Magento 2 Service Request Quote – In default Magento, the admin can create and complete the order on behalf of customers. But the customer cannot review their orders before their orders get completed.
Therefore, using the Magento 2 Quotation Payment Form Builder module, the store owner can create an order on behalf of customers from the admin backend. And a link will be sent to the customers on their registered email Ids to complete the order.
The customer will use the link to complete the order. Before completing the order the customer can check or review the order information like product name, SKU, price, quantity, discount, tax amount, shipping & handling charges.
Along with Magento store products, the store admin can add the service products and upload file attachments with this quick order.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow :
- The admin can now let the customers review the order that the admin has created for the customers.
- The admin can create an order and send the order URL to the customer to complete it.
- Along with the Magento products, the admin can add service products that contain multiple services.
- The admin can create the order for registered users.
- The admin can add unlimited Magento Products to the order.
- The customer receives a link to complete the order.
- The admin can even add/remove products.
- The admin can add the attachment to the order.
- The customer can track the orders under the “My Orders” section.
- The admin can apply the discounts to the order.
- The admin will have the option to select multiple payment methods for sharing the online order link.
- Display the shipping and payment methods to the customer on the checkout page.
- The admin can select any of the online payment methods for the order.
- The admin can also use a custom email template.
- The extension is compatible with the Hyva Theme.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento2 root directory.
First command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command – php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate to Store>Configuration>General >Locale Options. And select your desired language from the Locale option.
Language Translation
For module translation, navigate to the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/QuickPayForOrder/i18n/en_US.csv. Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in the below screenshot.
Then replace the words after the comma(,) on the right in the file with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV. Followed by uploading the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it. Now your module translation is complete.
Admin needs to navigate through Stores>Configuration>Webkul>Quickpay .There admin need to choose the email tempelate.
Admin End – Create Customer Order
After the module installation, the admin can create the order on behalf of customers. For this, the admin will navigate to the Sales -> Orders as per the below image.
Here, the admin clicks the Create New Order button to create the order on behalf of customers.
Clicking Create New Order button will navigate the admin to the customer list as per the below image.
Here, the admin will select the customers for whom the admin wants to create the order. For this, the admin first needs to create that new user by clicking Create New Customer.
Either selecting the registered customer or creating the new customer will navigate the admin to the store view selection page.
Here, the admin will select the store view and finally gets landed on the Order Creation page as per the below image.
Here, the admin will:
Add Products –
Add the products to the order by clicking the Add Products button and a list of store products gets displayed.
The admin will select the products and define their quantity. Then, hit the Add Selected Product(s) to Order button. This will successfully add the products to the order.
Add Service Products –
Add the service products to the order by clicking Add Service Products button.
Clicking the Add Service Products button, a pop up will display where the admin can even add the service products by clicking Add button and lastly hit the Save button to add the service products successfully.
The admin can even remove the added services by hitting the Remove button.
The admin can even update products and their quantities by clicking Update Items and Quantities button. After adding the products and service products, the admin will provide the Payment & Shipping Method Information for the order as per the below image.
The admin can either select all online payment & shipping method that is available or select certain method which will visible to the customer at the checkout page.
Under the Payment & Shipping Method section, the admin will get three following option
Send Order Link
The admin checks the checkbox for Send Order Link. This will send the payment link on the customer registered email ids to complete the order.
If the admin doesn’t want the customer to complete the order and rather wants to complete the order by himself then, leave this checkbox unchecked. The payment link will not be sent to the customer.
Payment Method
Under Payment Method, If the admin wants to show all available payment methods to the customer, leave this checkbox checked else, unchecked it to visible specific payment method at the checkout page.
Once the admin unchecked the checkbox, all available payment methods will appear. From here the admin will select the available payment method for the order.
Shipping Method
Under Shipping Method, If the admin wants to show all available shipping methods to the customer, leave this checkbox checked else, unchecked it to visible specific shipping method for the order.
Once the admin unchecked the checkbox, all available shipping methods will appear. From here the admin will select the available shipping method for the order.
And finally hit the Send Order Link button to send the order completion link to the customer successfully.
When the Send Order Link button is checked, the admin can add the attachment to the order by clicking to the Choose File as shown in the image below.
- The admin can even add the attachments to the orders which the customer can view.
- The admin can apply the discounts to the products added.
- Also, The admin can edit or update the product and their quantities.
Customer End – Complete The Order
Once the admin has created the order successfully, the customer will get the order completion link as per the below image.
In the email, the customer will click the Click Here To Complete Your Order link to complete the order. Clicking this link, the customer gets navigated to the order details review page before completing the order as shown in the image below.
After adding the products to cart, the customer will be able to checkout and complete the payment with the following payment methods that are selected by the admin as shown in the image below.
Thus completing the order and after the order is being placed, the customer will receive the order number as shown in the image below.
To track the order, the customer can navigate to the My Order section as per the below image.
Admin End – Manage Orders
The admin will view and manage those under the Sales -> Orders section as per the below image.
The orders will be visible at the admin end only after the order gets completed(payment made) by the customer.
That’s all for the Magento 2 Quotation Payment Form Builder module. If you still have any issue, please feel free to add a ticket at
Current Product Version - 4.0.2
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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