Magento News Ticker is an awesome ticker Module which allows you to display your latest news title in different effect like fadein more. News ticker provides a simple way to present news on your website, one at a time, rotated with a smooth fade-in JavaScript effect.
This Module is also Available for Magento2
Features Of Magento News Ticker
- Allow admin to add/edit multiple news.
- Admin can download “News” on CSV file or on XML file.
- Admin can perform mass action like delete or change status.
- Allow admin to add/edit news group.
- Admin can download “News” on CSV file or on XML file.
- Two types of animation effect .
- Slick effect, no Flash needed
- This Plugin Has Endless Utility .
Installation Of Magento News Ticker
Magento News Ticker Module installation is super easy you need to move both app and skin folder in magento root directory that’s it as per the screenshot.
After moving the app and skin folder flush the cache from magento admin module. Under system > cache management.
configuration OF Magento News Ticker
After the installation of the module admin will able to see new admin menu “News Ticker” as per the below screen.
As you can see there are two menus under News Ticker , i am going to explain you every menu one by one.
Add News–This menu is responsible for adding news based on your need.
Now on clicking on Add News, the news form open as per screenshot.
In these you can also download the list of all news in csv or xml format as per screenshot.
2.Add/Manage News Group- This menu is responsible for adding news group.,/p>
now on clicking on Add/Manage News Group, the news group form open as per screenshot.
In these you can also download the list of all news group in csv or xml format as per screenshot.
Here the admin needs to add a new block so that News Ticker can be displayed. In, Magento and newer versions, the admin must need to add and enable the block for the News Ticker.
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
Supported Framework Version - 1.6.x.x, 1.7.x.x, 1.8.x.x, 1.9.x.x
For anyone else wondering how to add it to a CMS page or Static Block:
{{block type=’newsticker/newsticker’ name=’Latest News’ template=’newsticker/news.phtml’}}