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Magento 2 Multi Vendor Size Chart (Adobe Commerce)

Updated 29 November 2024

Magento 2 Marketplace Size Chart extension will now allow the marketplace sellers to add the size charts for their products under their own seller panel.

The customers can refer to the size chart to identify their accurate size.

Adobe Commerce Multi Vendor Size Chart extension is helpful for the customers as they can easily check their fit so that they can accordingly select their product size.


  • As this extension is an add-on to the marketplace module, you must have first installed the Magento 2 Marketplace Module to make use of this extension.
  • This extension will work with only Simple and Configurable product types.

Here understand the plugin workflow:-


Features Of Marketplace Size Chart For Adobe Commerce

  • Admin can enable/disable the module.
  • Admin can create, delete, and edit the Size Units.
  • Admin can mass delete and change the status of Size Units.
  • Admin can create, delete, and edit the Body Measurements.
  • Admin can upload the image of Body Measurements.
  • Admin can mass delete and change the status of Body Measurements.
  • Admin can create, delete, and edit the Size Chart Template.
  • Admin can mass delete and change the status of Size Chart Templates.
  • Admin can also upload the specific images of the Measurements for the Custom Size Chart Form.
  • Admin can set the Size Chart Template to the specific product.
  • Seller can create, delete, and edit the Size Units.
  • Seller can mass delete and change the status of Size Units.
  • Seller can create, delete, and edit the Body Measurements.
  • Seller can upload the image of Body Measurements.
  • Seller can mass delete and change the status of Body Measurements.
  • Seller can create, delete, and edit the Size Chart Template.
  • Seller can mass delete and change the status of Size Chart Templates.
  • Seller can also upload the specific images of the Measurements for the Custom Size Chart Form.
  • The seller can set the Size Chart Template to the specific product.
  • Customers can check the size chart for the product.
  • Customers can also give his/her custom Measurements using the Custom Size Chart Form.
  • Magento 2 Marketplace Product size chart extension is compatible with the Hyva Theme.

Installation Of Marketplace Size Chart For Adobe Commerce

Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.

You need to transfer this app folder into the Adobe Commerce root directory on the server as shown.

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After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory.

First Command –

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Second Command –

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Third Command –

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Fourth Command

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Fifth Command

php bin/magento cache:flush

Multilingual Configuration – Marketplace Size Chart For Magento 2

For Multilingual support, please navigate. Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options. And select your desired language from the Locale option.

Language Translation – Marketplace Size Chart For Magento 2

For module translation, please navigate the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/MpSizeChartTemplate/i18n. Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing.


Once you have opened the file for editing. Replace the words after the comma(,) on the right with your translated words.


After editing the CSV file, save it and then upload it to the same folder. Now your module translation is complete.


Admin’s Configuration

The admin will navigate to Stores>Configuration>Marketplace Size Chart.


General Settings –

The admin will be able to Enable or disable the extension from here accordingly it will display to the admin in their Marketplace store.

Customer chart configuration –

The admin can configure the –

  • Show Acknowledgment Note – Acknowledgment to the customers.
  • Acknowledgment Note – Add the acknowledgment note for the customers visible in the size chart pop-up.
  • Footer Note – Enter the footer note here.

Size Chart Options

Once the installation and configuration are completed, the Marketplace Size Chart menu option will be visible to the admin.


Here, the admin has three options to configure –

Size Units

The admin can add the size units for the size chart. The created size units will be displayed here –


Also, the admin can perform bulk action to delete and update the unit status on the go.


To create a new size unit, navigate to the Add Unit button, and it will bring the Create Size Unit section.


Here, enter the size unit name that the admin wants to create, set the status, and save the size unit. Now you can check the created unit in the list.

The admin can also edit any size unit by clicking on the edit button.

 Measurement Creation

Now, the admin can create the measurements for the size chart as required.


The admin can also perform bulk action here similarly to size units for deletion and status updates.


To add a new measurement, tap the Add Measurement button. Here, enter the Measurement that you want to create, set the status, upload an image for the measurement, and save the details.


The admin can also edit any measurement details by tapping the edit link for the respective measurement.

 Size Chart Template Creation

Here, the admin will create or manage the size chart template. The admin can also delete, edit, and update the status of the created size chart templates.


To add a new size chart template tap the Add Template button, and it will display the below section.


Here, for the size chart template –

  • Enter the template name.
  • Enter the template code.
  • Set the status of the template.
  • Select the size units and the body measurements.

Then click on the Generate Template button the template will generate.

Now, the admin will enter the values for the sizes and update the template status.


Now, upload the measurement images separately for each measurement. Also, they can preview the image.


Now click on the save button and save the template details.

Manage Seller Menu

In the seller menu, the admin can check and manage the seller’s created size units, measurements, and size chart templates.

Seller Size Units


The admin can edit, delete, enable, or disable the seller’s size units. They can also perform these actions in bulk mode.

Seller Measurements

Seller-created measurements will visible, here the admin can check and manage the same.


Seller Size Chart Templates

Seller-created size chart templates will be visible here the admin can check and manage the same.


Seller’s End – Configuration and Workflow

After the successful installation of the extension, the seller can log in to their account and will find the “Marketplace Size Chart” menu.

Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Size Chart

Tapping the size chart menu option brings up a few options in a popup like Size units, measurements, and size chart templates.

When click on the size unit it will open the create and manage page of the size unit. Here, the seller can add a new size unit, edit the size unit, or delete or disable the size unit.


Add New Size Unit

The seller will click on the add new button and create a new size unit by entering the details.



The seller can add the measurements from here to add it on the size chart.


Add New Measurements

Click on the Add new button and create measurements.


Size Chart Templates

Here, the seller will find the already added templates and can add templates.


 Add New Size Chart Template

The seller will add on the add new button and the new page will open.


Enter the template name, template code, status, select size unit and measurements then generate the template.


Then click on next to upload the measurement images.

Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Size Chart

Add Size Chart To Products Admin End

The admin can assign the size chart to the product for that they have to navigate through catalog > products > edit product or add a new product to add the chart.


In the Marketplace Size Chart Option, the admin can select the size chart template from the drop down as shown below snapshot.


Now save the product the size chart will be added to the product and visible to the customers on the front end.

Add Size Chart To Products Seller End

To add the size chart to the products, the seller will navigate through New Products > add a new product or edit an already added product.

Add product information go to the Size chart template and select template from the drop-down then save the product.

Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Size Chart

Now, when the customers check this product at the front end they will see the “View Size Chart” option.

Size Chart Option on Customer End

The customer will open the product page and the size chart option will visible there. So they can modify the product accordingly.


Now click on the size chart option a popup will open.


Select the default size chart or add sizes from the custom size chart.


Once the customer saves the measurements it will display on the product page and the customer can add the product to their cart.


Once the product adds to the cart the size chart option is also visible in the cart popup section.


When the customer views the cart, the added product with size chart details will be displayed there.


Now the customer can proceed with the checkout.


Once the order is placed the customer can see the size chart details in the order as well.


The customer will also receive an email with the order details.


Seller End Order Details

The seller can check the order details with the size chart additions.


When click on the view order the order details will display with size measurements.


Order Details Admin Panel

Similarly, the admin can check the order details on their admin panel.


That’s all for the Marketplace Size Chart For Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). If you have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at

Also, discover more about what it takes to build a fashion marketplace using the Webkul multi-vendor system.

Current Product Version - 5.0.4

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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