Magento 2 Multi Vendor Reward points module enables the admin to allow the marketplace sellers to provide reward points to their customers.
The seller can allocate reward points to the customers based on their purchases(product-wise/category-wise/cart amount-wise) they perform in the web store.
The admin can even allocate reward points to the customers based on purchases and behavioral activities(registration/product reviews).
The customers can redeem their reward points at checkout.
- This module is an add-on to the Magento 2 Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module first.
- The Magento 2 Marketplace Vendor Reward System module is compatible with Marketplace version 2.1.9 and above.
- If you have a single seller website and want the reward points functionality then you can check our Magento 2 Reward Points Module.
If you want to add the functionality of a Gift card or voucher product to your marketplace, you can check Magento 2 Multi Vendor Gift Card.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow :
Features – Multi Vendor Reward System for Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce)
- The module can be enabled or disabled by the admin.
- Reward points for customer activities(registration/product reviews) managed by the admin.
- The seller can add/manage the shopping cart rules.
- The seller can add/manage reward points for all or certain products/categories.
- Reward points for the customers for their purchases, posting a new product review, and registering on their web store.
- Admin can track the points transaction history of all the customers.
- Customers can redeem their points at the checkout page for their new orders.
- Customers can track their points via their accounts and email notifications.
- The customers can check reward points as Total points, Used points, Remaining points, and Pending points in the “My reward points” section.
- The extension is compatible with the Hyva Theme.
- GraphQL has been implemented for the extension.
Installation- Magento 2 Marketplace Vendor Reward System
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory.
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate to Store>Configuration>General >Locale Options. And select your desired language from the Locale option.
Language Translation
For module translation, navigate to the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/MpRewardSystem/i18n/en_US.csv.
Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in the below screenshot.
Then replace the words after the comma(,) on the right in the file with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV.
Followed by uploading the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it. Now your module translation is complete.
Module Configuration- Marketplace Vendor Reward Points
After the successful installation, the admin can configure the module by navigating to Stores>Configuration>Webkul>Marketplace Reward system.
Here the admin can:
General Settings of Reward Points:
- Enable Reward System Module: Enable/disable the module by selecting either “Yes” or “No”.
- 1 Reward Point Value is Equals to: Set the value of one reward point in terms of money for the customer. The admin can configure the one-point value in the decimal figure also.
- Maximum Reward Points can Assign to a Customer: Set the maximum limit for allocating the points to the customer.
- Maximum Reward points can use by a Customer: Set the reward points limit for the customers which they can use at a time.
- Allow Reward Points on Registration: Enable/disable the points allocation to the customer while registering.
- Reward Points on Registration: Set the points allocated to a customer for registering themselves.
- Allow Reward Points on Product Review: Enable/disable the points allocation to the customer for submitting the product reviews.
- Reward Points on Product Review: Set the points allocated to a customer for submitting the product reviews.
- Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on Set the Cart/Product/Category as the basis for the points calculation for the order placed from the drop-down list.
- Apply Rewards Points Based on the settings of Global or seller price.
“Rewards Applied Product’s quantity Wise” option becomes visible when the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Product Based”.
If the “Rewards Applied Product’s quantity Wise” option set to “Yes” then the reward will apply the product’s quantity wise else not if selected “No”.
Here the admin can:
Reward Information:
- Enable: Enable/disable to show reward reward points on page by selecting either “Yes” or “No”.
- Content: Fill the information in content that you want show on customer’s reward points page.
- Reward Page Title: Set the Reward page title that you want show on customer’s reward points page.
- Display Banner: Enable/disable the display banner on page by selecting either “Yes” or “No”.
- Banner Image: The admin can upload or delete banner image from their local files for displaying on the page. Allowed type files : .jpg, .jpeg ,gif, .png. Recommended image size : 1200*400px
- Banner Heading: Set the banner heading on page to display over the banner image im reward program page.
- Banner Text: Set the banner Text on page. This content will be displayed over the banner image in the reward page URL.
- Reward page Label 1: Set the Reward page Label 1 message for displayed on page. For example, Welcome to the reward point penalty program.
- Reward page Content: Set the Reward page content message for displayed on frontend page under the Reward page Label 1.
- Reward flow image: The admin can upload or delete reward flow image from their local files for displaying on the page. Allowed type files : .jpg, .jpeg ,gif, .png. Recommended image size : 1200*400px.
Manage Reward Email Settings:
- Email Notifications for Transactions: Enable/disable the email notifications to the customer on getting the reward points.
- Transaction Template: Select the email template for the mail notification.
Seller-End Rewards System
Once the admin has configured the module settings, the sellers will find the Rewards Manager menu option in their accounts as per the below image.
Under the Manage Rewards section, the seller can:
- 1 Reward Point Value is Equals to: Set the value of one reward point in terms of money for the customer.
- Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on Set the Cart/Product/Category as the basis for the reward points calculation for the order placed from the drop-down list.
NOTE: “Rewards Applied Product’s quantity Wise” option becomes visible when the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Product Based”.
If the “Rewards Applied Product’s quantity Wise” option set to “Yes” then the reward will apply the product’s quantity wise else not if selected “No”.
Reward System Registration
This module allows the customers to easily avail the registration reward points if “Allow Reward Points on Registration” set to “Yes” from the backend by the admin. For this, the customers first need to get themselves registered on the store site if they are the guest users.
The customers can view their allocated reward points for registration by clicking on the “My Reward Points” under their account panel after they logged in.
The customers can check Total points, Used points, Remaining points and Pending points in the My reward point sections. Each section of points is explained below:
- Total points: This will show the total reward points of the customers. It will include both: Used points and Remaining points.
- Used Points: Reward points used by the customer will come under the used points section.
- Remaining Points: This will show all the remaining reward points of the customer.
- Pending Points: These points remain pending till the time these are not approved by the admin or the seller.
The customers will be notified of their registration reward points on their registered email id which they would have provided while registering themselves.
The already registered users will get the following display page when clicking on the “Reward Points” once they are logged in to their accounts.
The customer can use the registration reward points for admin’s products only.
How can Customers use their Reward Points?
This module enables customers to earn Reward Points by:
- Registration on the web-store site.
- Submitting/posting product reviews( approved by admin required)
- Specific product purchase.
- Customer’s total purchase.
- Specific product category purchase.
The customers can easily use their allocated Reward Points while placing an order. For this, the customers will navigate to the shopping cart page as per the image.
Here, customers can use their reward points if they want to. Under the “Seller’s Reward” section the customers will first select the seller from the drop-down list.
Note: The list will display only that seller whose product the customer will be having in the cart and has earned reward points from that seller. Because the customer cannot use the reward points on the product purchase of another seller if earned from a different seller product purchase.
After this, the customers will enter the rewards points they want to use while placing an order.
The customers will get the success message upon hitting the Apply Reward button.
Applying Reward Points
Before applying their reward points, the customers can check the amount equivalent to their entered reward points value as per the image.
Then, the particular amount equivalent to the entered reward points will get deducted from the customer’s cart total amount as per the below image.
However, the entered reward points value should be less than or equal to the reward point limit set by the admin for the option “Maximum Reward points can use by a Customer” else will get an error message.
Also, the entered reward points value should be less than or equal to the product’s total amount.
- For every debit and credit of Reward Points, the customers will get an email notification on their registered email id.
- The customer can enter the reward points in decimal as well.
- The reward points earned from purchases will be approved and usable once the invoice gets created for the order.
- If the customer has earned reward points from the multiple sellers. And, having multiple seller products in the shopping cart. Then in a single order, the customer can use the reward point from one seller only.
Product Based Reward Points Calculation
Admin Management
The admin can set the product based reward points calculation for his respective products if the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Product-based” while configuring the module.
For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management>Reward Points on Product as per the below image.
This will navigate the admin to the Manage Reward Points on the Product page.
To manage the reward points based on Product, the admin will follow:
- Select one or more than one product for which the admin wants to update the reward points.
- Enter Points: Enter the reward points.
- Reward Point Status: Enable/Disable the reward points for the selected product.
- Proceed by clicking on the “Update Points” button.
Seller-End Reward System
Similarly, the sellers also can set the product based reward points calculation for their respective products if the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Product-based” while managing Reward module settings.
For this, the seller will navigate to Reward Manager>Manage Product Reward as per the below image.
To manage the reward points based on Product, the seller will follow:
- Select one or more than one product for which the seller wants to update the reward points.
- Enter Points: Enter the reward points.
- Reward Point Status: Enable/Disable the reward points for the selected product.
- Proceed by clicking on the “Assign Rewards” button.
Customer Frontend
The customers can get the reward points based on the product they carry in their cart while checkout.
If the admin/seller has set the “Rewards Applied Product’s quantity Wise” option to “Yes” then the reward will be applied product’s quantity-wise.
For example, if the customer has purchased 2 quantity of P1 product and the reward point per quantity for product P1 set to 20 reward points by the admin/seller. Then, the customer will get 2 x 20=40 reward points.
Else, if the admin has set the “Rewards Applied Product’s quantity Wise” option to “No” then the reward will not be applied to the product’s quantity-wise.
Whatever quantity of a product the customers will purchase, reward points will be credited only for the single quantity of a product.
For example, if the customer has purchased 2 or can say 10 quantity of P1 product and the reward point per quantity for product P1 set to 20 reward points by the admin. Then, the customer will get 1 x 20=20 reward points only.
Reward System Cart-based Calculation
Admin Management
The admin can set the cart based reward points calculation for his respective products if the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Cart-based” while configuring the module.
For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management>Reward Points on Cart as per the below image.
This will navigate the admin to the Manage Reward Points on the Cart page.
Here, the admin can:
- View the complete list of the cart rules of all the sellers.
- Edit any existing cart rule details by clicking on the “Edit” link.
- Delete/Update any cart rule from the “Actions” drop-down list.
- Add a new cart rule by clicking on the “Add New Cart Rule”.
When the admin clicks on the “Add New Cart Rule” button, he will navigate to “Add New Cart Rule Page”.
Here, the admin can:
- Reward Point: Set the reward points which will be allocated to the customers when their cart amount meet the defined amount range of the particular cart rule.
- Amount From: Set the lower cart amount range.
- Amount To: Set the upper cart amount range.
- Seller: Select the owner(seller name) of the cart rule.
- Start From Date: Set the date for the cart rule to be active.
- End Date: Set the date for the cart rule to get inactive.
- Rules Status: Enable/disable the cart rule.
Similarly, the sellers also can set the cart based reward points calculation for their respective products if the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Cart-based” while managing Reward module settings.
For this, the seller will navigate to Reward Manager>Manage Cart Reward as per the below image.
Here, the seller can create and manage unlimited cart rules. For this, the seller can:
- Amount From: Set the lower cart amount range.
- Amount To: Set the upper cart amount range.
- Reward Point: Set the reward points which will be allocated to the customers when their cart amount meet the defined amount range of the particular cart rule.
- Start From Date: Set the date for the cart rule to be active.
- End Date: Set the date for the cart rule to get inactive.
- Rules Status: Enable/disable the cart rule.
The seller can also view the complete list of the cart rules. And, can edit/delete any existing cart rule.
Customer End
The customers can get the reward points based on their cart amount. For this, the customer’s cart total amount should meet the defined cart rule amount.
Reward points will be credited to the customer’s account after the successful order placed. If the customer’s cart total amount after purchase meets any of the defined cart rules by the admin.
For which the customers get notified via email. Also, they can check it through by clicking on the “Reward Points” option in their accounts.
- The single seller can create multiple cart rules with the overlapped amount range set. For example, if one cart rule is already set to 10.00 – 500.00 amount range. Then, the next cart rule amount range can also be created starting from 10.00 – 500.00. But, in this case, the most recently created cart rule will be applied.
- Multiple sellers can create cart rules with the overlapped amount range set. For example, if seller1 has created a cart rule ranging from the amount of 10.00 – 500.00. And, another seller2 also created the cart rule ranging from the same amount 10.00 – 500.00.
- Now, suppose a customer is having product A of seller1 and product B of seller2 in the shopping cart. In this, case, the seller1 cart rule will be applied to product A and seller2 cart rule will be applied to product B within the single order as per the below image.
Category based Reward Points Calculation
Admin Management
The admin can set the category based reward points calculation if the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Category-based” while configuring the module.
For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management>Reward Points on Category as per the below image.
This will navigate the admin to the Manage Reward Points on the Category page.
To manage the reward points based on category, the admin will follow:
- Select one or more than one category for which the admin wants to update the Reward points.
- Enter Points: Enter the reward points.
- Reward Point Status: Enable/Disable the reward points for the selected category.
- Proceed by clicking on the “Update Points” button.
Similarly, the sellers also can set the category based reward points calculation for their respective products if the “Order Placed Reward Points Calculation Based on” option set to “Category-based” while managing Reward module settings.
For this, the seller will navigate to Reward Manager>Manage Category Reward as per the below image.
Here, the seller will follow:
- Select one or more than one category for which the seller wants to update the Reward points.
- Enter Points: Enter the reward points.
- Reward Point Status: Enable/Disable the reward points for the selected category.
- Proceed by clicking on the “Assign Points” button.
Customer End
The customers can get the reward points based on the product category they carry in their cart while checkout.
However, the reward points will be allocated to the customers after the successful order placed. For which the customers get notified via email. Also, they can check it through by clicking on the “Reward Points” option in their accounts.
If the customer’s cart carries a product P1 that belongs to more than one category say C1 and C2. And, the reward points set as 10 for category C1 and 15 for category C2. Then, the reward points for the category with the highest reward points value will be credited to the customers account ie; 15 reward points for category C2. - WHEN SINGLE PRODUCT BELONGS TO PARENT AND CHILD CATEGORY BOTH
If the customer’s cart carries a product P1 which belongs to the parent and child category both say P1 and C1. And, the reward points set as 10 for category P1 and 15 for category C1. Then, the reward points for the category with the highest reward points value will be credited to the customers account ie; 15 reward points for child category C1. - WHEN SINGLE CART HAS PRODUCTS FROM THE SAME CATEGORY BUT BELONGS TO DIFFERENT SELLERS
Suppose seller1 has set reward points 10 to category “Women” and seller2 has set reward points 15 to category “Women” for their products. And a customer is having product A and product B from the same category “Women” but belongs to different sellers1 and seller2. In this, case, the seller1 category reward point will be applied to product A and the seller2 category reward point will be applied to product B within a single order.
Reviewing Product in Reward System
This module allows the customers to easily avail the reward points for submitting the review for seller and admin’s products if “Allow Reward Points on Product Review” set to “Yes” from the backend by the admin.
Customer Frontend
For this, the customers need to navigate to the product page for which they want to submit the product reviews.
Under the “Review” section, the customer can fill in the product review details and can submit them by clicking on the “Submit Review” button.
Customers can check their reward points for product review once their product reviews are approved by the admin. For which the customers get notified via email.
Also, they can check it through by clicking on the “Reward Points” option in their accounts.
Admin Management
To credit the reward points to the customers, the admin needs to approve their product reviews. For which the admin, will navigate to Marketing>Reviews. This will redirect the admin to the “Reviews” list page.
Here, the admin can:
- Select multiple reviews.
- Delete selected reviews by selecting the “Delete” option from the “Actions” drop-down list.
- Update the status of the selected reviews by selecting the “Update status” option from the “Actions” drop-down list. This will display the “Status” option besides the “Actions” drop-down list. From here, the admin can update the status of the reviews by selecting “Approved/Not Approved/Pending” options from the “Status” drop-down list. Proceed by clicking on the “Submit” button.
- Add a new review by clicking on the “New Review” button.
- Edit the selected reviews by clicking on the “Edit” link.
Tracking Reward Points – Vendor Reward System
This module enables the feature of tracking the reward points with the complete details of credit and debit of reward points of every customer. The admin and customers can track the reward points.
Tracking – Admin End
The admin can track the reward points of every customer by navigating to Marketplace Management>Reward System Details. This will navigate the admin to the “Reward System Details” page.
The “Reward System Details” page will display the seller and customer list along with reward points details. From here, the admin can get to know which customer has earned reward points from which seller.
Tracking – Customer End
The customer can track their reward points along with the complete details of every credit and debit of reward points.
For this, the customer can click on the “Reward Points” option in their accounts.
By navigating to “My Orders” the customers can view the complete details of their Debited reward points. The customers will be redirected to the “My Orders” page as per the image.
Here, they can click on the “View Order” link against any order for which they want to see the reward points details which have got debt.
The customers can click on the “Items Ordered” or “Invoice” tab to check the complete details of their reward points which have got debit from their account.
NOTE: For every debit and credit of Points the customers will get an email notification on their registered email id.
Support – Vendor Reward Points
That’s all for the Marketplace Vendor Reward System for Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). If you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views at
Explore the Adobe Commerce Cloud development service by Webkul. You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons. Also our quality Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.0.4
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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