Prestashop Point of Sale (POS) Cash Register is yet another extension for POS to manage POS outlet effectively. The main aim of the cash register is to monitor the inflow and outflow of cash. The use of the POS is increasing every day as the merchants go on to merge their online & offline business.
Not only it helps them to manage both of them effectively, but the integration is surely helping their business too.
With the increase in sales at the POS terminal, it may become difficult to track record of all the transactions. To help the merchant in such a case, the cash register can prove to be beneficial.
While opening the shop, they can record an opening balance to calculate the earning at the end of the day.
The cash register holds the data of transactions that happened via different payment modes on a particular day. You can also view the list of all the orders placed through a specific payment method.
It not only helps you to track transactions of the day after opening the register. But, it also helps you to calculate sales, expenditure, profits, etc. very quickly.
Note: The Prestashop Point of Sale (POS) Cash Register module is compatible with the Prestashop version 8.x.x.
Features of the Point of Sale Cash Register Module
- Effectively manage the inflow and outflow of cash with the cash register.
- Enter the opening balance to open the cash register at the start of the day.
- Each & every transaction of POS is recorded in the register.
- Check the total amount received via each payment mode in the register.
- Record entry for cash withdrawal in the register.
- Record entry for a cash deposit in the register.
- Download PDF to view the total transactions of the day.
- Set the closing balance for each payment method before closing the register to track earning of the day.
- Entries of the cash register for each day are available at the admin end too.
- Cash register entry holds a payment method wise list of transactions.
- Each payment method list contains all the orders placed using that payment mode.
- View a list of all the cashiers handling the POS outlet under the ‘user’ section.
- The PrestaShop Point of Sale Cash Register module is Multi-Shop Compatible.
Important Note
- In order to use this module, make sure to install the Prestashop Point of Sale System module version below 5.3.0 in your Prestashop first. After installing the module, you can proceed to install Prestashop Point of Sale Cash Register module.
- Prestashop Point of Sale (POS) Cash Register has been merged with PrestaShop Point of Sale System module version 5.3.0. So, if you have installed Prestashop Point of Sale System module version 5.3.0 or above in your PrestaShop, then you don’t have to purchase the Prestashop Point of Sale (POS) Cash Register module separately.
How to Install the Point of Sale Cash Register Module
- Go to Module Manager in Back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
- Now, Drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
- In this way, the module installation will be successful.
POS Outlet
In order to use the POS terminal, firstly sign-in to the POS shop with the employees credential.
After signing-in to the POS outlet, you will find that the cash register is closed. You can open the register with an initial amount & some additional notes. This initial amount indicates the opening balance of the POS outlet. Now, you can proceed to take orders on POS.
View all the products assigned to the POS outlet on the home page of POS.
Click on the product to add it to the cart & proceed to checkout.
Now, select the customer & his/her address to proceed to place the order.
Select the payment mode through which the customer wants to pay & click on ‘validate’ to place the order.
After successfully creating the order at POS end, you can now proceed to print the POS invoice of the order.
To print the invoice, you’ll need to configure the printer with POS in the following way:
1. Install Java 8 or the higher version from the link:
2. Download QZ tray from the link:
3. Install it as a typical program on your PC
4. Launch the QZ tray application
5. Configure the printer name in the backend POS configuration page.
Under the ‘Order’ section, you can find all the orders created at POS.
That brings us to the end of basic workflow of the POS.
Note: You can not change the currency of POS after opening the register.
Point of Sale Cash Register
You can see a new section(i.e. Cash Management) at your POS end after the integration of the module. This section provides you the info of all the incoming and outgoing transactions of the shop. You can perform various actions here like:
- You can record cash withdrawal and deposit.
- View transactions happened via various payment modes.
- Set closing balance at the time of closing the register.
Moving ahead you can enter the amount and the reason to record a cash withdrawal and deposit.
Record a cash withdrawal
Record a cash deposit
Here, I also want to tell you that what various terms of the page signify.
- Total Cash movement: It is the sum of the opening balance of the cash register, cash withdrawal & deposit.
- Transaction Subtotal: It signifies the total transaction of the day through various payment modes.
- Closing Balance: It is the balance at which you close the register.
- Difference: It is the difference between total cash movement and the closing balance. In another way, it tells you about the money left in register.
This was all about the cash register.
Workflow at back-end
To manage the cash register, you can see two new tabs at the admin’s end under POS.
Cash Register
Under the ‘cash register’, you will find all the entries for each day. It records the date-wise entry of the register. Either you can view all the transactions for the particular entry or download the PDF.
After clicking on ‘Download PDF, a PDF of the cash register entry for a specific day is downloaded. It contains the data of all the transaction collected through different payment modes.
Under cash register entry, you will find the list of all the transactions occurred via various payment modes.
Under a particular payment mode, you will find list of all the orders placed using the selected payment method.
After clicking on view order button, you will go to the order details page.
Users are basically cashiers which handle the operation of POS outlet. They use the credential of the employee of the POS. There can be many cashiers who can use the credential of the POS employee to operate POS.
Click on edit the modify the user details.
This was all about the Prestashop Point of Sale Cash Register module. I hope the document helps you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way. And, do let us know about your views in comments.
To know more about the workflow of POS, please refer the link.
To know more about other POS extensions developed by webkul, check the list at:
For any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket at and for any doubt contact us at [email protected]
Current Product Version - 4.0.2
Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
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