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Magento Frontpage Slideshow

Updated 30 August 2016

Magento Frontpage Slideshow is a very powerful and useful module for magento e-commerce, if you are running an online business then this magento extension will surely lighten your featured area and specialty in magento shop.  Here are some brilliant feature of this magento frontpage slideshow.

Magento Supported Version- Magento version 1.6.x.x, Magento version 1.7.x.x, Magento version 1.8.x.x, Magento version 1.9.x.x.


  • Random Images Option.
  • Image Upload/delete/update from admin.
  • Unlimited Image Upload.
  • Inbuilt 30 Animation Styles.
  • Unlimited Images.
  • Ability to link the images.
  • Ability to Show thumbs or captions.
  • Switch ON/OFF Captions.
  • Switch ON/OFF Navigation.
  • Switch ON/OFF Slide Numbers.
  • Ability to show caption to the slideshow images.


Its pretty easy you just need to move both folders (i.e. app, skin) into magento root that’s it.


After moving both the folder, flush the cache from magento admin module. Under system >  cache management.

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And now your Magento Frontpage Slideshow module has been installed.


After successful installation of the module you will see a menu in magento admin for Webkul Skitter Slideshow as per screenshot.


As you can see there are two menus under Webkul Skitter Slideshow, i am going to explain you each menu one by one:

1. Manage Skitters –This menu is responsible for adding skitter details for Skitter Slideshow.


for adding new skitter click on “Add Item”, a form opens:


You can also delete or change status of skitter.


On clicking “edit”, you can edit your skitter detail.


2. Manage Skitter Groups – This menu is responsible for adding or Managing skitter group details.


for adding new skitter group click on “Add Skitter Group”, a form opens:

which contain two tab in the left section:


i) Skitter Group : Here you need to fill all the required details for skitter slideshow.


ii) Skitters : Here you need to check the skitters to show it into this particular skitter group.

10You can also delete or change status of skitter group.

On clicking “edit”, you can edit your skitter group detail.


now you need to call block code at your cms page:

{{block type=”skitterslideshow/skitterslideshow” name=”demo” skitterslideshow_group_code=”demo” template=”skitterslideshow/slide.phtml”}}

Front End

At Front end after inserting all required details and block code your frontpage slideshow is ready to display.


That’s all for the Magento Frontpage Slideshow, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

. . .

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