Recently i was working on a project in which i had to create my own page in Odoo website. I created the page and made the grid view of the entities in the page and every thing was working as expected. When i tried to customize (change size or promote to top,bottom,up & down) the grid of the entities in my page it was not working as Odoo does (eg.Shop page). I searched in the core and i found a solution for it, i am writing the steps which need to be followed while creating the customizable grid view.
- Add the fields in model(eg. my.model)of the page you want to customize.
website_size_x = fields.Integer('Size X', default=1) website_size_y = fields.Integer('Size Y',default=1) website_sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence' , default='_default_website_sequence')
Add the default size you want to show when the page is first time loaded. Also add the default website_sequence . Default website_sequence can be simply added by simply creating a query for selecting the minimum website_sequence form database by writing the following the function.
@api.model def _default_website_sequence(self): cr = self._cr cr.execute('SELECT MIN(website_sequence)-1 FROM my_model') next_sequence = cr.fetchone()[0] or 10 return next_sequence
- How to use “website_size_x” and “website_size_y” .
Simply use the website_size_x and website_size_y in col-span and row-span of the view you are creating, for example in my case i created a table view of the entities and added the code in templates.xml as.
<td t-att-colspan="object.website_size_x" t-att-rowspan="object.website_size_y" t-attf-class="oe_grid oe_height">
Important Note:-> Class “oe_grid oe_height” is used to create the grid view of the entities in the page.
- How to use “website_sequence” .
In order to add the sequence of your entities you need to order the records of your model by website_sequence by simply adding this.- _order = ‘website_sequence desc’
- Create functions for writing the values in the website_sequence.
- Create functions for pushing the entities to top, bottom , up & down in the model you want to view in website and write the values of website_sequence in those. Here is the example.
@api.multi def set_sequence_top(self): self._cr.execute('SELECT MAX(website_sequence) FROM my_model') max_sequence = self._cr.fetchone()[0] or 0 return self.write({'website_sequence': max_sequence + 1}) @api.multi def set_sequence_bottom(self): self._cr.execute('SELECT MIN(website_sequence) FROM my_model') min_sequence = self._cr.fetchone()[0] or 0 return self.write({'website_sequence': min_sequence -1}) @api.multi def set_sequence_up(self): self._cr.execute(""" SELECT id, website_sequence FROM my_model WHERE website_sequence > %s ORDER BY website_sequence ASC LIMIT 1""" % (self.website_sequence)) prev = self._cr.fetchone() if prev: prev_obj = self.browse(prev[0]) prev_obj.write({'website_sequence': self.website_sequence}) return self.write({'website_sequence': prev[1]}) else: return self.set_sequence_top() @api.multi def set_sequence_down(self): self._cr.execute(""" SELECT id, website_sequence FROM my_model WHERE website_sequence < %s ORDER BY website_sequence DESC LIMIT 1""" % (self.website_sequence, )) next = self._cr.fetchone() if next: next_obj = self.browse(next[0]) next_obj.write({'website_sequence': self.website_sequence}) return self.write({'website_sequence': next[1]}) else: return self.set_sequence_bottom()
- Create functions for pushing the entities to top, bottom , up & down in the model you want to view in website and write the values of website_sequence in those. Here is the example.
- Override the website_sale_editor.js file.
- Override the start, bind_resize and go_to templates in the website_sale_editor.js
start: function () { this.entity_id = parseInt("id of your entity you want to customize"); this._super(); },
bind_resize: function () { this.$el.on('click', 'ul[name="size"] td', function (event) { var $td = $(event.currentTarget); var x = $td.index()+1; var y = $td.parent().index()+1; ajax.jsonRpc('/my_controller/change_size', 'call', {'id': this.entity_id, 'x': x, 'y': y}) .then(self.reload); //Call the controllerand pass the row_span and col_span values. }); },
go_to: function (type, value) { if(type !== "click") return; ajax.jsonRpc('/my_controller/change_sequence', 'call', {'id': this.entity_id, 'sequence': value}.then(this.reload); // Call the controller and pass the sequence. },
- Override the start, bind_resize and go_to templates in the website_sale_editor.js
- What to do in controller.
- Add two routes in the controller for re-sizing and changing the sequence of your entities in website .Here is the example.
@http.route(['/my_controller/change_size'], type='json', auth="public") def deals_change_size(self, id, x, y): object = request.env['my.model'].browse(id) size =object.write({'website_size_x': x, 'website_size_y': y}) return size @http.route(['/my_controller/change_sequence'], type='json', auth="public") def change_sequence(self, id, sequence): context = request.context object = request.env['my.model'].browse(id) if sequence == "top": object.with_context(context).set_sequence_top() elif sequence == "bottom": object.with_context(context).set_sequence_bottom() elif sequence == "up": object.with_context(context).set_sequence_up() elif sequence == "down": object.with_context(context).set_sequence_down()
- Add two routes in the controller for re-sizing and changing the sequence of your entities in website .Here is the example.
That is it.!!!
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