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Magento 2 Multi Vendor Multi-Step Product Creation

Updated 15 May 2024


Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation extension allows the admin to enable multiple steps for the product creation by vendors.

This marketplace add-on allows the admin to enable multi-steps for vendor product creation.

Now while creating or updating any product vendors will get multiple steps for every product detail.

Apart from that, if you would also want the vendors to be able to create clones of products, do check the Magento 2 Multi Vendor Clone Product extension.

Note: This is an add-on of Webkul’s Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module, so you need to install Marketplace modules first.

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  • Enable/disable multi-step product creation from the admin panel.
  • Vendors can create/update products using the multi-step forms from his/her end.
  • Add multiple steps for vendor product creation.
  • Choose the desired step to update any product.
  • Saves time during product updates.
  • Reduce chances of missing out on important information during product creation.
  • The extension is compatible with the Hyva Theme

Install Extension from Webkul Store

The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.

#1 Download Module
To begin, log in to Webkul Store, navigate to My Account>My Purchased Products, validate, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder onto your system.

#2 Upload Folder
After extracting the module zip, go to src>app and put the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server, as shown below:


#3 Run Commands
You must perform the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory after uploading the module folder:

# Run Commands

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

Install Extension from Magento Marketplace

Please follow the steps below or go to this link if you purchased this extension through the Magento Marketplace.

#1 Get Access Keys

To obtain access keys, go to My Profile in Magento Marketplace and select Access Keys from the My Products section.


After that, go to Magento 2 and copy both the Public Key and Private Key Access Keys. These access keys will be required for authentication in the following steps.


If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to create access keys click Create A New Access Key, enter any name, and click OK.


#2 Update composer.json File

To find out the component name and version number, go to My Profile>My Purchases in your Magento Marketplace account, then find this extension to see the details.

Note: Please notice that the graphic below is only an example; each extension will have its own component name and version.


After that, go to your Magento project directory and make the following changes to your composer.json file.

composer require <component-name>:<version>

To install version 5.0.0 of this extension, for example, perform the following command:
composer require webkul/marketplace-multi-step-product-creation:5.0.0

#3 Enter Access Keys

Now you must enter the Access Keys that you received in the first step #1 Obtaining Access Keys. Wait for Composer to finish updating your project’s dependencies, then double-check for issues.


Language Translation

Navigate through the module language to translate it src/app/code/Webkul/MarketplaceMultiStepProductCreation/i18n and make changes to the en US.csv file After that, rename the CSV to “en SA.csv” and translate all right-side material in Arabic after the comma.

Save the CSV after you’ve finished editing it.

Then upload it to the path src/app/code/Webkul/MarketplaceMultiStepProductCreation/i18n Magento 2 is installed on the server here. The Arabic language is used to translate the module.

It works with both RTL and LTR languages.


The user can edit the CSV like the image below.

Quick Product Edit--a

Log in to Admin

After successfully installing the Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation, the admin will perform some basic steps to configure it.

The admin will navigate to Store> Configuration> Multi-Step Product Setting as per the snapshot below.

Magento 2 Multi Vendor Multi-Step Product Creation

Enable: The admin can set the status as enabling Yes or No to enable the extension.

Log in to Seller

To add the new product, the seller needs to login into their account. Here the seller can click on New Products as per the below image.


Product Type: From here sellers can choose a product type simple, downloadable, virtual, and Configurable.

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-product-type-all-

After selecting the product type click on Continue for further details as per the above image.

Basic Details

Product Category: The seller can choose the product category.
Product Name: Seller can enter product name.
SKU: Enter the SKU number.
Description: Seller can enter the product description
Short Description: Enter Product short description
Weight (lbs): Enter product weight.
Product Images: The seller can upload Product images.

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-6


Here, the seller can enter the price of the product as per the below image:

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-1-


Stock: Enter the number of products that are available in stock.
Stock Availability: Set stock availability as in stock or out of stock
Visibility: Set the visibility of the product.

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-2-

SEO Details

Enter the SEO details like Url key, meta title, and meta description of the product then clicks on proceed as per the below image.

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-8


The seller can enter the details as per the below image:
Configurable products allow customers to choose options (Ex: shirt color). You need to create a simple product for each configuration (Ex: a product for each color).

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-1-1

Customers are shown related products in addition to the item they are looking at. Click on proceed as per the below image

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-2-1

Up-Sell and Cross-Sell Products

Up-Sell Products

A customer is offered an up-sell item as a more expensive or higher-quality alternative to the purchase they are considering.

Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-3-1

Cross-Sell Products

As cross-sells to the things already in the shopping basket, these “impulse-buy” products appear next to the shopping cart. Click on Save for saved the products as per the below image:

-Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-4-1

Product List

The seller can view their product list as per the below image:

-Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation-Add-Product-4-1

In conclusion, that’s all for the Magento 2 Marketplace Multi-Step Product Creation. For any question/query, please raise a ticket at our Help desk system.

We are more than happy to assist you with your queries. You can also get back to us via mail at [email protected]. You can also check other Magento 2 Extensions.

Current Product Version - 5.1.1-p1

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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