Note: The User Guide describes the workflow of Odoo Marketplace Advance Barcode Labels For Product only. To know how the base module: Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace and Odoo Product Advance Barcode Labels works; kindly refer to the User Guide Of Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace and Odoo Product Advance Barcode Labels.
As there are million of products available on Marketplace, the identification of products becomes difficult sometimes that leads to mismangement. To identify a single product from ther large cluster, barcode labels is the solution. Odoo Marketplace Advance Barcode Labels lets you and your sellers generate product barcode labels of different size and supports multiple configurations for barcode generation.
With the help of this module, you and your sellers can print product expiry date and batch number on the label. Odoo Marketplace Advance Barcode Labels is the solution to end all your worries as it helps allows you to generate product advance barcode labels for the products to identify them easily.
- The Odoo Marketplace Advance Barcode Labels Module allows you and your sellers to generate advanced barcode labels for their products.
- It provides features of barcode generation of different sizes and different orientations.
- You can create multiple label configurations that will be selected by the seller at the time of label download.
- The module lets you add product images, descriptions, and other product attributes on Barcode Label.
- You can add a seller profile image, a profile description, and other seller details on Barcode Label.
- A seller can maintain expiry date and batch number for their products that can be add in barcode labels.
- You can customize the Barcode label layout by adding product and seller details.
- The module even lets you select the Barcode field (HS Code/Barcode) that will be used to generate barcode in labels.
- Different prices can be configured for different label layout using pricelist.
- You can download the Demo pdf labels for label configurations.
- It Supports all barcode standards: EAN 13, UPC, Code 128, code 39 … (+12 Barcodes)
- A seller can generate Barcode labels in a single PDF for multiple products.
- You can do Mass Barcode Label Printing (pdf files).
- Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
- Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘marketplace_advance_barcode_labels’.
- Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
- Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
- Now, open the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Modules List’.
- In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘marketplace_advance_barcode_labels’.
- You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
- Once the installation is completed, log in as admin and visit the Odoo Seller Dashboard app from the backend. Follow the path Configuration>>Settings.

- Therefore, under the Product Terms tab, enable the field to allow your sellers to manage their product attributes and define variants.

Admin View
- After that, follow the path Configuration>>Configuration to create multiple label configurations that will be selected by the seller at the time of label download.

- Create various label configurations just by defining the name selecting the type of orientation which can be either Landscape/Portrait, Barcode field which can be either HS code or Barcode, and the type of barcode. Therefore, select the barcode standard from the drop-down menu of the barcode type field.

- After that, click on add a line a pop-up window will appear where you can define the name of the label layout and select its pdf size (Small/medium/large). As a result, enable the field of the Expiry date and Batch number then they will appear on the label.

- With the help of a price list, add the product’s price to the labels. The price list should be set on the product only then the required pricing will appear on the generated label.
- Configure the seller details that will be used on the label. If required, hide all the seller details from the label just by enabling the checkbox to hide all seller details.

- This module also allows checking the label before generating it finally. Admin can download the preview pdf labels of any product. The preview button will appear on the top right side of the label configuration page.

- Therefore, select the desired product from the drop-down menu for which you want to download the pdf.

Seller View
- A seller can check all the label configuration from the menu of configuration. So now, log in as seller and follow the path Seller dashboard>>Configuration>>configuration.

- After that, to download labels seller will go to product variants select the desired product, and will choose to generate labels option from the drop-down menu of actions under Product>>Product Variants.

- Therefore, to generate a label for a single product seller needs to go to the particular product page and can choose to generate labels option from the drop-down menu of actions.

- As soon as a seller will click on the generate label option a pop-up window. As a result, it will appear from where he can select the type of label he wants to download.

- A seller can add Product expiry date and batch number under the inventory tab of a product if he wishes to print these two fields on the label.

Different types of Barcode labels

- Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager
- Marketplace Advance Commission
- Odoo Marketplace Custom Product Tabs
- Odoo Marketplace Seller Slider
If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at
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For any doubt contact us at [email protected].
Thanks for paying attention!!
Current Product Version - Odoo V13, V12, V11
Supported Framework Version - 1.0.0
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