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Google meet app verification process: Booking app for shopify

Updated 11 November 2024

While using the Booking App with the Multi-Vendor Marketplace app, multiple sellers may be involved.

To enable different users to access the Google Meet feature in the app, you must create a project in the Google Cloud console and submit the app for verification and publication by Google

This guide provides an overview of how to enable Google Meet in your booking app, explains its functionality, and walks you through the process of submitting your app for Google verification.

Benefits of Integrating Google Meet in Your Booking App

Integrating Google Meet lets users create, join, or schedule video meetings in the app, enhancing vendor-customer interactions for consultations, events, and appointments.

For detailed information on the configuration of the Google Meet feature within the Booking app, please refer:

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Why Google Verification is Required for Multiple Users

If you’re using the booking app for a single user (such as during testing or development), then in the Google Cloud console (for Google Meet configuration) test mode is sufficient.

However, for apps used by multiple vendors or users, like in a multi-vendor model (MVM), the app submitted in the Google Cloud console, needs to be published and verified by Google.

Important Note on Token Usage

The person who adds their token becomes the meeting host. Sellers must use their own tokens to host meetings for their products, and admins also need their own tokens to host meetings.

To use this app you need to have an Access Token and Refresh Token. To get the two follow the following steps:

1 . You first need to visit the Google Cloud Console, you can use the following link to redirect to the Google Cloud Console.

Getting Started

2. Once you open the Google Cloud Console then log in with your Google account only (try to use the same Google email ID used in the store) and click on the Start a Project button.

Start Project

3. From here you can add a new project. Try to keep the project’s name the same as the store to avoid confusion. 

Add Project

4. Provide the name of the Project, as stated earlier make sure the name of the project and store are the same as the location of the organization, and then create the project

Project Name

5. Once you have created your projects. From here you can check all the projects that you have created.

Navigate Project

6. In this section you can find all the projects that you have created. It has three sections.

Recent: In this section you can see all the recent projects that you have created

Starred: All the projects which are marked starred will be shown in this section

All: In this section, you can view all the projects you have created, and they all are differentiated from each other based on their location.


7. Once you select the project you can find your project name over here which will confirm that you are working on the correct project

Selected Project Name

7. Click on the sidebar at the top and then the following side window panel will open and in that window panel you will find API;s & Services, select API’s & Services.

API and Services

8. Once you select the APIs & Services and then you can find another window, Select the OAuth consent screen.

OAuth Consent Screen

9. Once you open the OAuth consent screen the following window will appear, then select the External option.

Note: In the case of the External You can use any Google account as a test user, It can also provide you with a testing phase in which you can test your store before publishing it live.


10. After selecting the configuration type you can now Start with the setup of your store. 

This is the first option for setting up your store. In this, you will add the following information related to your store.

  1. Add Your app name and then provide the support email (The support Email will be a Google account)
App Information

 2. Add your store Logo

App Logo

3. Add your domain links 

  1. Application Home Page: In this, you have to enter the link of your site’s home page
  2. Application Privacy Policy Link:  In this, section you have to provide the privacy policy link 
  3. Application Terms of Service Link: In this section, you have to provide the link to your website’s terms of service link.
App Domain

 4. Now you have to add the domain of your store (Make sure your domain is pre-registered)

5. Customers need to add the domain ‘’ as an Authorized domain along with their own domain.

Authorized Domain

 6. Add the Developer contact details and then click save and continue to the next section

Developer Info

Scope : 

1. Another section is Scope. In this section, the admin can enable all the information they want to get from the user.

Google API

You can select this scope and once you select this scope you can Update it.


You can find the selected scope in the sensitive scopes section


Once you added the scope then you have to describe how will you use this scope in the following section

Describe API

You need to explain to Google how will you use the following API in your application and why you need this scope.

Explain why the API is used, then create a YouTube video and paste its link in the box.

Your YouTube video must demonstrate how your app uses the OAuth grant process, detailing how sensitive and restricted scopes are applied for each OAuth client to support the app’s functionality.

The video should clearly show the app’s details such as the app name, OAuth client ID, and so on..

After selecting your scopes, save and continue.

YouTube Demo Video

Test Users:

Another section is the Test Users

When you create your store over the Google Cloud console it will be in the testing stage so only test users can access the app in that phase other than admin.

Test Users are important as they can access the app during the testing phase and can find or fix the e vulnerabilities of the following app

  1. By clicking on the add user you can add the user email id and only that user with that particular email id can publish your store.

Note: The Test User can use a Gmail account or any workspace email ID connected to Gmail.

Test User

This section will show the names and email IDs of all test users assigned to an app, and you can also filter them.

Add Test User

You can remove any test user from this section.

Delete User


The next section summarizes all the details listed from each part of the OAuth consent screen. The admin can review everything here, and if all is correct, they can return to the dashboard.

Edit App Registration
Summary Test User

Dashboard : 

On the dashboard, you can find whether your App is live or in the testing stage.

If your App is in testing then you have to Publish your app.

Publishing Status

You can find that your Publishing status changed from Testing to in-production



You need to verify your App as it is using a sensitive API, so you need to prepare you app for verification.


Click on Prepare for verification and your app will show you details of your app before sending request for verification.

Prepare to veriyf

Once you click on the Prepare for Verification Button you have to verify information from all these sections.

Prepare for verification screen

Check all the details of your app from the Final Review section before submitting your app for verification.

Final Review

Check the following box and click on Submit for verification

Submit for verification

When completing this process, the following message will appear on your dashboard.

Verification in Progress

After completing this process, the following message will appear on your dashboard.

After the verification, you will get your tokens. Once you get your tokens you can add them to your Google Apps and use them.

Furthermore, if you need any kind of support/Consultancy then please raise a ticket at or drop an email at [email protected]

. . .

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