Refund, Replace, Repair).
  • Print uploaded image by customer.
  • Admin and the customer can create unlimited return reasons.
  • The admin and the seller can create unlimited return status.
  • Admin and customer can set Order status for Return Requests.
  • Admin will be able to see the seller-buyer conversation history of all the return requests.
  • The admin can send messages or revert back to the customers for their messages.
  • The admin can view the admin-customer conversation history of return requests for their products.
  • Guest users also can request a Return.
  • The customer can send their queries to the seller.
  • The customer can also enter consignment numbers then upload images after Return Requests generation.


Shopware gives two ways to install the plugin to the server.

  1. Using Command
  2. Manual installation

Using Command

Customers will get a zip folder, then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The customer has Copy the folder WebkulRMA to custom/plugins directory of Shopware6. As shown in the below image:

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Now open the Shopware6 application in the Terminal.

Run this command to refresh the plugin –

/bin/console plugin:refresh

Go to your Shopware installation Root directory then run this command to install then activate the plugin –

./bin/console plugin:install --activate WebkulRMA

To clear the cache run this command –

./bin/console c:c

Now refresh the administration.

After that, visit administration Setting->System->Plugins, the RMA will be listed there.

Manual Installation

For the manual installation of the plugin follow the steps as mentioned below:

1) Extract the zip file of the plugin.

2) Goto your Shopware 6 installation backend panel and navigate to  Extensions-> My Extensions after that you can find all the installed plugins in it.

Click on the Plugin. For installing the plugin, the user can click on the Upload Extension button. The user can upload the plugin zip(WebkulRMA) here.

3) After uploading the plugin zip, the user can see the Extensions in the list.

4) Now the user can click on the install icon to install the Return Merchandise Authorization extension.

5) After the installation of the extension, the user can click to activate the extension.

While in the process the admin can see the success message ‘Extension has been activated‘.

After the installation process and plugin configuration if the Return Merchandise Authorization  icon option is not visible then run this command to clear the cache:

php bin/console cache:clear

Module configuration

After the successful installation of the Shopware 6 Product Return RMA module, The user will navigate to settings>>Extensions>>RMA configurations.

Here the admin will set the configuration for the module –

  • Sales Channel – Select the sales channel.
  • Extension Supported – Enter your Allowed extension for Document.
  • Maximum file – Enter maximum file can be upload from 1 to 10.
  • Maximum size – Enter the maximum size of the document from 0 to 10 MB.
  • Days to return Product – IN this you need to enter the number of days allowed to return the product.
  • Product Return Policy – Here you have to enter the policy of product return.

Lastly, click to the Save button in the top right-hand corner to save the configuration.

Admin view

Return Reason

Goto to settings>>Extensions>> Return Reason.

Admin can set the Return reason and also delete or change the status. These RMA reasons will be shown in the front end.

Here you can see the list of return reasons.

After that to create reason admin can enter return reason, active then save it.

Return Status

To create return status navigate to settings>>Extensions>> Return Status.After that on the Return status page, click on the create status button.

Here the admin can set the Return product status.

The admin can set the default, solved, and cancel return status. Admin can also delete the create status.

Accept Types

To create return status navigate to settings>>Extensions>> Accept type.After that on the accept page, click on the add accept type button.

Here the admin can add a new accept type.

RMA Products

Admin can find the list of all the products for which the returns have been enabled. Also can add new products.

To create new products navigate to settings>>extensiosn>> Webkul RMA Product.

After that on the product page, click on the add new button.

Here the admin can add new products. To add a new product admin need to add the following:

  • Product name
  • Return reason
  • Accept type
  • Activate

Customer view

Login Customers

After purchasing the product, the option for the customers to view the return reasons for the product if the admin has enabled the return option for the product.


After that click on return tab to check the return policy.


If a customer wants to return the product, first customer login on the store then go to my account then click on the Order button.


Here the customer will be able to view “Return” in order information as per the RMA settings made at the admin end.


To request a return, the buyer will:

  • Customers must have to click on the checkbox button.
  • Quantity: Choose the quantity for which the buyer will request the return.
  • Reason: The buyer has to choose a reason for the return request from the drop-down selections.
  • Accept type: The buyer has to choose a return type for the return request from the drop-down selections.
  • Images: Upload the images of the item for which the buyer wants to request the return.
  • Select Pickup Adress: The buyer needs to select the pickup address.
  • Additional Information: Add additional information about the Return Request reason in case the buyer does not find a valid reason from the drop-down list.
  • Consignment No.: Add the consignment number.

Check the Terms & Conditions of the return policy then click on a Request a return button to create the return request.


After that Return details will generate. Here customers can cancel and check his status of the return. Customers can send a message to the store owner related to product returns.


Guest Users

The Guests Users also can request a return by navigating to the Returns.


After that, the guest will see another page come up where the guest user needs to select the return option then enter the Order ID and the E-mail ID to proceed for requesting the Return.

New Return


Then to request a return, the buyer will fill the details as shown in below image.

Check the Terms & Conditions of the return policy then click on a Request a return button to create the return request.


After that the will receive a notification.


Return Details

After that Return details will generate guest user needs to select the return details option then enter the Order ID and the E-mail ID to check the return details.


After that click on the view tab here customers can cancel and check his status of the return. Customers can send a message to the store owner related to product returns.


Then add your message after that click on submit button


Return request At Backend

Go to Settings>>Plugins>> Return Request. Here the admin can see all the return requests.

To create a return admin need to click on the create return button.

After that enter, the order number then click on the search tab.

Then the admin can see the customer order details.

To create a return admin need to enter the below details

  • Quantity: Choose the quantity for which the buyer will request the return.
  • Reason: The buyer has to choose a reason for the return request from the drop-down selections.
  • Accept type: The buyer has to choose a return type for the return request from the drop-down selections.
  • Select Pickup Adress: The buyer needs to select the pickup address.
  • Additional Information: Add additional information about the Return Request reason in case the buyer does not find a valid reason from the drop-down list.
  • Consignment No.: Add the consignment number.

Then after adding all the details click on the Save button.

After that when the admin will click on any particular product view button there are three options that will be visible.

1- Return Details

2 – Conversation

3- Payment

4- Delete

Return Details

Admin will click on the ‘View” link to view the Request. The admin can view the products for which the Return request has been created along with details like return quantity and return reasons.

Admin can click on the action button then set the existing request reasons.



In the conversation, the admin can see messages that the customer sent. The admin can also reply to the message.


In the payment option, the admin can enter the remark of the returning product then enter Transition id.

Need help?

That’s all for the Shopware6 RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better

Please explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions .

Current Product Version - 1.0.5

Supported Framework Version - Shopware

Blog Version - Shopware
  • Version Shopware 6.1.3
  • Version Shopware
  • Version Shopware
. . .

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