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Odoo Payslip Extra Tools

Updated 2 September 2020


Single click to Compute Employee Payslips in Odoo!

A payslip is a note provided to the employees, outlining details such as the amount they’ve been paid for a particular period, as well as the amount of tax deducted. There are multiple numbers of employees in every organization so being an employer it becomes very difficult to compute and confirm each and every payslips.

You can manage multiple payslips at a time in just one click with “Odoo Payslip Extra tools”. This module allows you to give names to the components for the salary rules in Odoo. With the help of the Odoo payslip extra tools module; you don’t need to confirm the payslips one by one; as you can easily compute and confirm multiple payslips with a single click.

This requires less effort and really saves your time. So, it is better to avoid manual work and move digitally for computing the payslips. This module becomes helpful for you in any of managing the payslips.


  1. Confirm Employee Payslips and Payslip Batches in bulk.
  2. Compute Employee Payslips and Payslip Batches in bulk.
  3. Set component names for salary rules to be added in the Payslips.


  1. Once you purchase the App from the Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.
  2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘hr_payslip_tool’.
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
  5. Then, open on the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Modules List’.
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘hr_payslip_tool’.
  7. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


  1. Firstly, login to the Odoo database and go to the payroll module.
Odoo payroll
  1. Click on the Payslips tab and after that go to the All Payslips menu.
All payslips menu
  1. Navigate to the Action tab to mass compute the selected payslips.
Odoo Mass compute
  1. A popup will appear on the screen shows that the payslips are computed successfully.
Payslips computed
  1. After computing all the payslips; again select the payslips, navigate to the action tab, and click on the mass confirm.
Odoo Mass confirm
  1. A popup will appear on the screen which shows that the slips are confirmed.
Confirmed payslips
  1. The status of all the payslips gets changed to Done from the Draft and waiting Status. This shows that all the given payslips are confirmed.
Status of the payslips
  1. Again, click on the Payslips tab and navigate the key to Payslips Batches.
Payslips batches
  1. You can also compute the payslips in batches by simply clicking on the Mass compute button.
Mass compute
  1. A popup for computed payslips appear on the screen.
Computed payslips
  1. After configuring the mass computation button; the salary computation of the employee changes to done state.
Salary computation done
  1. You can also confirm the payslips in batches; for this simply click on the mass confirm button.
Mass confirm
  1. A popup for the payslips confirmation.
Payslips confirmed
  1. Once configured the mass confirm and mass compute the payslip batch, the status of the Batch is converted into a close state from the draft state.
Close state
  1. Now, navigate the key to the configuration menu and click on the Salary Rules; after that click on the create button to create the new component of salary which can be added in the payslip.
Create salary rules
  1. Create the component for salary or salary rules by adding the name, component, category, etc. There are some specific codes for each component of the salary. You can also add the sequence for the salary component; so that, in the same sequence the components will appear in the payslip.
save the rule

Also Read The User Guides For The Other Module

Odoo Payslip Inputs: CSV Mass Upload


Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

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Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - ODOO V13, V12, V11, V10

. . .

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