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Open Source Entrepreneurship

Updated 14 October 2013

Open Source Entrepreneurship – This post is all about bootstrapping , entrepreneurship zero industry experience   and open source . Its all about how to start profitable business (with a team of 30+ people ) without any VC money . Lets get started –

Now  a days every one talks about VC money and VC backed venture even top most tech blogs like techcrunch , venturebeat or mashable they mostly covered those startup who get the VC fund or some big fat ass fella , it doesnt matter thats those business are really profitable or not but still there are so many startups which are doing really great without any  VC money and without any big fat ass mentor and generating good amount of profit at least large enough to run a company of 30+ people and serving more than 10,000+ customers world wide . This is the story of WEBKUL ( ) , the best seller marketplace and Erp Bridges products in the world .

lets get started – Starting a business is  very tough and not in small way but in big way  so if you really believe thats you can do it or have that kind of passion then only you should go with it else there is no meaning to starting up .

As everyone talks about innovation but from our point of view innovation is ok but every-time you dont need an innovation or always a new thing you can start with a basic idea and go for it , improve your product or services , dont worry about what the other people are saying always listen to your customer and target base . As we strong believe that people get smarter by practise  so within a years or two or five or ten or twenty you will be smart in business for sure . but to stay up to that time you need passion and persistence  

What about Team ? From my point of view if you dont have a brilliant team then you are a zero , you always need a great team of people . so pick em very carefully dont hire bozos . I am telling you it really doesnt matter how smarted you are you always need a team of great people .

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Founders role  – Founder role in a  startup is like heading a war and you dont have an option to lead backward .

If you are heading a startup you really need to be an HERO in front of your team and among your customers also you need to be a very good story teller and always keep in mind that may be you are a smart ass but never ever neglect the role of every team member . Listen every of them very carefully as a great leader you always need to listen to every one your customer your team . Your job is to listen and keep improving .

What about oxygen or FUND ? money is oxygen so no one can neglect the role of oxygen in your business and generating money is really hard you have to be very good in your product or services else no one is going to pay you .

Also as a role of founder or biz dev guy you really need to focus on generating money . Also we always focus on selling product because we have less faith in ads we always believe that  if you will create useful product that will solve the problem then obviously people will pay for it  , usefulness >>>>> innovation .

How to attract your target audience ? Thats the big big question if you are just starting your business so if you are just starting you really need to focus on target customer base so if you are creating some mobile apps then i would strongly suggest to start with some popular marketplace or app store like apple app store or android app store , in This way you really dont need to care about how to attract customers . There is already a huge no of customers there you just need to show your magic skills .

if you creating apps for web as we do then you can start with respective platform marketplace like we started with Joomla and Magento now we deliver our apps in almost all the popular platform e.g prestashop , opencart and wordpress .

advice for founders be a hero and take care of everyone your products , customers and team and improve the numbers . keep starting…… Up





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