Magento multi FAQ is an awesome Module which adds an easy to use FAQ Section to your Magento store with jQuery powered animation.
In this module you have both backend FAQ section to manage your FAQ section you can easily add and update your FAQ section through your Magento admin.
On frontend, you have a animated FAQ section for your store.
- You can add any numbers of FAQ’s
- Animated FAQ.
- Editor for adding FAQ.
Also, check out Magento 2 FAQ extension as well.
Magento multi FAQ Module installation is super easy you need to move both app and skin folder in magento root directory that’s it as per the screenshot.
After moving the app and skin folder flush the cache from Magento admin module. Under system > cache management.
After the installation of the module admin will able to see new admin menu “Webkul FAQ” as per the below screen.
As you can see there are two menus under Webkul FAQ, Let’s explain each menu one by one.
This menu is responsible for adding news based on your need.
Now on clicking on Add FAQ, the FAQ form open as per the screen shot.
In these you can also download the list of all FAQ in CSV or XML format as per screenshot.
This menu is responsible for adding FAQ group.
Now on clicking on Add/Manage FAQ Group, the FAQ group form open as per the screenshot.
In these you can also download the list of all FAQ group in csv or xml format as per the screenshot.
Front End of Multi FAQ
The Front End of FAQ looks like this screenshot:
That’s all for the Magento Multi FAQ module, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
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