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Odoo Re-installation issue In Windows

Updated 28 April 2023


Odoo is a well-known suite of Open business Apps that covers all your company needs: CRM, Accounting, Inventory, Sales, etc. Odoo is prevailing in the market since 2005 and has earned a reputable name in the ERP industry.

Since its inception, Odoo has continuously and remarkably increased its user base. Now every user has a favorable Operating system. Some users prefer Linux and others prefer Windows.
Considering this, Odoo is available for Windows and Linux.


Reinstalling Odoo in Windows can be a little tricky and we came across the issue while re-installing the Odoo in Windows.

We further research from our end and the findings are mentioned below.


Generally, when software is installed in Windows, a new subkey containing settings such as the program’s location, its version, and how to start the program etc, are all added to the Windows Registry.

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Similarly, when Odoo is installed in Windows, PostgreSQL also needs to be installed in Windows and accordingly the keys are added to the Windows Registry.

When the Odoo package is uninstalled, then the PostgreSQL 9.x uninstaller does not clean up the registry keys in the same fashion as the 8.3 did, and the following keys remain even after a complete uninstall:

– HKLM\Software\PostgreSQL

  `+- HKLM\Software\PostgreSQL\Installation

  `+- HKLM\Software\PostgreSQL\Services


The registry keys must be removed from the Windows registry manually first for the re-installation of the Odoo.

The below-mentioned steps can be followed in order to remove the registry keys.

1:- After uninstalling Odoo, Open registry (type ‘regedit’ in the taskbar and select Editor (Desktop app) from the results or Right-click Start, then select Run. Type regedit in the Open: box, and then select OK.)

2:- Search “PostgreSQL” and delete all values.

3:- Restart your pc

4:- Initiate the Odoo reinstallation progress.


Hope you find the guide for the ‘Odoo Re-installation Issue In Windows’ helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

If you still have any issues/queries regarding the ‘Odoo Re-installation Issue In Windows’ guide, please raise a ticket at

Also, please explore our Odoo development services & an extensive range of quality Odoo Apps.

For any doubt, contact us at [email protected].

Thanks for paying attention!!

. . .

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