Being a store owner, you put lots of efforts for creating an ultimate buying experience for your customers. So, here comes the Advanced Notification add-on for your CS-Cart store which boosts the customer experience with its opulent notifications feature and sends notifications in users account on storefront itself for various events like order status change, shipment creation etc.
Store Admin also gets the option to get notified at the backend for any new order creation, RMA request generation etc.
Admin can select the events on which the notifications should be sent to the customer or received at his end. An impressive view of notifications at the front end and backend enhances its features.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
Features and Benefits
- Well integrated with CS-Cart & Multi-Vendor.
- Admin has the option to get notified when
- An order created from the storefront.
- An RMA request generated.
- A review added to order/product/category/testimonials.
- A user gets registered.
- Admin can notify customers when
- Order status changed.
- A shipment created.
- RMA request declined or gift certificate created.
- A post added to their orders.
- User Group status changed.
- In addition admin can send custom notifications to the customers. Which might contain any information including images, hyperlinks etc.
- Ability to set the timeout for notification means the time after which the notification is considered as seen automatically.
- Also improve the user experience.
- Moreover Easy to configure and manage at admin end.
How To Upload And Install The Add-on
First Go to Manage Add-ons, click on “+”.
Secondly Click on “Local” to browse the zip file and then click on “Upload & Install”.
Finally Add-on installed successfully!
Add-on Configuration
Now click on Settings to configure the add-on .
Also there are options to enable notifications for various events.
Option to notify customers on-
- order status change.
- shipment creation.
- RMA request decline/gift certificate creation.
- A post/comment update to the customer’s orders.
- User Group status change.
Notify Admin on-
- Order creation.
- RMA generation.
- Getting review on orders/products/categorys/testimonials.
- User Registration.
Notification Timeout-
Here admin gets the ability to set the timeout for notification means the time after which the notification is considered as seen automatically.
Back End View
To display the notifications at the front end we need to add a block in the layouts as shown below.
Add a template block on the default page at any desired location.
Set the name of the block & choose the template of Advanced Notification to create a block.
This is how you can add the notification block.
Moreover there is also a feature to add and send a custom notification to the desired customer from backend. For that go to Marketing-> Advanced Notification
Here you can add the notification templates and send those to desired customers list. Just click + button to add and send one.
Just add the notification content which includes the subject, target URL, description as shown below.
Now add the users to whom the notification needs to be sent. Click to add users as shown below.
It shows us the pop-up with the users’ list. Just select and add the users as shown below & then click on the send button to send the notification instantly.
Notifications At the Customer End
The notification icon is available for the logged-in customers at the location where the notification block is added. Where the customer can allow/disallow receiving notifications or he can mark all as read.
In the custom notification, the notification content appears in a pop-up after clicking the Read More link. This is what the content looks like.
Still, have any issues, feel free to write here and let us know your views to make the module better.
Besides this, you can explore our CS-Cart Development Services and Quality CS-Cart add-ons.
Current Product Version - 1.0
Supported Framework Version - 4.18
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