Laravel eCommerce SaaS B2B Marketplace: This module allows you to convert your bagisto website into a SaaS-based B2B Marketplace website where each supplier will have a separate microsite.
Also, the supplier can add banner images, shop logos for their microsite. Feedback can review system with an interactive star rating is also available for the supplier’s product.
Moreover, the tenant has the option to control your mall by managing commission directly from a single place. The other options such as control the complete tenant list from the super admin panel.
Complete Features List of Laravel Ecommerce SaaS B2B Marketplace:
- It is easy to set up and manages a SAAS-based eCommerce solution.
- Also, scaling your business is now directly proportional to the number of tenants.
- Although,It offers a separate admin panel to all the tenants.
- The ability for the tenants to change the domain through c-name.
- It manages the order quickly & easily.
- It provides faster updates will bring lots of demanding features
- Meanwhile, you will also get the customizable front-end with easy style and elements.
- It Supports all product types of the Bagisto framework i.e Simple, Configurable, Downloadable, Virtual, Grouped, Bundle, and Booking.
- It do support the bagisto velocity theme.
How To Install the Module?
** Note:
Do not install bagisto till you configure this extension.
Clone Bagisto to your root directory from
Unzip the Multi-Tenant Extension zip to the bagisto root directory.
Do not try to seed the database with the command PHP artisan db: seed.
Run the below command from the root directory in the terminal:
composer create-project
Find the .env file in the root directory and change the APP_URL param to your mapped domain
Also, Configure the Mail and Database parameters inside .env file.
Firstly, go to config/app.php file and add following line under ‘providers’
Secondly, Go to config/app.php file and add following line under ‘aliases’:
'Company' => Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Facades\Company::class
After that, move to config/concord.php and packages/Webkul/Core/src/Config/concord.php files and add the following line under ‘modules’ index in both files:
In addition, Go to the composer.json file and add the following line under ‘Psr-4’:
"Webkul\SAASCustomizer\": "packages/Webkul/SAASCustomizer/src"
Another entry inside file(‘app/Http/Kernel.php’):
In this file you can find an array ‘middlewareGroups’ inside it there is a key named ‘web’ inside it do an entry:
Overide the File (‘app/Http/Kernel.php’):
remove the code in ‘middleware’ array.
add the code in ‘middleware’ array.
Need to find a file auth.php present inside config folder from root and do the following entries:
Please insert the below code in ‘guards’ array.
'super-admin' => [
'driver' => 'session',
'provider' => 'superadmins'
'super-admin-api' => [ 'driver' => 'jwt', 'provider' => 'superadmins', ],
“insert the below code in ‘providers’ array”
'superadmins' => [ 'driver' => 'eloquent', 'model' => Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Models\Agent::class </code> <code>],
We need to insert the below code in ‘passwords’ array.
'superadmins' => [ 'provider' => 'superadmins', 'table' => 'super_admin_password_resets', 'expire' => 60, </code> <code>],
Run the below mentioned commands from the root directory in terminal:
composer dump-autoload</code> <code>php artisan saas:install
* Access super admin panel using:
Module Configuration:
After the successful installation of the module login to the tenant panel, and navigate to the Configure>> SaaS Marketplace.
General Settings:

Commission Per Unit (In Percentage):
Here the tenants define to set the global commission percentage for sellers that will be applicable to all.
Although, tenants have set a global commission of 10% for every seller in the marketplace, thus when a product is purchased tenants will be earning 10% of the product cost as commission.
Supplier Approval Required:
If approval is required then we need to click on yes from the back-end which restricts the new supplier to log indirectly. The tenant needs to validate the supplier.
Product Approval Required:
Likewise, for supplier approval, we need to put yes from the back-end.
Supplier Can Create Invoice:
Choose Yes in the setting if you also want to give the supplier permission to create an invoice.
Supplier Can Create Shipment:
Need to choose Yes in the setting if you want to give the supplier also the permission to ship the product that has been ordered.
Supplier Can Cancel Order:
Choose Yes in the setting if you want to give the supplier permission to cancel order.
Send Chat Notification:
The tenants can enable or disable this toggle button, so that supplier and customer can get message notification in their emails.
Supplier Profile Page:

Supplier Policies Enable At Front End:
Select Yes to display supplier shipping and refund policies information on the supplier profile page.
Rewrite Supplier’s Company URL:
Select Yes to enable suppliers to edit their shop URL.
Email Verification:
Enable this toggle button for email verification.

Landing Page:
Here are the settings for your Landing Page. It provides descriptive information and attracts sellers to sell on your marketplace. The landing page appears when you click Sell on your Front end.

Let’s move on with each functionality.

Page Title:
Here you can give the main title to your landing page that will act as the main attraction for your seller.
Show Banner:
You can select Yes in the option if you want to show the banner on the landing page, following which you need to provide the banner image.
Banner Content:
Here you can provide the banner content that will appear on the banner image as provided.

Show Features:
You can select the option as Yes if you are looking to showcase features of the marketplace. After selecting Yes, below you can provide the Feature heading, information, and icon.
Feature Heading:
Enter the feature heading in this field.
Feature Information:
The Tenant can add the feature information in this field that will appear under the Feature Heading.
Feature Icon 1:
The tenant can add the feature icon on the landing page.
Feature Icon Label 1:
The tenant can add the Feature icon label in this field.
Note**:- The tenant can set 9 feature icons with the 9 icon labels on the landing page.

Show Popular Suppliers:
The Tenant can select between the Yes or No from the drop-down menu.
Open Shop Button Label:
Enter the button title in this field.
About SaaS B2B Marketplace:
In this field, the tenant can enter all the details regarding the SaaS B2B marketplace according to the requirements.
Show Open Shop Block:
The tenant can enable or disable this block by selecting between the Yes or no from the drop-down menu.
Open Shop Information:
The tenant can add more information in this field.
Supplier Registration Laravel Ecommerce SaaS B2B Marketplace:-
On the front end, a new supplier can register on the website by clicking Supplier. To become a new supplier click on the sign-up button.

Various information needs to fill when a new supplier registers on the website such as first name, last name, company name, company URL

Supplier dashboard:
After filling all the information, the supplier can go to its dashboard and manage the shop that will look like shown below:-

Adding Product:
A supplier can add two types of products – simple, configurable types of products.

Detailed information about a product can be entered in the product information such as name, price, stock, meta information. Select category, enter a description, short description, etc.
After adding all the information in the new product, the supplier can see make any further changes by going to Products>My Products List. The product needs to be approved by the tenant for displaying on the storefront.

Approval by Tenant:
For approving a supplier product, the tenant needs to follow B2B Marketplace>Products, where the tenant can approve or disapprove the products created by the suppliers as shown in the image below:-

An email notification will be sent to the supplier as well for information about product approval status.
Supplier Information:
A supplier can provide and display detailed information about its shop to its customers. First, log in to the supplier account and then go to the Settings>>Profile.

Company Name:
Provide the Company name in this field.
Company URL:
Provide the Company URL in this field.
Company Tag Line:
The supplier will provide the company tagline in this field.
Registered In:
Enter the year on which date the company is registered.
Enter the supplier designation in this field.
Team Size:
Enter the team size in this field
Enter the company certification number here.
Response Time:
Enter the response time by the seller in this field.
The Supplier can enter its Operational address and Corporate address in this page.
Under this section, you need to provide a logo and banner for the shop to be displayed at the front end.

About Shop:-
Under this section, you can provide a description for your shop informing customers about the products you sell and other stuff to make it more informative.

Social Links:
In this section, you can provide links to your shop’s social channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Skype, and LinkedIn.

To keep the purchase transparent between you and your customers, you can provide a Shipping, Return, and also a Privacy policy.

To improve your shop search ranking on search engines, you can enrich that by providing meta title and descriptions.

From here Supplier can select the specific categories whom products that are available for the customers to quote.

The Supplier can see the Verification badge by navigating to Setting>>Verification. A supplier needs to verify its email address for displaying the verified badge that will look like shown below:-

Supplier Profile page:
Once the supplier has provided all the information about its shop, the customers can view the same information on the supplier profile page.
Customers can also view banners, company names, ratings, addresses, contact details, policy information, etc.

Supplier Reviews:-
On the same page, the customers can read some reviews & ratings about the supplier and its products.

Message Supplier:-
Meanwhile, when a customer clicks the Message Supplier button, the following pop-up window will appear. Here the customer can enter or leave a message for the Supplier.

An email notification will be sent to the supplier when any new message is received.
The supplier can check the messages by logging into the supplier account and navigate to Messages. After that, the supplier will see all the customer names who have sent messages.
Simply click a customer name, enter a message and hit send button. An email notification will be sent to the customer’s email.

The customer can check the replies from the suppliers by going to My Account>Supplier’s Message.

Quick Order:
A customer can place a quick order on the B2B marketplace for quickly adding and purchasing the products by searching them using a product name.
The customer also needs to enter the quantity for the products.

Go to the Quick Order page, find a product by entering a product name, enter a quantity, Customer can add more products and proceed to checkout.
After clicking on Proceed To Buy button the customer can proceed with the checkout process.
Check out the process works the same as the default Bagisto order. First, the customer needs to select a shipping address, and then choose a payment method and place an order.

Select a shipping method and click on continue.

Select a payment method

Under the order summary page, customers can also find all the details regarding the order.

Click on the Place Order button to complete the order
Request For Quote:
Although to send a request for quotation to a supplier, the customer can click on the” Request a Quote ” option.
On the product page which will redirect the customer to a specific Supplier profile page where the customer needs to first provide details about the quote request – quote title with a description, and contact information as well.

Also, the customer will provide detailed information about the product and click Add Product as shown in the image below:-

Once the request is submitted, the customer is redirected to the Requested Quotes page as below:

After submitting the request, the supplier can check the request by going to Request For Quote menu option.

After viewing a request, the supplier can see detailed information about the quote. by clicking on Response

Send Quote:
On clicking on the Send Quote Button the following page appears. Here, the supplier will enter Quote Quantity, Quote Price Per Quantity, provide Sample information – price, availability, unit, shipping time, and some note for the customer.

After the quote is sent by the supplier, the customer can check the same from the My Requested Quotes section.

After clicking the eye button, the customer can check the quote, and see details click on the response. The customer can approve, reject or send any message.

Although, the customer has the option to approve the last quote of the supplier and also has the option to send a message to the supplier end.

After that, the customer can simply make the payment for the product via Add to Cart button and complete the checkout process like default Bagisto workflow.

After customer select “Add to Cart” the product will be added to the cart as shown below:-

Then Customer need to click on the Proceed to Checkout Process for further process.
Buying Leads:
Buying leads functionality helps the customer to raise RFQ for the products that are listed or not listed on the website. In this, Request for Quote is sent to multiple suppliers on the website according to the different categories selected by them.

In order to use the buying leads functionality, the above step is must.
After this Customer will find “Request for Quote” option in the website header

Now after selecting the Request for Quote option in the header, now the customer can quote for the products and these will be listed under buying leads option at the supplier end.

After raising “Request For Quote” customer will be directed to the My Requested Quote, where the customer can find all the requests he had done before.

On the Supplier end, the supplier will find the raised quote under Buying Leads. Here supplier can “Message” the customer about the request as well as can directly “Send the quote”.

By clicking on the send quote button, the supplier will also enter Quote Quantity, Quote Price Per Quantity, provide Sample information – price, availability, unit, shipping time, and also some note for the customer.

After the quote is sent by the supplier, the customer can also check the same from “My Requested Quotes’ section.

Now customer will select the specific request raised by him/her then direct to the supplier response.

The customer can approve, reject or send message by hitting Response.

To approve the quote, the customer can click on “Approve Last Quote” and enter the message for the supplier.

After that, the customer can simply make the payment for the product via Add to Cart button.

In addition to this, customers can add the product through the “Add to cart” button.

Then Customer needs to click on the Proceed to Checkout.
Managing Orders:-Laravel Ecommerce B2B Marketplace:
Also, the tenant can also allow the suppliers to manage their customer orders. A supplier can view complete order information, create an invoice, shipment, add the tracking number, print documents.

By Clicking on the edit icon the supplier can see all the details regarding the order and can create the invoice or shipment regarding the order. Moreover, the supplier can also cancel the order.
On clicking the Invoices the supplier can see the invoices regarding the order as shown below:-

Once it is clicked on the Shipments the supplier can see the shipment that has been created as shown below:-

Customer List:-
A supplier can also view and find all the customers who have purchased its products by going to the Customers section. Here, the supplier can see the name, email, contact number, address, base total, and order count.

Supplier Reviews:-
Any customer can also submit a review for a supplier by clicking Write a Review button.

The customer will be redirected to another page, where feedback can be submitted using rating scale and some description.

However, the tenant can decide whether to approve the review or not. The reviews which are not approved are not visible on the storefront. The tenant can navigate to B2B Marketplace>>Reviews from where the tenant can approve or disapprove the reviews.

Although, a supplier can also check the reviews by going to the Reviews section. The list will mention Id, Customer Name, Supplier Name, Rating, Status, Comment and Created.

Tenant Management Laravel Ecommerce B2B Marketplace:-
Similarly, the Tenant also has complete control over the marketplace and its suppliers. B2B Marketplace tenant panel menu, the tenant can manage suppliers and their products, commission, reviews, transactions, and orders.

Moreover, the tenant can also see Requested Quote those have been generated by the customers.

Manage Supplier Products:-
Although, B2B Marketplace>Manage Product, the tenant can also see the complete list of products created by all the suppliers. The tenant can approve, disapprove, deny, edit, preview a supplier’s product.

Also, the tenant can also assign a product to the supplier. The tenant just need to navigate to B2B Marketplace>>Suppliers and click on the Add Product button as shown in the image below:-

After clicking on Add Product Button a page will generate that will look like shown below:-

After clicking on the Assign Product the tenant can easily assign products to the suppliers.
It’s all about the Laravel Ecommerce SaaS B2B Marketplace Still, have any issues also feel free to add a ticket at
Current Product Version - 1
Supported Framework Version - Bagisto 1.2.0
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