When several products are sold as one combined product, it is called a bundle product. With the help of Opencart Bundle Product extension, the admin will be able to create bundle products for its customers.
The admin can set the number of bundle products to display on the store. Calculate bundle discount according to the fixed or percent based method.
Features of Bundle Product
- Define the number of bundles to show on the bundle page.
- Define the number of bundles to show on a product page.
- Set the front-end title of the bundle product page.
- Display description on the bundle product page.
- Choose the bundle product availability dates.
- Show or hide units available of the bundle product.
- Calculate bundle discount using fixed or percentage method.
- Set the sort order of the bundle products.
- Enable or disable each bundle product status.
- The customers can select the product options in the bundle.
- Show bundle discount value in cart and checkout.
- Supports multiple languages translations.
- The module source code is open for customization.
Language Translation
The module supports multiple languages, please click here to read about Opencart language installation and translation.
Installation of Bundle Product
Upload Folders
First, extract the downloaded zip file. After that, open the correct Opencart Version Folder. According to Opencart Version installed in your system. Then, upload admin, catalog and system folders to the Opencart root directory.
Upload XML
Now log in to admin backend and navigate to Extensions>Installer. Click the Upload button and browse the XML file, this file is in the ocmod folder. Please select the correct ocmod folder. According to your Opencart version installed in your system.
Click Continue after uploading the XML file.
Refresh Modifications
After uploading the XML file, please navigate through Extensions>Modifications. Now, click the Refresh button in the top right corner as visible in the screenshot.
Edit User Groups
After that, go to System>Users>Usergroups. And then, edit ‘Administrator’. Click Select All for both Access Permission and Modify Permission and Save it.
Now, navigate to Extensions>Modules. Find Webkul Bundle Product from the list. Click the Install button.
Module Configuration
After the module installation, the admin needs to go to Extensions>Modules>Webkul Bundle Product and click Edit.
Bundle Product Settings
After clicking the Edit button, the following options will be available for configuring the module:
Status – Select Enabled to show bundle products on the store. Else select Disabled for hiding the bundle products on the store. Note: If Disabled is selected, it will also hide the bundle products button on top.
Bundle Limit Per-Page – Enter the number of bundles to display on the bundle products page.
Maximum Products Per Bundle – Enter the number of maximum product per bundle.
Bundle Limit on Module – Enter the bundle limit for all pages except bundle page and bundle product page.
Title for Bundle Page – Enter the front-end title for the bundle products page.
Description for Bundle Page – Enter the description which will appear on the bundle product page.
Bundle Product Module
To display bundles on the product page, the admin needs to navigate to Design>Layouts. Edit the Product page and then, select the Webkul Bundle Product module and click Save.
Order Totals
To allow bundle discount to customers, the admin needs to go to Extensions>Order Totals and click Edit in Bundle Discount. The admin has to enable the bundle discount status for offering bundle discount to customers.
The following page will open, set the status as Enabled to offer bundle discount to customers. Else, select disabled and the bundle discount will not appear in the cart and checkout.
Manage Bundle Products
After enabling the module status, the admin will find the Bundle Product menu option as visible in the screenshot. To manage bundle products go to Bundle Product>Manage Bundle Product, the following page will open.
The admin will see the list of all the bundle products of the store. The table will show bundle ID, bundle name, bundle validity, quantity, and status.
Filter – Admin can filter the Bundle Name from Bundle product list.
Add – Click the Add button to create a new bundle product.
Delete – Click Delete button to remove an existing bundle product.
Edit – Click the Edit button to update an existing bundle product.
Add Bundle Product
After clicking the Add button, the admin needs to provide the following information about the bundle product.
Bundle Title – Enter the bundle product title which will appear on the store.
Add Products – Select and add the products in the bundle.
Categories – Enter the category of the bundle product.
Date – Select the bundle product availability dates. Valid From and Valid To.
Units Status – Select Yes for displaying bundle available quantity on the front-end. Else, select No for hiding the bundle available quantity.
Units Available – Enter the available bundle quantity.
Discount Option – Select how to calculate the bundle discount – Percentage or Fixed.
Add Discount – Enter the discount value here.
Sort Order – Set the order sequence of the bundle product.
Status – Set the status of the bundle product as Enabled or Disabled. If Disabled, the bundle product will not be visible in the store.
User Front-End View
Bundle Product Page
The customers can view the bundle products of the store by clicking the Bundle Products link on top. The following page will open showing bundle product title and description. All the available bundle products of the store will appear here.
Each bundle will show the product name, price, image, available units, and bundle discount details.
Bundle Product Options
If a product in the bundle has any options available, the customers can select it. After selecting the option, the customers can click Add to Cart button for adding all the bundle items to the cart.
Shopping Cart
The bundle discount value will be visible in the shopping cart.
The bundle discount value will also be visible in the checkout process at the confirm order step.
Bundles on Product Page
Apart from seeing the bundles on the bundle page, the customers can see the bundles on the product page as well. Note – Bundles will only appear if a product is a part of the bundle. Other bundles will not appear here.
Thank you for viewing this blog. If you have any queries or need more information, please contact webkul.uvdesk.com
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
Thanks for showing interest!
This module will not work directly with the booking module. If you want this bundle product module to be work with our booking and reservation module then it can be done through customization(A paid service).
For this, you can contact us on [email protected].
Thanks and Regards.
As per the default module workflow, the admin cannot add the same product again in a bundle. To make a bundle, you must add different products in it. If you would like to add this feature where you can add same products again, we can customize it for you, please reach out to [email protected]