Nowadays customer data is very essential to protect. There are multiple instances when customer data was compromised or was made available publicly on the internet. And, to prevent such instances, the EU(European Union) took some measures on which every eCommerce store needs to comply since 25th May 2018. Those came into effect & we know them as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). So, while keeping GDPR in mind, we were also creating a module that can easily facilitate compliance with these regulations. That module is none other than Prestashop GDPR Compliance module.
Under the regulation, an enterprise collecting any data from the users must disclose the purpose of the data collection. This not only creates transparency but also ensures the prevention of data theft to customers.
Note: Prestashop GDPR Compliance module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x.
Check the overview of the plugin in the video mentioned-below –
Features of the Prestashop GDPR Compliance module
- This module allows the admin to make his website GDPR compliant.
- This module allows the admin to comply with EU cookie law.
- Enable/disable the auto-approval of personal data deletion of the customers.
- Configure GDPR email notification settings.
- Configure the position, image, and text of a cookie block to display at the Front End.
- Enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the customer registration form.
- Choose to enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the customer personal information form.
- Enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the customer contact form.
- Enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the module’s form.
- Let customers download their personal data on the website in PDF format.
- Customers can also choose to email their personal data to their desired email address.
- The customers can update their personal/address information.
- The Customers can access, update, and delete their personal data on the website.
- Admin can manage all the requests placed by the customer for data erasure.
- Admin can download or delete the personal data of a customer.
- The customers will receive an email notification regarding the confirmation of data deletion.
- The customers will receive an email notification with the attached PDF file containing the updated personal information.
How to install the Prestashop GDPR Compliance module
- Firstly, go to the module manager in the back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
- After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
- In this way, the module installation will be successful.
How To Make Your Module Compliant With Webkul’s GDPR Compliance Module
In order to make your module compliant with GDPR, you need to follow the same steps as in Prestashop’s official GDPR compliance module.
The hooks used in Webkul’s GDPR compliance module are same as used in Prestashop’s official GDPR compliance module:
- registerGDPRConsent
- actionDeleteGDPRCustomer
- actionExportGDPRData
- displayGDPRConsent
There is only one difference when it comes to making your module compliant with Webkul’s GDPR module.
Under “Display user consent checkboxes” instead of using the code({hook h=’displayGDPRConsent’ mod=’psgdpr’ id_module=$id_module}) in your module’s template files you have to enter the code as shown below:
{if isset($isWkGdpr)}
{hook h=’displayGDPRConsent’ mod=’wkgdpr’ id_module=$id_module}
{hook h=’displayGDPRConsent’ mod=’psgdpr’ id_module=$id_module}
How to configure the Prestashop GDPR Compliance module
After the successful installation of the module, a new tab “Manage GDPR” becomes available to configure GDPR settings.
GDPR General Configuration
- Customer data delete approval – On activating this option, a request for data deletion is sent to the admin for approval. In case, if it’s disabled, then the customer can delete the data himself.
- GDPR default agreement content – In this field, the admin needs to enter the text which will be visible at the front end if agreement text is not set for any GDPR consent checkbox.
GDPR Mail Configuration
EU Cookie Law Configuration
Front End View of a Cookie Block
Manage GDPR Agreement Data
Before we go any further, let’s just see what are the options available in “Manage GDPR Agreement Data”.
Under the “Manage GDPR Agreement Data”, an admin can configure where to show the GDPR agreement checkbox and it’s content.
GDPR Agreement Data Management
Under “GDPR Agreement Data Management”, admin can configure the display of GDPR agreement checkbox on:
- Core Prestashop Form Agreements
- Prestashop Module’s Form Agreements
Core Prestashop Form Agreements
GDPR Agreement Checkbox in Customer Registration Form
GDPR Agreement Checkbox in Personal Information Form
Prestashop Module’s Form Agreements
GDPR Agreement Checkbox in Customer Contact Form
GDPR Agreement Checkbox in module’s form
Front End Workflow
Once the module gets installed, a tab “Manage Personal Data” gets available for the customers under ‘My Account’ at the front end.
When a customer clicks on “Manage Personal Data” tab, he can view three sub-tabs: Personal Data Access, Personal Data Rectification, and Personal Data Erasure.
- Personal Data Access – Firstly a customer can use the option to download his entire data on the website in a PDF format. Secondly, a customer can also email his personal data to his desired email id.
- Personal Data Rectification – Under this tab, a customer can update his personal information, address information, or any other information.
Click on ‘Update your Personal Information’ to go to the customer personal information page. On this page, a user can update his personal information.
In addition to above, there is an option to ‘Update Your Address Information’ too. On clicking it, a user lands on the ‘My Addresses’ tab. Here he can update or delete his address.
Another option i.e. ‘For Other Updations Click here’, a block gets available below the tab. After that, a user can enter the information he wants to update on the website.
- Personal Data Erasure – Under this tab, a customer can request for data deletion or delete his complete data from the website. It’s applicable only if “customer data delete approval” is disabled by admin.
Whereas on clicking the ‘REQUEST FOR DELETE’ button, a pop-up with ‘DELETE DATA’ button appears on the screen to erase the data from the website.
Moreover, on clicking the ‘DELETE DATA’ button, a message will display on the screen as shown below.
Manage Customer Data
A request for data deletion from a customer is also sent to admin. He can also view it by navigating through Manage GDPR->Manage Customer Data.
- Delete Customer Data – Choose to delete the personal data of a customer from the website by selecting the customer name. When an admin enters a customer’s name, he lands on the ‘Manage Customer Data’ page to erase the data of the selected customer.
- Manage Customer Data – Under the “Manage Customer Data” tab, view the requests of customers for deleting or updating their personal data from the website. Apart from this, you can also choose to delete/update the data by clicking on the ‘View’ button.
So, this was all about Prestashop GDPR Module. I hope this document will help you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way. Also, do let us know about your views in the comments.
For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]
Also, please explore our Prestashop development services and vast range of quality Prestashop modules.
Current Product Version - 4.0.3
Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
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