Do you want your customers to rate & review your marketplace products?
If yes, then we are here with another add-on for the MultiVendor Marketplace App for Shopify called Product Review!
After a customer ordered an item from a seller, he can rate the product to let other customers know about their experience. Moreover, the admin can also send the customers a post-purchase product review email to get the feedback!
This feature will have an additional charge of USD 7 per month over & above your current Multivendor Marketplace plan.
Enabling the featured app
Enable the following app by visiting:
- Multi-Vendor Admin Panel
- From the Dashboard, hover over the three dots on the top-right of the page
- Click on Feature Apps
- Search for ‘Product Review‘ & click on ‘Enable‘
- After accepting the charges, you’ll be good to configure the app!
Code Pasting
To make this feature display on the frontend, the admin needs to paste a few codes.
The instructions with the codes will be given on the following page:
Multivendor Admin Panel > Configuration > Instruction for Marketplace
Here, you’ll have these codes:
In the ‘product.liquid‘ template:
{% capture wk_product_review %}{% include "mvm-product-review" %}{% endcapture %} {% unless wk_product_review contains "Liquid error" %} {{ wk_product_review }} {% endunless %}
<div class="wk_product_rating" style="display:flex"><div class="wk_rate_product_div" class="rateit" style="font-size:1.3em"></div><p class="wk_total_prpd_rev" style="font-size: 16px;color: #F13F3F;margin:4px;"></p></div>
For ‘customers/account.liquid‘ template:
<div id="wk-your-reviews"> <input id="wk-cstm-email" type="hidden" value="{{ }}"> </div>
For ‘product-card-grid.liquid‘ template to show ratings on collection page:
{% include "mvm-product-collection-review" %}
If you are having trouble while updating the codes, let us know by emailing at [email protected] or creating a ticket for the same at Webkul UV Desk. We’ll do it for you!
Configuration: Admin Panel
The admin needs to configure the app by visiting:
- Multi-Vendor Admin Panel
- From the dashboard, go to Configuration
- Click on Product Review Configuration from the drop-down menus.
On the following page, you’ll find these options under Product Review Configuration:
- Auto-approve product review: From this option, you can automatically approve newly added reviews on your marketplace products.
- The seller can enable/disable customer reviews on the product: By this option, the seller can approve or disapprove the review on their products.
- Only Verified customers can review your product: From this option, restrict that to leave a review, the customer must have bought that product before.
- Review Category Structure: Enable this option if you want to provide a review category to your customers.
Further, enter the review category names. - Send an email after an order has been placed to review the product: From this option, an email will be sent to the customer after an order has been placed to review the product.
- Choose when you need to send the email to the customer: At the time of delivery or fulfillment.
- Review mail after how many days of order placed: Enter the number of days.
- Allow customer to upload image while reviewing the product.
There is no configuration from the seller’s end.
Front End
Seller Profile Page:
This is how the review widget will look like on your product description page:
Customers can add an image while adding a review:
This is how the reviews & ratings will look like:
Ratings on the collection page:
Moreover, the customer can view & edit the reviews given by him by visiting the account section:
On the redirected page:
Clicking on the Edit button will give you a pop-up where you can edit & submit the review again.
NOTE: For this app, we strictly follow UTC time zone, so when a review is given, the time shown is according to UTC.
Product Reviews on Admin End
The reviews added by the customers can be monitored by the admin by visiting:
Multivendor Admin Panel > Hover over Products > Select Product Review from drop-down menus.
Here, if the admin has disabled the ‘review auto-approve’ option from the product review configuration page then the admin needs to approve them.
Moreover, the admin can also deny the customer reviews (no matter what the status is; approved/pending).
To have a complete look into the customer review, the admin can also check it out by visiting individual products.
Multivendor Admin Panel > Products > Product Listing > Edit:
On the bottom of the edit product page, you’ll have a ‘reviews & ratings’ section. Here, you need to click on the manage reviews button. Refer:
Clicking on this, you’ll land on the ‘Manage Reviews & Rating‘ page. From here, the admin can again approve or decline the review.
Product Reviews on Seller End
Similarly, the seller will have all the reviews added to his products by the customers. For this, visit:
Multivendor Seller Panel > Hover over Products > Select Product Review from drop-down menus.
Here, the seller can enable/disable the review only if the admin has granted him the rights from the product review configuration section.
Moreover, the seller can also monitor the reviews in depth by editing the product (as shown above for the admin panel).
Most Reviewed Products on Dashboard
The most reviewed products of your marketplace will be displayed on your marketplace dashboard for both seller & admin.
Admin Dashboard
Seller Dashboard
This was all about the Product Review Add-on for the Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify.
Need Help?
If you have any issues, please drop an email at [email protected]. You can also create a ticket at Webkul UV Desk.
If you want to translate multivendor the app into a single language then, you can translate the labels of the app from the “Translation” section as per your requirement. Please follow the below steps:
Admin end of Multivendor app > Translation > Here, rename the labels as per your requirement.
Please Note: Translations appear only at the seller end.
If you want the multi-vendor app to be multilingual then this can be done with the help of Weglot Translation Feature.
Note: The labels can be in multiple languages and the seller can select from the languages but the seller can write in one language only.
In case of any issue, let us know.
Thank you!