This multi-vendor addon will allow web services including SOAP api so that marketplace functions can be used on other devices including mobile and ERP.
This Module is also available for Magento 2
- Standard magento web services api extended.
- Standard SOAP V1, SOAP V2 API and REST API support found.
- JSON format return can be used in mobile and ERP devices including OPENERP . we have built world best openerp magento connector.
- Extend all magento marketplace functions including marketplace, sellers-list, assign seller.
- Easy to customise the module.
Mobikul Marketplace: Mobikul Marketplace converts your Magento marketplace store into a mobile app. Your customers can easily purchase products on the go. They don’t need to have a laptop or desktop, they can easily explore your store through their smart phones. It will not only benefit the store owner and customer it will benefit the seller’s too. Sellers can see their dashboard, order history and can contact to the admin through the mobile app. So what are you waiting for, you must now have a mobikul marketplace to be a step ahead.
Highlighted Features:
- Seller Profile.
- Seller Dashboard.
- Seller Order History.
- Market Place Landing Page Where Popular sellers and Description about the marketplace is mentioned.
Note: The MOBIKUL Marketplace Mobile app is a different module. You have to install it separately.
Installation of the module is super easy you need to move the app folder into Magento root directory.
How To Use
After the installation of the Magento Marketplace web services api, you just need to follow given instructions.
Connect your application to Marketplace host where this addon installed like this.
For example
Like above Marketplace Api methods you can also use following methods.
Methods and parameters | Return Type |
seller.setSeller[$sellelrid,$shopurl] |
string |
seller.unsetSeller[$sellelrid] |
string |
seller.assignProducttoseller[$sellerid,$productid] |
string |
seller.unassignProductfromseller[$productid] | string |
seller.getSellerprofile[$sellerid] | JSON |
seller.getSellerlist | JSON |
seller.getProductlistofseller[$sellerid] | JSON |
seller.payCommissiontoseller[$sellerid] | string |
seller.approveSellerproduct[$product] | string |
seller.getSellertotalsales[$sellerid] | JSON |
seller.getSellertotalorderdetails[$sellerid] | JSON |
seller.getProductListBySeller[$sellerid] | JSON |
seller.approveSeller[$sellerid] | JSON |
seller.setSeller[$sellelrid,$shopurl]– Using sellerid (Existing customerid) you can convert normal customer to the seller. Required parameters are sellerid, shopurl. Return type will be string if success occur. In case of any notification Return Type will string.
seller.unsetSeller,[$sellerid]– Using sellerid you can convert a seller into normal customer. Required parameter is sellerid. Return type will be string.
seller.assignProductToSeller[$sellerid,$productid]– Use this API method to assign product to the seller using sellerid, productid parameters. You can assign particular product to the seller by passing sellerid and product id. Return type will be string if success occur. In case of any notification Return Type will string. You can pass multiple Product ids in string format for example: ‘1,2,3,….’
seller.unassignProductFromSeller[$productid]– Using productid parameter, unassign the product from the seller. You can unassign or remove the product from seller using this API method. Return type will be string and string.You can pass multiple Product ids in string format for example: ‘1,2,3,….’
seller.getSellerProfile[$sellerid]– Using this API Method you can get seller profile by sellerid parameter. Return type for this method is JSON.
seller.getSellerList– You can get the list of all sellers using this API method. Return value is JSON.
seller.getProductListOfSeller[$sellerid]– Using this API method, To get all product list of particular seller through sellerid parameter. It returns value in JSON.
seller.payCommissionToSeller[$sellerid]– By passing sellerid (Existing customerid), remaining amount of the seller will go to the admin account. Return type will be string if success occur. In case of any notification Return Type will string.
seller.approveSellerProduct[$product]– Product approval will happen from this API method. You can approve the seller product by passing product parameter. If successfully approve the product then Return type will be string. Otherwise in case of any notification Return Type will be string.You can pass multiple Product ids in string format for example: ‘1,2,3,….’
seller.getSellerTotalSales[$sellerid]– By passing sellerid parameter, you can get seller’s total sales. Returns the list of seller total sales using this API method. Return value is JSON.
seller.getSellerTotalOrderDetails[$sellerid]– Returns the list of seller total order details using this API method. Use sellerid as parameter and return type is JSON.
seller.getProductListBySeller[$sellerid]– By passing sellerid, you can get the seller’s product list. Return type will be JSON.
seller.approveSeller[$sellerids]– Using sellerid you can approve the request to being a seller and can make then a seller. return type will be JSON. You can pass multiple seller’s id in string format like ‘1,2,3,….’
Like above Marketplace Api methods you can also use following methods.
Methods and parameters | Return type |
mpapiSellerSetSeller[$sessionId,$sellelrid,$shopurl] | string |
mpapiSellerUnsetSeller[$sessionId,$sellelrid] | string |
mpapiSellerAssignProductToSeller[$sessionId,$sellerid,$productid] | string |
mpapiSellerUnassignProductFromSeller[$sessionId,$productid] | string |
mpapiSellerGetSellerProfile[$sessionId,$sellerid] | JSON |
mpapiSellerGetSellerList[$sessionId,] | JSON |
mpapiSellerGetProductListOfSeller[$sessionId,$sellerid] | JSON |
mpapiSellerPayCommissionToSeller[$sessionId,$sellerid] | string |
mpapiSellerApproveSellerProduct[$sessionId,$product] | string |
mpapiSellerGetSellerTotalSales[$sessionId,$sellerid] | JSON |
mpapiSellerGetSellerTotalOrderDetails[$sessionId,$sellerid] | JSON |
mpapiSellerGetProductListBySeller[$sessionId,$sellerid] | JSON |
mpapiSellerApproveSeller[$sessionId,$sellerid] | JSON |
We have added REST API methods those are as follows-
Customer Level Operation | Methods and parameters | Return type |
1 | http://magentohost/api/sellers Request Type : POST Params : array(‘mageuserid’=>’userid’,’profileurl’=>’store url’) Params Datatype: JSON Description : Reques for becoming seller with his user id and shop url for uniquly identifying the seller at profile and collection page. |
2 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Retreive seller profile. |
3 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/product Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Retrieve seller products. |
4 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/order Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Get Order list of the seller. |
5 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/order/sales/1 Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Get overall sales details. |
Now We will discuss about the Admin Level Operations-
Admin level operations: | Methods and parameters | Return type |
1 | http://magentohost/api/sellers Request Type : POST Params : array(‘mageuserid’=>’userid’,’profileurl’=>’store url’) Params Datatype: JSON Description : Reques for becoming seller with his user id and shop url for uniquly identifying the seller at profile and collection page. |
2 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Retreive seller profile |
3 | http://magentohost/api/sellers Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Retreive all sellers profile. |
4 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id Request Type : PUT Params : array(‘wantpartner’=>1 or 0) Params Datatype: JSON Description : update seller status from partner or normal user set wantpartner value 1 for seller and 0 for default user. |
5 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/product Request Type : PUT Params : array(array(‘mageproductid’=>productId1), array(‘mageproductid’=>productId2), … ) Params Datatype: JSON Description : approve seller products. |
6 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/product Request Type : DELETE Params : array(array(‘mageproductid’=>productId1), array(‘mageproductid’=>productId2), … ) Params Datatype: JSON Description : disapprove seller products. |
7 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/product Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : retrieve seller products |
8 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/order Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : get seller orders list. |
9 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/order/sales Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Get Seller commission details. |
10 | http://magentohost/api/sellers/:id/pay Request Type : GET Params : array() Description : Pay seller amount. |
REST Roles
The Admin panel will have these menus and admin can easily manage the REST API’s and provide authentication to the users.
Here admin have to click on REST Roles to define permission for the users.
now admin can easily add new admin role or edit existing admin roles.
REST Attributes
After REST Roles admin have to select the REST Attributes to select attributes for the users.
Now admin can click on any role and select attribute for them. Admin can select all attributes or admin can select some attributes from the custom.
Create new Admin User
Admin can also create a new admin user and assign REST Roles to that particular user.
Admin have to click on add new user and after that admin can create new user.
Admin have to fill-up the basic information for the user and then click on the REST Roles.
Now here admin have to select the admin role for the user and the user will become the admin of Magento.
REST OAuth Consumers
Admin can give access to the user and every user will have their own unique keys & Secret keys.
Admin can fill up the basic information of the user and the keys will be system generated.
Thats all for the REST API’s configuration part.
We’ll add more method in Magento Marketplace web service api Day by Day.
That’s all for the base Magento Marketplace web services api, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1.0
Supported Framework Version - 1.6.x.x, 1.7.x.x, 1.8.x.x, 1.9.x.x