Magento 2 B2B Wholesale Catalogue allows the seller to not add or list their own products to sell. The B2B Wholesale Catalogue module will restrict the sellers from selling only admin products.
The seller’s products will only be visible on the seller shop, profile, and collection pages.
The admin can create various seller groups and assign them to sellers. Further, the seller group is created based on the attribute set and category.
The seller can send product assign requests to admin only for the product that belongs to the attribute set and category which has been added in the seller’s group that is assigned to the seller.
The sellers who do not belong to any seller group can send product assign requests for those products that belong to the default attribute set and category which has been set by the admin in the configuration
The admin can accept or reject the product assigned request of sellers. The seller can edit the price and quantity of assigned products.
- To use this module, you need to purchase and install Magento 2 Marketplace Module first.
- For configuring the B2B Wholesale Catalogue module, it is a must to enable your browser popup.
To get a more clear idea of the B2B Wholesale Catalogue module, kindly view the below video:
- The seller can sell admin products only.
- The admin can create various seller groups and assign them to sellers.
- Create seller groups as per the attribute sets and category.
- Assign multiple attribute sets and categories to a seller group.
- The admin can enable/ disable the products to be visible on the front-end.
- The seller can request only those products which belong to the attribute set, category, and seller groups assigned to the seller.
- The sellers can view their product requests raised by them for admin.
- The seller product will depend on the seller group, category, or seller group.
- The admin can set the auto-approval for the product assignment to the seller.
- Separate section for admin to manage seller groups and product assign requests.
- The admin can accept or reject the product assigned request of sellers.
- The sellers can view, edit, and sell the products which are approved by the admin.
- The seller can edit the price and quantity details of the approved products.
- The seller’s products will only be visible on the seller shop, profile, and collection pages.
- The B2B Wholesale Catalogue module supports simple, configurable, downloadable, and virtual product types.
The customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. Furthermore, the extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
Firstly, you need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.
Secondly, after the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory.
First command –
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command –
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command –
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Fourth Command –
php bin/magento setup:c-f
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate to Store > Configuration>General > Locale Options. And select your desired language from the Locale option.
Language Translation
For module translation, navigate to the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/MpVendorCatalog/i18n/en_US.csv.
Next, open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in the below screenshot.
Then replace the words after the comma(,) on the right in the file with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV.
Followed by uploading the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it. Now your module translation is complete.
Module Configuration
After the module installation, the admin will configure the module settings by navigating to Stores > Configuration > Webkul > Marketplace Vendor Catalog, as shown below.
After that, the admin will be able to manage the following settings:
1. Seller Product Approval Required: In this, the admin approves the product requested by the sellers
If the field is set as “Yes” then the admin approval is a must for a seller to sell the products, and if set as “No” then the seller can sell the products without the admin approval.
2. Enable/ DisableAdmin Products From Frontend –
Enabled – The admin product will be visible on the front end.
Disabled – The admin product will not be visible on the front end.
3. Enable Default Configurations For Seller
1. If the field is selected as “Yes“- The default attribute set and Default category selected by the admin will get assigned to only those sellers who aren’t assigned to any of the seller groups by the admin.
The following fields get visible when the above option is selected as a “Yes“:
Default Attribute Set –
In this field, select the default attribute set to assign to the seller.
Default Category – The default category selected by the admin gets assigned to the seller.
2. If the field is selected as “No” the All product list at the seller end will be displayed according to the seller group assigned to the sellers.
When the admin will enable/ disable the product then a popup will appear, by which the process of changing product status like enable or disable can be seen with the help of a loading bar.
As the loader will appear in the form of a pop-up, this would actually lead the admin to perform the other configuration in parallel while the loader task is in progress.
And, then hit the Save Config button to save the configuration successfully.
Create Seller Groups – Admin End
The admin can create the seller groups. For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management > Create Seller Groups as shown below.
After that, clicking the Create Seller Groups menu option will navigate the admin to the Group Details page.
The admin will create the seller groups –
- Group Name: Enter the group name.
- Attribute Set: Select one or multiple attributes set to assign to the group.
- Category: Select one or multiple categories to assign the group.
Manage Seller Groups – Admin End
The admin can even manage the created or existing seller groups easily. For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management > Manage Seller Groups as shown below.
After that, clicking the Manage Seller Groups menu option will navigate the admin to the Seller Group List page.
The admin can-
- View the complete list of the existing seller groups.
- Edit the existing seller groups by clicking the Edit link available.
- Remove the existing seller groups. For this, select the seller group and click the Delete option available in the above Action drop-down.
Assign Seller Groups – Admin End
The admin can assign the seller groups to the sellers. For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management > Manage Seller as shown below.
After that, clicking the Manage Seller menu option will navigate the admin to the Seller List page.
To assign the seller group to the seller, so the admin will-
- First, select the seller from the list.
- Then, select the Assign a Seller Group option available in the above Action drop-down list.
- Finally, select the desired seller group to assign it to the selected seller as shown below.
Assign Product Request – Seller End
Once the module is installed and configured, the seller will not be able to add or list their own products.
The sellers can sell only admin products. For selling the admin products, the seller first needs to request the admin to assign the admin products to them.
**Note: The seller can only request those products which belong to the default attribute set, category, or as per the respective group assigned to the seller.
Under the menu option All Product, the seller can view the products as per the attribute set, category, or seller group assigned to the seller.
For the products which are visible under the All Product section, only these products the seller can request from the admin to be assigned for selling. For this, the seller will-
- Select the products from the list.
- Then, select the Assign Products option available in the above Action drop-down list.
Under the Pending Requests section, the sellers can view their requests raised by them for the admin to assign the products to them.
The sellers can also check the status of their requests whether approved or not.
Once the admin has approved the requests, then the requested products will be visible under the My Catalog section to the sellers.
Here, the sellers can:
- View the products which are approved by the admin.
- Edit the product details and sell them accordingly.
To edit the assigned product, the seller will click on the edit link available in front of each assigned product. Clicking the edit link will navigate the seller to the Product Edit page as shown below.
The seller can only edit the Price and Quantity details of a product.
Manage Product Requests – Admin End
The admin can easily accept or reject the product requests raised by the sellers. For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management -> Manage Seller Product Request as shown below.
Clicking the Manage Seller Product Requests menu option will navigate the admin to the Seller Product Requests list page.
Here, the admin will:
- Select the requests from the list.
- Then, select the option either Approve or Reject from the Action drop-down available above.
On the frontend, the seller’s products will only be visible at the –
- Profile Page
- Collection Page
** NOTE: The admin’s product SKU will differ from the Seller’s product SKU.
In the product page, the product SKU will be displayed as associated with the admin’s product but on the seller’s store and collection page the same product will be displayed with a different SKU as shown in the images below:
- SKU of Admin’s Product.
- SKU of Seller’s product.
That’s all for the Magento 2 B2B Wholesale Catalogue for Vendors. If you still have any issues, please feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make this module better at
Current Product Version - 5.0.1-p2
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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