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PrestaShop Amazon S3

Updated 20 March 2024

PrestaShop Amazon S3 –  Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud based storage system offered by Amazon Web Services.

With our PrestaShop Amazon S3 module, the site owner will have access to the highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. Using this Most Durable & Reliable Platform you can store all your dynamic data at Amazon end and ensuring an Easy and a Flexible Data Transfer

Reduce Load on your Website Server and See your Website run smooth ! 🙂 

Note: PrestaShop Amazon S3 module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x.

Features of the PrestaShop Amazon S3 module

  • Provides a Reliable Cloud Storage Service where you can store dynamic data from PrestaShop.
  • Upload dynamic data of PrestaShop on the Amazon server.
  • Download the data stored on the Amazon server.
  • Helps to Reduce load on PrestaShop Website Server.
  • S3 is a very reliable service –  Hence no fear of data loss For PrestaShop Admin.
  • Update links of Images entered in TinyMCE while enabling or disabling the module.
  • Store Downloadable files like that of Virtual products and store it on Amazon end.

1) PrestaShop Amazon S3 module is compatible to PrestaShop version and above.
2) In case of Multi-Shop, the module will only work with your Default Shop.

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Supported Modules

As of now, the module is compatible with following three PrestaShop modules.

  • PrestaShop banner
  • PrestaShop Image Slider
  • Block Reassurance

Which Images Will be Uploaded?

In case, if you enable this module, then you can upload following images to store on Amazon end:

  • Product Images
  • Category Images
  • Carrier Images
  • Order Status Images
  • Language Images
  • CMS Images
  • Manufacturer Images
  • Supplier Images
  • Downloadable Products (like Virtual Product files)
  • Uploaded Files (like Attachments)

How to install the PrestaShop Amazon S3 module

  1. Go to back office ->modules.
  2. Upload the module zip file.
  3. The module will automatically get install on your PrestaShop.

How to configure the PrestaShop Amazon S3 module

Admin must receive the credentials from Amazon end.

To know more about the process to get the Amazon S3 access ID & Secret access key details, follow the link.

After logging in to the console, you can now create S3 bucket, get bucket ID and region. To know more about the process, follow the link.

S3 Bucket URL: Save this URL in Media Server under Performance tab (after the module is enabled).


How to Get Access Keys

First, log in to the AWS Management Console as the root owner, and then search for the IAM resource on your dashboard.


After that, click on the user for whom you want to generate access keys and secret keys.


Open it.


After clicking on it, you need to go to security credentials, where you will find the option to create access keys.


Scroll down the page a bit.


Click on create access keys.


Skip this part Set description tag – optional.


Through this step, your access keys and secret keys will be generated. Make sure to save them confidentially. If you lose these keys, they cannot be retrieved, and you will need to generate new ones.


How to Create S3 Bucket

First, log in to the AWS Management Console using the credentials of a user with AWS S3 access. Then, search for the S3 resource on your dashboard.


First, you need to choose the region where you want to create the bucket and specify the bucket name.


Select ownership


Block public access.


Skip as it is.


Click on create button.


Bucket has been created.


Upload/Download Content

After saving the configuration settings, admin will have an Upload Button through which he can Upload all PrestaShop Content (dynamic data).

The following content can be sent to Amazon S3.

1- Product Image
2- Category Images
3- Remaining Images



  1. The Upload Process may take some time depending on the amount of content on your PrestaShop Site.
  2. Make sure you have created a backup of your data before uploading.

Once the upload is complete, a notification message will display. This informs the admin about the successful upload of the content.


Remember –  At this stage the PrestaShop Content is Uploaded but not deleted from PrestaShop.

Similarly, you can upload the Category images and the Remaining images.


After the upload of the content, a third tab is visible on the configuration page i.e. “Enable/Disable Amazon S3”.


Enable Amazon S3

When Admin clicks on Enable button, then the Content Uploaded is deleted from PrestaShop end and gets stored on Amazon Server.


Enable module is in process.


A message appears indicating that the module is enable.


After module is enable, put/save the S3 Bucket URL (in S3 Configuration) in Media Server under Performance tab.


NOTE –  In case admin wants to disable or uninstall the module, then it is necessary that the content is first downloaded from S3 Server.

On upload/download Content Tab –  Admin gets an option to download the content from Amazon Server.


Downloading is in process:


Downloading complete. You can further re-download the content if needed.


Also, once the content is downloaded, you can disable the module from “Enable/Disable Amazon S3” tab.


Note: While disabling the module, the S3 content will get delete from bucket.
Module is disabling.


Module disabled.


Coming back to the module enabling part, as soon as the Module is Enabled –  A new tab gets added to the Manage Amazon S3 Page –  “Update Image Link

Update Image Link


When the Images are uploaded on Amazon S3 server, then the images used in the TinyMCE will generate links from amazon server.


Now when we are disabling or uninstalling the module, we can update the image links and rewrite it with PrestaShop URL.


Re-Download / Re-Upload Option


There may be a case when admin uploads the data but forgot to enable the module. Then, in this case, the dynamic content of PrestaShop will be still on the PrestaShop.

Here, if admin add/update any new data, then admin will have an option to re-upload the data. So that only new content goes on Amazon end.


There may be a case when Admin has Enabled the module  –   This means the dynamic content of PrestaShop has been sent on Amazon and no more exists on PrestaShop end.

Now if admin needs the data on PrestaShop end we need to Download the Data. Now if admin add/update any new data, this will be set on Amazon end but it will not exist on PrestaShop end.  Here Admin will have an option to Re-Download the Data so that the newly added dynamic content comes at PrestaShop end also.

That’s all for PrestaShop Amazon S3 module.


For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]

Also, please explore our PrestaShop development services and vast range of quality Prestashop addons.

Current Product Version - 4.0.2

Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x

. . .

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