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    Magento2 Create Multi Select UI Field on Frontend as Admin

    Updated 23 February 2024

    Here we learn how to add or create Multi select field using the Ui Component on frontend.
    I am going to take an example of categories multi select files which looks like the below
    image in admin->catalog New or Edit Product section.

    Select UI

    Let’s start step by step.
    You must have installed your custom Module on which you are going to implement this.

    1.) Create a xml file which loads your Block and Phtml file.

    For Example: Webkul/Custom/view/frontend/layout/custom_test_index.xml

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
     * Webkul Software.
     * @category  Webkul
     * @package   Webkul_Custom
     * @author    Webkul
     * @copyright Webkul Software Private Limited (
     * @license
    <page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <update handle="customer_account"/>
            <referenceBlock name="page.main.title">
                <action method="setPageTitle">
                    <argument translate="true" name="title" xsi:type="string">Ui Multi Select</argument>
            <referenceContainer name="content">
                <block class="Webkul\Custom\Block\Test" name="ui_multiselect" template="test.phtml" cacheable="false"/>

    Now, create a Controller file for this.
    File: Webkul/Custom/Controller/Test/Index.php

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    namespace Webkul\Custom\Controller\Test;
    use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context;
    use Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory;
    use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface;
    use Magento\Customer\Model\Url as CustomerUrl;
    class Index extends \Magento\Customer\Controller\AbstractAccount
         * @var \Magento\Customer\Model\Session
        protected $customerSession;
         * @var PageFactory
        protected $resultPageFactory;
         * @var CustomerUrl
        protected $customerUrl;
        * Construct
        * @param Context $context
        * @param PageFactory $resultPageFactory
        * @param \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession
        * @param CustomerUrl $customerUrl
        public function __construct(
            Context $context,
            PageFactory $resultPageFactory,
            \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession,
            CustomerUrl $customerUrl
        ) {
            $this->customerSession = $customerSession;
            $this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;
            $this->customerUrl = $customerUrl;
         * Check customer authentication.
         * @param RequestInterface $request
         * @return \Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface
        public function dispatch(RequestInterface $request)
            $loginUrl = $this->customerUrl->getLoginUrl();
            if (!$this->customerSession->authenticate($loginUrl)) {
                $this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true);
            return parent::dispatch($request);
         * Execute Action
         * @return void
        public function execute()
            $resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();
            $resultPage->getConfig()->getTitle()->set(__('Ui Multi Select'));
            return $resultPage;

    2.) Now Create the respective Block.

     * Webkul Software.
     * @category  Webkul
     * @package   Webkul_Custom
     * @author    Webkul
     * @copyright Webkul Software Private Limited (
     * @license
    namespace Webkul\Custom\Block;
    use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface;
    use Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList;
    class Test extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
         * @var \Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey
        protected $formKey;
         * @var \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface
        protected $_scopeConfig;
         * @var \Magento\Framework\UrlInterface
        protected $_urlBuilder;
         * @param \Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context
         * @param \Magento\Framework\View\Model\PageLayout\Config\BuilderInterface $pageLayoutBuilder
         * @param \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager
         * @param array $data
        public function __construct(
            \Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
            \Magento\Framework\View\Model\PageLayout\Config\BuilderInterface $pageLayoutBuilder,
            \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager,
            array $data = []
        ) {
            $this->_objectManager = $objectManager;
            $this->formKey = $context->getFormKey();
            parent::__construct($context, $data);
         * Prepare layout
         * @return this
        public function _prepareLayout()
            return parent::_prepareLayout();
        public function getCategoriesTree()
            $categories = $this->_objectManager->create(
            return json_encode($categories);

    In above Block file getCategoriesTree() Method loads the all Categories in array form. Its just
    an example, you can pass your custom array to display in the field.

    3.) Create the phtml template file.

    <form action="<?php echo $block->getUrl('custom/manage/save', ['_secure' => $this->getRequest()->isSecure()]) ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"  data-mage-init='{"validation":{}}'>
        <fieldset class="fieldset">
            <div class="field required">
                <label class="label"><?php echo __('Select Category') ?>:</label>
                <div data-bind="scope: 'customCategory'">
                    <!-- ko template: getTemplate() --><!-- /ko -->
                <script type="text/x-magento-init">
                        "*": {
                            "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": {
                                "components": {
                                    "customCategory": {
                                        "component": "Magento_Ui/js/form/element/ui-select",
                                        "template" : "Webkul_Custom/ui-select",
                                        "filterOptions": true,
                                        "levelsVisibility": "1",
                                        "multiple": true,
                                        "showCheckbox": true,
                                        "options": <?php echo $block->getCategoriesTree()?>

    How to Create Multi Select UI Field on Frontend as Admin

    In above template file, we have instantiated ui-select.js component and its default values.
    You can customize this ui-select fields according to your choice. Like you can disable multiple, showCheckbox etc.

    For more default options of ui-select you can view this file:

    For Now let’s create the ui-select.html template which we have used in customCategory component.

    <!-- ko ifnot: disableLabel -->
    <label class="admin__form-field-label" data-bind="attr: {for: uid}
        <span translate="label"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <div class="admin__action-multiselect-wrap action-select-wrap" tabindex="0" data-bind="
    attr: {
        id: uid
    css: {
        _active: listVisible,
        'admin__action-multiselect-tree': isTree()
    event: {
        focusin: onFocusIn,
        focusout: onFocusOut,
        keydown: keydownSwitcher
    outerClick: outerClick.bind($data)
        <!-- ko ifnot: chipsEnabled -->
        <div class="action-select admin__action-multiselect" data-role="advanced-select" data-bind="
        css: {_active: multiselectFocus},
        click: function(data, event) {
            toggleListVisible(data, event)
            <div class="admin__action-multiselect-text" data-role="selected-option" data-bind="text: setCaption()">
            <!-- ko foreach: { data: getSelected(), as: 'option'}  -->
            <input type="hidden" name="category_id" data-bind="
                attr: {
                    id: 'wk-cat-hide'+value,
                    value: value
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: chipsEnabled -->
        <div class="action-select admin__action-multiselect" data-role="advanced-select" data-bind="
        css: {_active: multiselectFocus},
        click: function(data, event) {
            toggleListVisible(data, event)
            <div class="admin__action-multiselect-text" data-bind="
            visible: !hasData(),
            i18n: selectedPlaceholders.defaultPlaceholder
            <!-- ko foreach: { data: getSelected(), as: 'option'}  -->
            <span class="admin__action-multiselect-crumb">
                <span data-bind="text: label">
                <button class="action-close" type="button" data-action="remove-selected-item" tabindex="-1" data-bind="click: $parent.removeSelected.bind($parent, value)
                    <span class="action-close-text" translate="'Close'"></span>
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <div class="action-menu" data-bind="css: { _active: listVisible }
            <!-- ko if: filterOptions -->
            <div class="admin__action-multiselect-search-wrap">
                <input class="admin__control-text admin__action-multiselect-search" data-role="advanced-select-text" type="text" data-bind="
            event: {
                keydown: filterOptionsKeydown
            attr: {id: uid+2},
            valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown',
            value: filterInputValue,
            hasFocus: filterOptionsFocus
                <label class="admin__action-multiselect-search-label" data-action="advanced-select-search" data-bind="attr: {for: uid+2}
                <div if="itemsQuantity" data-bind="text: itemsQuantity" class="admin__action-multiselect-search-count">
            <!-- /ko -->
            <ul class="admin__action-multiselect-menu-inner _root" data-bind="
            event: {
                mousemove: function(data, event){onMousemove($data, event)}
                <!-- ko foreach: { data: options, as: 'option'}  -->
                <li class="admin__action-multiselect-menu-inner-item _root" data-bind="css: { _parent: $data.optgroup }" data-role="option-group">
                    <div class="action-menu-item" data-bind="
                    css: {
                        _selected: $parent.isSelected(option.value),
                        _hover: $parent.isHovered(option, $element),
                        _expended: $parent.getLevelVisibility($data),
                        _unclickable: $parent.isLabelDecoration($data),
                        _last: $parent.addLastElement($data),
                        '_with-checkbox': $parent.showCheckbox
                    click: function(data, event){
                        $parent.toggleOptionSelected($data, event);
                    clickBubble: false
                        <!-- ko if: $data.optgroup && $parent.showOpenLevelsActionIcon-->
                        <div class="admin__action-multiselect-dropdown" data-bind="
                        click: function(event){
                            $parent.openChildLevel($data, $element, event);
                        clickBubble: false
                        <!-- /ko-->
                        <!--ko if: $parent.showCheckbox-->
                        <input class="admin__control-checkbox" type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" data-bind="attr: { 'checked': $parent.isSelected(option.value) }">
                        <!-- /ko-->
                        <label class="admin__action-multiselect-label">
                            <span data-bind="text: option.label"></span>
                            <span if="$parent.getPath(option)" class="admin__action-multiselect-item-path" data-bind="text: $parent.getPath(option)"></span>
                    <!-- ko if: $data.optgroup -->
                    <!-- ko template: {name: $parent.optgroupTmpl, data: {root: $parent, current: $data}} -->
                    <!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- /ko-->
                <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.closeBtn -->
            <div class="admin__action-multiselect-actions-wrap">
                <button class="action-default" data-action="close-advanced-select" type="button" data-bind="click: outerClick">
                    <span translate="closeBtnLabel"></span>
            <!-- /ko -->
    <strong>Also,</strong> you can use your own  ui-select.js in component as: <strong>Webkul_Custom/js/form/element/ui-select.js</strong>
    ], function (_, Abstract, keyCodes, $t, ko, $) {
        'use strict';
        var isTouchDevice = typeof document.ontouchstart !== 'undefined';
         * Processing options list
         * @param {Array} array - Property array
         * @param {String} separator - Level separator
         * @param {Array} created - list to add new options
         * @return {Array} Plain options list
        function flattenCollection(array, separator, created)
            var i = 0,
            array = _.compact(array);
            length = array.length;
            created = created || [];
            for (i; i < length; i++) {
                if (array[i].hasOwnProperty(separator)) {
                    childCollection = array[i][separator];
                    delete array[i][separator];
          , childCollection, separator, created);
            return created;
         * Set levels to options list
         * @param {Array} array - Property array
         * @param {String} separator - Level separator
         * @param {Number} level - Starting level
         * @param {String} path - path to root
         * @returns {Array} Array with levels
        function setProperty(array, separator, level, path)
            var i = 0,
            array = _.compact(array);
            length = array.length;
            level = level || 0;
            path = path || '';
            for (i; i < length; i++) {
                if (array[i]) {
                    _.extend(array[i], {
                        level: level,
                        path: path
                if (array[i].hasOwnProperty(separator)) {
                    nextLevel = level + 1;
                    nextPath = path ? path + '.' + array[i].label : array[i].label;
          , array[i][separator], separator, nextLevel, nextPath);
            return array;
         * Preprocessing options list
         * @param {Array} nodes - Options list
         * @return {Object} Object with property - options(options list)
         *      and cache options with plain and tree list
        function parseOptions(nodes)
            var caption,
            nodes = setProperty(nodes, 'optgroup');
            copyNodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nodes));
            cacheNodes = flattenCollection(copyNodes, 'optgroup');
            nodes =, function (node) {
                value = node.value;
                if (value == null || value === '') {
                    if (_.isUndefined(caption)) {
                        caption = node.label;
                } else {
                    return node;
            return {
                options: _.compact(nodes),
                cacheOptions: {
                    plain: _.compact(cacheNodes),
                    tree: _.compact(nodes)
        return Abstract.extend({
            defaults: {
                options: [],
                listVisible: false,
                value: [],
                filterOptions: false,
                chipsEnabled: true,
                itemsQuantity: '',
                filterInputValue: '',
                filterOptionsFocus: false,
                multiselectFocus: false,
                multiple: true,
                selectType: 'tree',
                lastSelectable: false,
                showFilteredQuantity: true,
                showCheckbox: true,
                levelsVisibility: true,
                openLevelsAction: true,
                showOpenLevelsActionIcon: true,
                optgroupLabels: false,
                closeBtn: true,
                showPath: true,
                labelsDecoration: false,
                disableLabel: false,
                filterRateLimit: 500,
                closeBtnLabel: $t('Done'),
                optgroupTmpl: 'ui/grid/filters/elements/ui-select-optgroup',
                quantityPlaceholder: $t('options'),
                hoverClass: '_hover',
                rootListSelector: 'ul.admin__action-multiselect-menu-inner._root',
                visibleOptionSelector: 'li.admin__action-multiselect-menu-inner-item:visible',
                actionTargetSelector: '.action-menu-item',
                selectedPlaceholders: {
                    defaultPlaceholder: $t('Select...'),
                    lotPlaceholders: $t('Selected')
                separator: 'optgroup',
                listens: {
                    listVisible: 'cleanHoveredElement',
                    filterInputValue: 'filterOptionsList',
                    options: 'checkOptionsList'
                presets: {
                    single: {
                        showCheckbox: false,
                        chipsEnabled: false,
                        closeBtn: false
                    optgroup: {
                        showCheckbox: false,
                        lastSelectable: true,
                        optgroupLabels: true,
                        openLevelsAction: false,
                        labelsDecoration: true,
                        showOpenLevelsActionIcon: false
             * Initializes UISelect component.
             * @returns {UISelect} Chainable.
            initialize: function () {
                return this;
             * Parses options and merges the result with instance
             * Set defaults according to mode and levels configuration
             * @param  {Object} config
             * @returns {Object} Chainable.
            initConfig: function (config) {
                var result = parseOptions(config.options),
                    defaults = this.constructor.defaults,
                    multiple = _.isBoolean(config.multiple) ? config.multiple : defaults.multiple,
                    type = config.selectType || defaults.selectType,
                    showOpenLevelsActionIcon = _.isBoolean(config.showOpenLevelsActionIcon) ?
                        config.showOpenLevelsActionIcon :
                    openLevelsAction = _.isBoolean(config.openLevelsAction) ?
                        config.openLevelsAction :
                multiple = !multiple ? 'single' : false;
                config.showOpenLevelsActionIcon = showOpenLevelsActionIcon && openLevelsAction;
                _.extend(config, result, defaults.presets[multiple], defaults.presets[type]);
                return this;
             * Check child optgroup
            hasChildList: function () {
                return _.find(this.options(), function (option) {
                    return !!option[this.separator];
                }, this);
             * Check tree mode
            isTree: function () {
                return this.hasChildList() && this.selectType !== 'optgroup';
             * Add option to lastOptions array
             * @param {Object} data
             * @returns {Boolean}
            addLastElement: function (data) {
                if (!data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator)) {
                    !this.cacheOptions.lastOptions ? this.cacheOptions.lastOptions = [] : false;
                    if (!_.findWhere(this.cacheOptions.lastOptions, { value: data.value })) {
                    return true;
                return false;
             * Check options length and set to cache
             * if some options is added
             * @param {Array} options - ui select options
            checkOptionsList: function (options) {
                if (options.length > this.cacheOptions.plain.length) {
                    this.cacheOptions.plain = options;
             * Check label decoration
            isLabelDecoration: function (data) {
                return data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator) && this.labelsDecoration;
             * Calls 'initObservable' of parent, initializes 'options' and 'initialOptions'
             *     properties, calls 'setOptions' passing options to it
             * @returns {Object} Chainable.
            initObservable: function () {
                    rateLimit: this.filterRateLimit
                return this;
             * object with key - keyname and value - handler function for this key
             * @returns {Object} Object with handlers function name.
            keyDownHandlers: function () {
                return {
                    enterKey: this.enterKeyHandler,
                    escapeKey: this.escapeKeyHandler,
                    spaceKey: this.enterKeyHandler,
                    pageUpKey: this.pageUpKeyHandler,
                    pageDownKey: this.pageDownKeyHandler
             * Processing level visibility for levels
             * @param {Object} data - element data
             * @returns {Boolean} level visibility.
            showLevels: function (data) {
                var curLevel = ++data.level,
                if (data.visible) {
                    isVisible = data.visible();
                } else {
                    isVisible = !!data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator) &&
                        _.isBoolean(this.levelsVisibility) &&
                        this.levelsVisibility ||
                        data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator) && parseInt(this.levelsVisibility, 10) >= curLevel;
                    data.visible = ko.observable(isVisible);
                    data.isVisited = isVisible;
                return isVisible;
             * Processing level visibility for levels
             * @param {Object} data - element data
             * @returns {Boolean} level visibility.
            getLevelVisibility: function (data) {
                if (data.visible) {
                    return data.visible();
                return this.showLevels(data);
             * Set option to options array.
             * @param {Object} option
             * @param {Array} options
            setOption: function (option, options) {
                var copyOptionsTree;
                options = options || this.cacheOptions.tree;
                _.each(options, function (opt) {
                    if (opt.value == option.parent) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
                        delete  option.parent;
                        opt[this.separator] ? opt[this.separator].push(option) : opt[this.separator] = [option];
                        copyOptionsTree = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.cacheOptions.tree));
                        this.cacheOptions.plain = flattenCollection(copyOptionsTree, this.separator);
                    } else if (opt[this.separator]) {
                        this.setOption(option, opt[this.separator]);
                }, this);
             * Handler outerClick event. Closed options list
            outerClick: function () {
                this.listVisible() ? this.listVisible(false) : false;
                if (isTouchDevice) {
             * Handler keydown event to filter options input
             * @returns {Boolean} Returned true for emersion events
            filterOptionsKeydown: function (data, event) {
                var key = keyCodes[event.keyCode];
                !this.isTabKey(event) ? event.stopPropagation() : false;
                if (key === 'pageDownKey' || key === 'pageUpKey') {
                this.keydownSwitcher(data, event);
                return true;
             * Filtered options list by value from filter options list
            filterOptionsList: function () {
                var value = this.filterInputValue().trim().toLowerCase(),
                    array = [];
                if (value && value.length < 2) {
                    return false;
                if (!value) {
                    this.renderPath = false;
                    return false;
                this.showPath ? this.renderPath = true : false;
                if (this.filterInputValue()) {
                    array = this.selectType === 'optgroup' ?
                        this._getFilteredArray(this.cacheOptions.lastOptions, value) :
                        this._getFilteredArray(this.cacheOptions.plain, value);
                    if (!value.length) {
                    } else {
                    return false;
             * Filtered options list by value from filter options list
             * @param {Array} list - option list
             * @param {String} value
             * @returns {Array} filters result
            _getFilteredArray: function (list, value) {
                var i = 0,
                    array = [],
                for (i; i < list.length; i++) {
                    curOption = list[i].label.toLowerCase();
                    if (curOption.indexOf(value) > -1) {
                        array.push(list[i]); /*eslint max-depth: [2, 4]*/
                return array;
             * Get path to current option
             * @param {Object} data - option data
             * @returns {String} path
            getPath: function (data) {
                var pathParts,
                    createdPath = '';
                if (this.renderPath) {
                    pathParts = data.path.split('.');
                    _.each(pathParts, function (curData) {
                        createdPath = createdPath ? createdPath + ' / ' + curData : curData;
                    return createdPath;
             * Set filtered items quantity
             * @param {Object} data - option data
            _setItemsQuantity: function (data) {
                if (this.showFilteredQuantity) {
                    data || parseInt(data, 10) === 0 ?
                        this.itemsQuantity(data + ' ' + this.quantityPlaceholder) :
             * Remove element from selected array
            removeSelected: function (value, data, event) {
                event ? event.stopPropagation() : false;
             * Checked key name
             * @returns {Boolean}
            isTabKey: function (event) {
                return keyCodes[event.keyCode] === 'tabKey';
             * Clean hoveredElement variable
             * @returns {Object} Chainable
            cleanHoveredElement: function () {
                if (this.hoveredElement) {
                    this.hoveredElement = null;
                return this;
             * Check selected option
             * @param {String} value - option value
             * @return {Boolean}
            isSelected: function (value) {
                return this.multiple ? _.contains(this.value(), value) : this.value() === value;
             * Check optgroup label
             * @param {Object} data - element data
             * @return {Boolean}
            isOptgroupLabels: function (data) {
                return data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator) && this.optgroupLabels;
             * Check hovered option
             * @param {Object} data - element data
             * @return {Boolean}
            isHovered: function (data) {
                var element = this.hoveredElement,
                if (!element) {
                    return false;
                elementData = ko.dataFor(this.hoveredElement);
                return data.value === elementData.value;
             * Toggle list visibility
             * @returns {Object} Chainable
            toggleListVisible: function () {
                return this;
             * Get selected element labels
             * @returns {Array} array labels
            getSelected: function () {
                var selected = this.value();
                return this.cacheOptions.plain.filter(function (opt) {
                    return _.isArray(selected) ?
                        _.contains(selected, opt.value) :
                    selected == opt.value;//eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
             * Toggle activity list element
             * @param {Object} data - selected option data
             * @returns {Object} Chainable
            toggleOptionSelected: function (data) {
                var isSelected = this.isSelected(data.value);
                if (this.lastSelectable && data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator)) {
                    return this;
                if (!this.multiple) {
                    if (!isSelected) {
                } else {
                    if (!isSelected) { /*eslint no-lonely-if: 0*/
                    } else {
                        this.value(_.without(this.value(), data.value));
                return this;
             * Change visibility to child level
             * @param {Object} data - element data
            openChildLevel: function (data) {
                var contextElement = data,
                if (this.openLevelsAction && data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator) && _.isBoolean(this.levelsVisibility) || this.openLevelsAction && data.hasOwnProperty(this.separator) && parseInt(this.levelsVisibility, 10) <= data.level) {
                    isVisible = !contextElement.visible();
                    if (isVisible && !contextElement.isVisited) {
                        contextElement.isVisited = true;
             * Check selected elements
             * @returns {Boolean}
            hasData: function () {
                if (!this.value()) {
                return this.value() ? !!this.value().length : false;
             * @deprecated
            onMousemove: function () {},
             * Handles hover on list items.
             * @param {Object} event - mousemove event
            onDelegatedMouseMouve: function (event) {
                var target = $(event.currentTarget).closest(this.visibleOptionSelector)[0];
                if (this.isCursorPositionChange(event) || this.hoveredElement === target) {
             * Get option index
             * @param {Object} data - object with data about this element
             * @returns {Number}
            getOptionIndex: function (data) {
                var index;
                _.each(this.cacheOptions.plain, function (opt, id) {
                    if (data.value === opt.value) {
                        index = id;
                return index;
             * Set X and Y cursor position
             * @param {Object} event - mousemove event
            setCursorPosition: function (event) {
                this.cursorPosition = {
                    x: event.pageX,
                    y: event.pageY
             * Check previous and current cursor position
             * @param {Object} event - mousemove event
             * @returns {Boolean}
            isCursorPositionChange: function (event) {
                return this.cursorPosition &&
                    this.cursorPosition.x === event.pageX &&
                    this.cursorPosition.y === event.pageY;
             * Set true to observable variable multiselectFocus
             * @param {Object} ctx
             * @param {Object} event - focus event
            onFocusIn: function (ctx, event) {
                !this.cacheUiSelect ? this.cacheUiSelect = : false;
             * Set false to observable variable multiselectFocus
             * and close list
            onFocusOut: function () {
             * Handler enter key, if select list is closed - open select,
             * if select list is open toggle selected current option
            enterKeyHandler: function () {
                if (this.filterOptionsFocus()) {
                    return false;
                if (this.listVisible()) {
                    if (this.hoveredElement) {
                } else {
             * Handler escape key, if select list is open - closes it,
            escapeKeyHandler: function () {
                this.listVisible() ? this.setListVisible(false) : false;
             * Handler pageDown key, selected next option in list, if current option is last
             * selected first option in list
            pageDownKeyHandler: function () {
             * Get jQuery element by option data
             * @param {Object} data - option data
             * @returns {Object} jQuery element
            _getElemByData: function (data) {
                var i = 0,
                    list = $(this.cacheUiSelect).find('li'),
                    length = this.options().length,
                for (i; i < length; i++) {
                    if (this.options()[i].value === data.value) {
                        result = $(list[i]);
                return result;
             * Set hover to visible element
             * @param {Number} direction - iterator
            _setHoverToElement: function (direction) {
                var element;
                if (direction ===  1) {
                    element = this._getNextElement();
                } else if (direction === -1) {
                    element = this._getPreviousElement();
                if (element) {
             * Find current hovered element
             * and change scroll position
             * @param {Number} element - element index
            _scrollTo: function (element) {
                var curEl = $(element).children(this.actionTargetSelector),
                    wrapper = $(this.rootList),
                    curElPos = {},
                    wrapperPos = {};
                curElPos.start = curEl.offset().top;
                curElPos.end = curElPos.start + curEl.outerHeight();
                wrapperPos.start = wrapper.offset().top;
                wrapperPos.end = wrapperPos.start + wrapper.height();
                if (curElPos.start < wrapperPos.start) {
                    wrapper.scrollTop(wrapper.scrollTop() - (wrapperPos.start - curElPos.start));
                } else if (curElPos.end > wrapperPos.end) {
                    wrapper.scrollTop(wrapper.scrollTop() + curElPos.end - wrapperPos.end);
             * Handler pageUp key, selected previous option in list, if current option is first -
             * selected last option in list
            pageUpKeyHandler: function () {
             * Switcher to parse keydown event and delegate event to needful method
             * @param {Object} data - element data
             * @param {Object} event - keydown event
             * @returns {Boolean} if handler for this event doesn't found return true
            keydownSwitcher: function (data, event) {
                var keyName = keyCodes[event.keyCode];
                if (this.isTabKey(event)) {
                    if (!this.filterOptionsFocus() && this.listVisible() && this.filterOptions) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                if (this.keyDownHandlers().hasOwnProperty(keyName)) {
                    this.keyDownHandlers()[keyName].apply(this, arguments);
                } else {
                    return true;
             * Set caption
            setCaption: function () {
                var length;
                if (!_.isArray(this.value()) && this.value()) {
                    length = 1;
                } else if (this.value()) {
                    length = this.value().length;
                } else {
                    length = 0;
                if (length > 1) {
                    this.placeholder(length + ' ' + this.selectedPlaceholders.lotPlaceholders);
                } else if (length && this.getSelected().length) {
                } else {
                return this.placeholder();
             * Set list status, open or close
             * @param {Boolean} value - variable for set list visible status
            setListVisible: function (value) {
             * Processes preview for option by it's value, and sets the result
             * to 'preview' observable
             * @returns {String}
            getPreview: function () {
                var selected = this.getSelected();
                return (option) {
                    return option.label;
                }).join(', ');
             * Defines previous option element to
             * the one that is currently hovered.
             * @returns {Element}
            _getPreviousElement: function () {
                var currentElement = this.hoveredElement,
                    lastElement    = this._getLastIn(this.rootList),
                if (!currentElement) {
                    return lastElement;
                previousElement = $(currentElement).prev()[0];
                return this._getLastIn(previousElement) ||
                    previousElement ||
                    this._getFirstParentOf(currentElement) ||
             * Defines next option element to
             * the one that is currently hovered.
             * @returns {Element}
            _getNextElement: function () {
                var currentElement = this.hoveredElement,
                    firstElement   = this._getFirstIn(this.rootList);
                if (!currentElement) {
                    return firstElement;
                return this._getFirstIn(currentElement) ||
                    $(currentElement).next()[0] ||
                    this._getParentsOf(currentElement).next()[0] ||
             * Returns first option element in provided scope.
             * @param {Element} scope
             * @returns {Element}
            _getFirstIn: function (scope) {
                return $(scope).find(this.visibleOptionSelector)[0];
             * Returns last descendant option element in provided scope.
             * @param {Element} scope
             * @returns {Element}
            _getLastIn: function (scope) {
                return $(scope).find(this.visibleOptionSelector).last()[0];
             * Returns a collection of parent option elements.
             * @param {Element} scope
             * @returns {jQueryCollection}
            _getParentsOf: function (scope) {
                return $(scope).parents(this.visibleOptionSelector);
             * Returns first parent option element.
             * @param {Element} scope
             * @returns {Element}
            _getFirstParentOf: function (scope) {
                return this._getParentsOf(scope)[0];
             * Sets hover class to provided option element.
             * @param {Element} element
            _hoverTo: function (element) {
                if (this.hoveredElement) {
                this.hoveredElement = element;
             * Callback which fires when root list element is rendered.
             * @param {Element} element
            onRootListRender: function (element) {
                var targetSelector = 'li > ' + this.actionTargetSelector;
                this.rootList = element;

    Now, Flush the Cache, and see the result like below image.

    Note: You will have to get the CSS from Admin for this field, otherwise it will not look as Admin.

    Select UI


    . . .

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