Magento 2 Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping module allows store users to set their own custom fixed rate shipping method for shipping products.
If Sellers have not set any Fixed Rate then admin-defined default Fixed rate will act.
With this, the admin can specify shipping charges on the products for their vendor’s stores distributed across the globe.
Please Note:-
To use this module you must have installed Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module in the first place.
- Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping is also compatible with the Adobe Commerce Cloud edition.
Watch the video tutorial below to understand the extension workflow:
Features of Magento 2 Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping-
- Amazingly easy to configure by admin/seller.
- Admin can set Default Fixed rate shipping which will be applied to all the products in case the seller does not set any fixed rate shipping price.
- Sellers can set their own fixed rate shipping which will be applied to their products only.
- Seller and Admin can set a limit after which the delivery will be free.
- Multi-Lingual support / All language working including RTL.
- Compatible with Multistore.
Install Extension from Webkul Store
#1 Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Upload Folder
Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below:
#3 Run Commands
After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Install Extension from Magento Marketplace
If you have purchased this extension from the Magento Marketplace then please follow the below process or visit this link.
#1 Get Access Keys
You need to get access keys, navigate to My Profile in Magento Marketplace, and then choose Access Keys in the My Products section.
Go to Magento 2 and then you need to copy both the Access Keys – Public Key and Private Key. These access keys will be needed in the next steps for authentication.
If access keys are not created earlier, click Create A New Access Key, enter any name and click OK.
#2 Update composer.json File
To know the component name and version number, go to your Magento Marketplace account section, My Profile>My Purchases, and then find this extension to view the details.
Note – Below is an example image, every extension will have its unique component name and version.
After that, navigate to your Magento project directory and update your composer.json file in the following format.
If you are new to shipping methods – please check Magento 2 shipping method development blog composer require <component-name>:<version>
For example, to install version 5.0.0 of this extension you need to run the following command: composer require webkul/marketplace-fixed-rate-shipping:5.0.0
#3 Enter Access Keys
Now you will need to enter the Access Keys that you obtained as explained in the first step #1 Get Access Keys.
Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
#4 Run Command
You need to run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Configuration – Multi-Lingual Support
For multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options.
Select the locale as German (the language into which the admin want to translate his store content).
Magento 2 – Language Translation
If a user wants to translate their module from English to German then they need to follow the path app/code/Webkul/MpFixedRateshipping/i18n in their unzipped Magento Marketplace folder and will get a CSV file with the name “en_US.csv”.
Now they will rename that CSV as “de_DE.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the German language.
After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/MpFixedRateshipping/i18n where they have installed Magento 2 on their server.
The module will get translated into German Language. It supports both the LTR and RTL languages.
Configuration of Adobe Commerce Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping
After successful installation of the Magento 2 Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping, Go to Adobe Commerce Admin Panel, Click on Store> Configuration > Sales>Shipping Methods>Webkul Marketplace fixed rate shipping.
- Enable for checkout: – Choose ‘Yes’ if you want this shipping method at checkout. Choose ‘No’ if you do not want to provide this shipping method to your customer at checkout.
- Title: Enter a title for this shipping method.
- Method title: In this write down the title you want to be shown for this shipping method during checkout.
- Default Shipping Price: This is the default price for fixed-rate shipping. This price set by the admin will be applied when no shipping price configuration has been done by the seller. This shipping price will apply to all the products.
- Default free shipping from Amount: The order with a value equal to or greater than this value will be shipped free. This value will act when no free shipping value has been configured by the seller. This shipping price will act on all the products.
- Ship to Applicable Countries: Choose ‘All allowed Countries’, if you want this shipping to be applicable to all countries. Else, choose ‘Specific’ if you want to apply this fixed rate shipping to certain selected countries.
- Ship to Specific Countries: if you have selected ‘Specific’ in the above column then Choose the specific selected Countries from this column.
This screenshot will help you to make the contrast between the Method title and the Title. This is the scenario during checkout.
Shipping Based On
Let me explain this with an example: If the vendor has configured a fixed rate shipping price = $9. (This section of vendor configuration will be explained in the later part of this blog.)
So, if there are 3 products in the cart from the same vendor: If you have chosen ‘Shipping based on‘ to ‘Vendor‘.
Then, the fixed-rate shipping price displayed to the customer during checkout will be only $9. But, If you have chosen ‘Shipping based on‘ to ‘Product‘.
Then, the fixed-rate shipping price displayed to the customer during checkout will be only $27. Display Error Message:
Type the message here that you want to be displayed in the case when this shipping method is not available.
Show method if not applicable: Choose ‘Yes’ if you want this method to be displayed at the time of checkout even if it is not applicable for that order.
If you don’t want to display it if it is not applicable then choose ‘No’.
Seller Management
If the Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping module is enabled then the seller can set the Shipping Rate Per Product under: My Account > Fixed Rate Shipping.
The seller will get this ‘Fixed Rate Shipping‘ option on the left hand of the seller account. Now Seller can make the desired configuration through this.
If this section is configured by the Seller then the Admin configured Default Shipping cost and free shipping from the amount will not be applicable.
- Shipping Cost: Here, Sellers will input the value which will act as a Fixed Rate Shipping price for their respective Products.
- Allow Free Shipping From Amount: Shipping of the order will be free If the order amount is equal to or greater than the value entered here.
When the Buyer will place an order for the seller’s product, the buyer can see Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping under shipping methods like this screenshot. During the order preview, buyers will see the shipping method in this manner.
Order Management
When the order is placed, the seller can see the order under My Order History.
From here the Seller can view the order. To download the Invoices of multiple orders at a time, click on the Download All Invoice Slip tab.
Choose the duration for which you want to download the invoice by setting the Date From and Date Until with the help of an Interactive time counter.
To download the Shipping slip of multiple orders at a time, click on the Download All Shipping Slip tab.
My Product List
The Seller can see the quantity sold of the product under the My Product List. The seller will see 3 columns:
- Quantity Confirmed: This number will show the number of order that is being processed.
- Quantity Pending: This number will show the number of orders which are in pending status.
- The Quantity Sold: This number will show the number of order that has been shipped and are complete. Click on this number to get the status of these orders.
If the admin sets the “Allow Seller to Manage Order” option “yes” then the seller can manage the orders from the front end.
Now the seller can generate invoices for their ordered products, and generate a tracking number and shipment for the orders of their products.
Even the seller can notify the customers by sending them emails, cancel/refund the order and even print the order. Once the seller generates the shipment and invoice, the seller will able to see complete order details.
Moreover, the Seller can create a credit memo(Refund) and send information to the customer through the mail. Shipment Information:
Here seller will see 3 tabs.
- Print Shipment: By clicking this you can download and print the Shipment of the order.
- Send Tracking Information: By this Seller can send each and every piece of information about the shipment tracking to their Customer.
Print PDF of an Invoice:
The seller can download the Shipping and Invoice slip very easily.
In this slip, you can also see the company logo and address, vat, and tax information which is input by the seller under Manage Print PDF Header info.
In this slip, you can also see the company logo and address, vat, and tax information which is input by the seller under Manage Print PDF Header info.
That’s all for the base Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping, still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 5.0.2-p1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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