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Magento 2 Multi Vendor Seller Store Pickup

Updated 9 September 2024

Marketplace Seller Store Pickup For Magento 2 allows sellers to add their store to their marketplace profile.

Using Magento 2 Store Pickup Marketplace Extension, the seller can also add different physical stores along with the store address, zip code, store contact number, store opening-closing timings, etc.

After adding the stores, whenever the seller adds a new product (or edits previously made products), he will be able to assign that product to any store. The customer can search for stores using city name or zip code and all the nearby stores will be shown.

The customer can also choose any store and click on ‘Pick up Here’. Doing this will allow customers to check whether the product is available in that store or not.

When on a product page, customers can see the list of stores that have that product.

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Customers can choose whether they want to pick up their orders from the store or whether they want home delivery for that order.

The customer can also see the navigational directions for reaching that store by entering their zip code. Admin can view and edit the stores added by sellers.

Magento 2 Store Pickup Marketplace module is an add-on to the Adobe Commerce Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed the first Magento 2 Marketplace Module.


  • Adobe Commerce Seller Store Pickup Marketplace Add-On will not work with Magento 2 Multi Shipping Marketplace Add-On. Also, only simple and configurable products work with this add-on.
  • This module is an add-on to the Magento 2 Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed the Webkul Magento 2 Marketplace Module first and at-least one of our shipping modules from the following list:
    1. Magento 2 UPS Shipping Marketplace
    2. Magento 2 USPS Shipping Marketplace
    3. Magento 2 DHL Shipping Marketplace
    4. Magento 2 Per Country Per Product Shipping Marketplace
    5. Magento 2 Free Shipping Marketplace
    6. Magento 2 Fixed Rate Shipping Marketplace
    7. Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Distance Based Shipping
    8. Magento 2 Table Rate Shipping Marketplace
  • Google Location API services are used in our module. To have these services you must have the Google Map API Key to make use of this extension.
  • You need to enable billing for your Google account project under which the API Key is created.

Features Of Marketplace Seller Store Pickup For Adobe Commerce

  • Admin can view & edit the seller’s stores.
  • The admin and seller both can create the holidays for the store.
  • Admin can approve/disapprove added holidays.
  • Admin can assign the holidays to the seller.
  • The seller and admin both can check the feedback from the customers.
  • The admin can see the favorite stores of customers.
  • The admin can approve/disapprove store feedback.
  • Admin can enable and disable the module.
  • Store owners can manage the display information for pickup stores.
  • The admin can add store attributes like, parking availability, ATM, and Contactless pickup.
  • The seller can add/connect their physical store to their marketplace account.
  • Sellers can also enable, disable, edit, and delete any of its stores.
  • The seller can add assigned products to their physical store.
  • Sellers can also allow Store Pickup for products.
  • Sellers can set the quantity available for the product.
  • Customers can select the pickup store by clicking on the pickup here option.
  • Customers can add a store as a favorite store.
  • The customer can see all favorite store lists on his dashboard.
  • Buyers can add a review on the seller/admin store.
  • The customer can search stores using zip codes or location names.
  • Customers can see the searched store results on Google Maps.
  • The customer can make any store as theirs by clicking on the pickup here button.
  • The customer can check for product availability in any store.
  • Customers can get directions on Google Maps for reaching to the store.
  • The customer can choose the desired store on the product, cart, and checkout page.
  • Customers have a choice of picking up the products from a store or home delivery to the desired address.

Installation Of Marketplace Seller Store Pickup

Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Adobe Commerce root directory on the server as shown below.


After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Adobe Commerce root directory:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

Configuration For Multi-lingual Support

For multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options and select the locale as German (the language into which the admin wants to translate his store content).

Marketplace Seller Store Pickup For Magento2


If a user wants to translate their module from English to German then they need to follow the path app/code/Webkul/SellerStorePickup/i18n in their unzipped folder and will get a CSV file with the name “en_US.csv”. Now they will rename that CSV as “de_DE.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the German language. After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/SellerStorePickup/i18n where they have installed Magento 2 on the server. The module will translate into German Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.


The user can edit the CSV like the image below.

Module Configuration

The admin needs to go to the backend panel to configure this module. Navigate through Stores–>Configuration–>WEBKUL–>Seller Store Pickup. The following options will be available:

Seller Store Pickup

General Settings – The admin can enable or disable the module from here.

Seller Store Pickup Settings –

Search within Miles – Set the map radius of the store and search for the front end.

Google Map API Key – Enter your Google Map API Key.

Displayed Error Message if no Mp-Shipping available – Enter the message for the front end.

Pickup Options (Curbside Pickup, Non-contact Delivery, Pandemic Conditions, etc)

Enable Pickup Option Checkbox – The admin can enable/disable the checkbox option on the front end.

Pickup Options Lable – Enter the label name here.

Seller Store Pickup

Furthermore, add these below settings.

Product Availability –

Available in Days – The admin can enter the default product availability time period in days for out-of-stock products.

Display Information –

Select the options to display on the pickup store.

Store pickup Email Templates –

Add the email templates for Seller Customer Invoice Email, Customer New Order Email, and Seller Send Existing Order Email.

Click Save Config to apply your changes.

Seller Management

After the installation of the Marketplace Seller Store Pickup For Adobe Commerce, the sellers will be able to see the following options in their account: ‘Shipping Settings’, ‘View All Store’, ‘Add Store’, and ‘Order Store Pickup’.

Shipping Settings

The seller will now add the shipping origin address to his account by navigating to the Shipping Setting menu option as per the below image.


Seller Store Pickup

The seller can add and manage the pickup stores and other settings like orders, holidays, and feedback.

View Stores –


Here the seller can view all pickup stores with various details.

Add Store

Using the ‘Add Store’ option, the seller can add a new store to their marketplace account. The seller has to provide information about the store.

General Information – Add basic information about the pickup store.


The seller has to provide the name of the store, store contact number, website URL, store profile image, and store image.

Location – Add store location with country, state, city, zip code, etc, or detect the current location to add the address.


Timing – Add weekly timing of the store.


Attributes – The seller can enable/disable the attributes for the store.


Curbside Pickup – Enable the curbside pickup permission with a description.


Meta Information – Add the meta information of the store.


After filling in all the information, the seller has to save the store by clicking on the ‘Save Store’ button.

Order Store Pickup

In ‘Order Store Pickup’, the seller can view the list of items/products that has been placed under Store Pickup’.

The quantity of the product from the store will automatically get subtracted when the order is made against it.

Store Holiday –

The seller can create the store holiday so it will be visible to the customers.

Store Feedback –

The seller can check the customer’s feedback on their pickup store.

Edit Product

The seller can check the remaining quantity by going to the ‘Edit Product’ page for the product that he wants to check the remaining quantity.

Scroll down to check the quantity.

The seller can assign any product to any store by adding the store and product quantity for that store in the ‘Add New Product’ page or ‘Edit Product’ page.

Customer Management

The customer can search for nearby or any particular location store by entering the zip code or name for that location. But first, the customer has to select the pickup store.

Pickup Store Locator

The list of all the stores present in the searched location will be displayed. A customer can make any store his so that he can see the product availability of that product on the product page only. The customer can also view the Store page of any store.

Pickup here – When they click on the Pickup Here button it will select the store for the pickup location.

Favorite store – The customer can also add a store to their favorite store list by clicking on the favorite store icon.


Once the store is added to the customer’s favorite store list they can check and remove the store from their end.

The admin can also check and delete favorite customer lists from their end for individual customers.

Seller Store Pickup

Pickup Store Information

On the Store Page, the customer will be able to see all the store information, such as the store address and store opening-closing timings. The customer can also check the directions for reaching that store from their location.


Furthermore, the customer can check the seller’s product and reviews on the selected product.


The customer can check the review and also post a review on that product.


Click on the Write a review button and post a review with ratings and other details.


View Directions and Distance

Customers will be able to see the directions on Google Maps.


Check Other Pickup Stores

The customer can see the product availability on the product page for the store that they have selected. If the product is not available at the selected store then the customers can check other stores also. By clicking on ‘Check Other Store’, all the stores that have this product will be shown and the customer can choose the store from them.


Note – If the location is not added to the store it will throw a warning message to add the location first.


Other Pickup Store Check


Shopping Cart

After the customer has added the product to the shopping cart, he will be able to see the option for ‘Store Pickup’ or ‘Ship To Home’. The customer can choose from any of these options and then proceed to checkout.


Select from any other Store


Checkout Page

On the checkout page, the customer can select the shipping method for their order. They can choose store pickup or home delivery options.


Placing the Order

The customer can review the order details and can then place the order.


Order Two Products

When a customer adds two or more products in the cart. It has an option to select the Store Pickup for one product and Ship to Home for another product.

From the screenshot below, the customer is on the Shopping Cart page. For Gray Coat product Store Pickup has been selected and for the White T-Shirt product Ship To Home has been selected.


Then, the customer has to select the available shipping method for the Ship to Home product.


The shipping will be added for the Ship to Home product. From the screenshot below –


Seller Order Management

View Order Details

The seller can manage the orders from the seller’s panel. The seller can generate the invoice, send the email notification to the customer, create the shipment, and generate the tracking number. Sellers also have the option of canceling the orders.magento234.vachak.com_m2463_pub_marketplace_order_view_id_178_webkul-store

Order Two Products

If a customer has ordered two product items in an order. And selected Store Pickup for one product and Ship to Home for others. The seller can do the shipment by clicking the Ship button. The seller needs to add the tracking number to create the shipment.


Admin Management

Admin can navigate to Marketplace Management –> Manage Sellers and view the stores of any seller.

Seller Store Pickup

The admin can also edit the store for any seller.

Seller Store Pickup

Manage Pickup Store Information

The admin can update or change the seller pickup store information. To do so, click Edit as shown in the previous screenshot or click on Marketplace Management > Marketplace Seller store > Manage store.

Seller Store Pickup

The admin can add the store or edit any store from here.

Add Store –

Seller Store Pickup

Here the admin can manage the seller store with general details, location, weekly timings, attributes, curbside pickup, and meta information of the pickup store.

Location –

The admin can edit the seller store location from here.

Seller Store Pickup

Timings –

The admin can check and edit the seller pickup store weekly timings.

Seller Store Pickup

Attributes –

Enable available attributes, like ATM and Parking.

Seller Store Pickup

Curbside Pickup –

Enable/disable the curbside permission with a description.


Meta Information –


Click Save Store to save your changes made.

The admin can also bulk enable, disable, or delete the stores.

Seller Store Pickup

Admin can see the Shipping Type by going to Marketplace Management –> Manage Seller –> Seller’s Order.


Admin can see product quantity available in the store by going to Products –> Edit Product.

Seller Store Pickup

Store Pickup Attributes

The admin can create various attributes for the store pickup from Marketplace Management > Store pickup attributes.

Seller Store Pickup

Click on the add attribute button and create the attribute.

Seller Store Pickup

The admin can create two catalog input types of attributes yes/no or dropdown.

Seller Store Pickup

Store Holidays

The admin can add holidays to the particular seller’s store from Marketplace Management > Store Holidays.

Seller Store Pickup

Click on the add holidays button and the details to create the holiday.

Seller Store Pickup

Manage Store Feedback

The admin can check the feedback from the customer for the specific seller’s pickup store. They can also approve or disapprove the feedback from the action button accordingly it will display on the front end.

Seller Store Pickup

Store Pickup Shipping Method

Admin can navigate to Stores–> Configurations–> Sales–> Shipping Methods–> Store Pickup Shipping and then by the dropdown, admin can enable or disable the Store Pickup Shipping Method.



That’s all for the Marketplace Seller Store Pickup For Magento 2 extension.

However, if you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at our HelpDesk System.

You may also browse other Adobe Commerce Marketplace addons and our quality Adobe Commerce extensions.

Current Product Version - 5.0.3

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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