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How to add currency and activate on front shop in shopware6 ?

Updated 13 August 2021

In this blog we will learn about “How to add currency and activate on front shop.”


Shopware is a leading Germany based e-commerce platform. Till the date, the platform has received more than 80 thousand users. Shopware is an open-source eCommerce framework.

Meanwhile, the features which are taking this Plateform to prime levels are content managementMulti-warehouse system, and many more.

Shopware is now starting to enter new European nations and is making a big impact in the UK. You can check here other Shopware modules –


Here we will learn How to add currency and activate on front shop in shopware. we will see how an admin can create a new currency. And we will see how it will show at front end page..

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Create a new currency

To create a new currency in Shopware, you have to log in to the admin page. And then go to the Shopware 6 Setting and then navigate to the setting>shop menu.


Now click on the currencies menu. A new page will get open to create new currency.Here you will see the currencies list which are raised already.


Now if you want to add new currency then click on add currency button.A new page will get open to add the new currency. Here You can define a name , a short name , a symbol , a factor , which is derived from the main factor, and the decimal places  for the corresponding currency. After that click on save button.


Here you will see the added currency in the list.


Now Navigate to sales channel.Here add the currency in the section of currencies


Now check the currency at the front end.


Above you can see the added currency.

I hope it will help you.

Please explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions.

Thanks for reading

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