The Multi-vendor Marketplace app for Shopify has now come up with another amazing feature i.e. Seller Currencies.
You can now select multiple currencies from the admin panel that you would like to allow for your sellers. Thus, the sellers can add products in their own currencies.
Note:- Rest everything will work as per the default currency of your store i.e. commission, orders, etc will be shown in the default currency of the admin’s store.
When a customer will place an order then the order will be shown in the default currency selected by admin from their admin panel.
Whatever the currencies you enable in the app, the same will appear in the seller’s account in their seller panels. Now, the seller needs to choose one currency from the drop-down menu.
Now, while adding or editing a product, the seller can add the currency price & currency compare at price for the product.
Also, Note:- If a seller selects a currency, adds a product in that currency, later if the seller changes the currency then, he/she needs to update the prices manually on the product.
Let’s understand the flow.
Firstly, you need to visit the Admin Panel>>Configuration>>Seller Currencies.

Visting this section, you need to add currencies for your sellers. But Before that, Make Sure to enable this tab from the Seller Configuration menu.
Visit the Configuration>>Seller Configuration>>Enable Allow Seller To User Their Own Currency.

Now, coming back to the Seller Currencies section, you will have the option to enable currencies in the app for the sellers. Here, you will get the list of all the currencies.

Whatever the currency you enable from here will be shown to the seller’s “My Account” section.
From their, the sellers can choose their own currency from their respective seller panels.
Let’s see how the seller can add a currency.
All the currencies allowed by the admin will be visible to the sellers in their respective accounts in the seller panel.
Each seller can choose one currency in which he/she want to sell products on the admin’s store.

Add currencies for Product Price & Compare At Price
Now, while adding a product, the seller will get the option to enter currency price and currency compare at price.
Currency price:- This is the product price in the seller’s currency.
Currency compare at price:- This is the compare at price in the seller’s currency.

Let say Seller A has chosen “Ghana” as his/her store currency. When the seller adds the product,
let say the seller setup the price of product A to 100 Ghana then it will automatically get converted into the admin’s default currency i.e in US dollar & 17.25 USD will be shown.
One more important note:– The currency conversion won’t fluctuate at run-time.
This way, the sellers can add products in their own currency.
NOTE:- The feature is compatible with the Slot Pricing Feature App.
Check the Multi-vendor Marketplace App Demo:
Furthermore, if you have any questions/issue then please raise a ticket at
or drop a mail at [email protected].
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