Magento 2 Ajax call Request – In this dev blog, we will see how to return JSON data from the controller while doing an Ajax call.
The situation may come that you are doing some customization and need to deal will JSON data from the controller then here is the way how we can go about it.
For that, we can use the Magento core class,
which has list of constant mapped to corresponding classes :
self::TYPE_JSON => 'Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Json', self::TYPE_RAW => 'Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Raw', self::TYPE_REDIRECT => 'Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Redirect', self::TYPE_FORWARD => 'Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Forward', self::TYPE_LAYOUT => 'Magento\Framework\View\Result\Layout', self::TYPE_PAGE => 'Magento\Framework\View\Result\Page'
among these, we can use the constant to return json data :
const TYPE_JSON = 'json'
Now here is the complete code to implement above.
<?php /** * Webkul Software. * * @category Webkul * @package Webkul_<modulename> * @author Webkul Software Private Limited * @copyright Copyright (c) Webkul Software Private Limited ( * @license */ namespace Webkul\<modulename>\Controller\Attachment; use Magento\Framework\Controller\ResultFactory; class <action> extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action { /** * @var \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Contex */ private $context; /** * @param \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context */ public function __construct( \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context ) { parent::__construct($context); $this->context = $context; } /** * @return json */ public function execute() { $whoteData = $this->context->getRequest()->getParams(); $resultJson = $this->resultFactory->create(ResultFactory::TYPE_JSON); $resultJson->setData(["message" => ("Invalid Data"), "suceess" => true]); return $resultJson; } }
This is all we need , hope this help you out. happy coding.
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