As the name suggests , this module convert the price of your store’s product in run time as per your country location .lets say your current store currency is dollar and when you’ll open your site in Netherlands it will converts in to Euro automatically.No complex configuration just install the module and that’s it.
Magento Supported Version- Magento version 1.6.x.x, Magento version 1.7.x.x, Magento version 1.8.x.x, Magento version 1.9.x.x.
- Change Price at Category Page.
- Change Price at Product Page.
- Change Price at Cart
- Change Price at Checkout Page.
- Change Price at Compare Page.
- Change Price at Wishlist Page.
- Multi Store Functionality.
Its pretty easy you just need to move app folder into magento root that’s it.
After moving all the folder flush the cache from Magento admin module . Under system -> cache management.
And now your Magento Geolocation Currency Converter module has been installed.
After successful installation of the module you need to go to System-> Configuration -> Geolocation Currency Converter and enable the currency converter as per screenshot.
This module will convert the price at product page, at category page, at cart etc. as per screenshot.
That’s all for the Magento Geolocation Currency Converter, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1.0.1
Supported Framework Version - 1.6.x.x 1.7.x.x 1.8.x.x 1.9.x.x
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